I know many of us were impressed with Amy Ryan's turn as Holly Flax in the season finale.  The rapport and chemistry with Michael was one of the high points for me, and I was hoping for more of that next season.  Unfortunately, that might not be the case... at least according to TV Guide's Matt Roush--

As for Amy Ryan: Last time I checked this week, there was no news yet about her returning to the show. But it's hard to imagine she won't appear at least once more — unless Holly was so put off by Michael's arousal and later rejection that her absence is explained later in exposition. I hope we get to see her again — but yeah, don't count on her for the spin-off. This actress's career is just taking off, and this Office role is likely something of a fun lark.

That makes me incredibly sad, but then again, I won't start gnashing my teeth until we get some kind of confirmation from NBC.  I *DID* say that Toby could easily come back to the show after having found Costa Rica distasteful for some reason, so who knows.  All I can say is that I'll really miss her character... is it too soon to make my "Team Holly" shirt? (^_-)

Category:general -- posted at: 1:02pm EDT

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