Wed, 29 August 2012
Episode # 131 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin crying like tiny little babies. Friends, listeners, countrymen... lend me your ears. We've come to bury TWSS, not to praise it. OK, maybe we'll praise it a little. The last half of season EIGHT on the other hand..? Hrm. THANK YOU to everyone who listened to and/or donated to TWSS over the past five seasons. TWSS and THE OFFICE have taken up a huge portion of my life, and left me with many awesome memories. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Tue, 21 August 2012
By Kevin Crossman
This news is sure to reinvigorate the desire for Steve Carell’s character Michael Scott to return to the show in some capacity. Daniels left that open but also indicated he didn’t want to force it. And it would be Carell’s call as well, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Much of last season’s cast will not be present as regulars or even at all for the upcoming season. Both Mindy Kaling and BJ Novak are expected to make occasional appearances, while James Spader’s character is definitely out. Andy Buckley is returning as David Wallace who will be “running things” according to Daniels. Importantly, deals were signed with key leads John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, and Ed Helms.
-- posted at: 8:46pm EST
Mon, 18 June 2012
This should not be a surprise to longtime listeners, but our upcoming Season 8 finale will also be the series finale for the That's What She Said Podcast. It's been a great ride but unlike certain network executives, Matt and Kevin (mostly Matt) know when it's time to step away. So, dear listeners, please leave a comment about how TWSS has touched your lives and affected your dreams - you might just hear it on our final show. Also, if you want to get angry - don't punch the wall. Leave a colorful comment for us to read.
-- posted at: 11:07pm EST
Mon, 18 June 2012
In preparation for Matt and Kevin's season-ending recording of the That's What She Said Podcast, we ask our dear listeners for their thoughts on Season 8. Did you love it? Did you hate it? What were your favorite moments, storylines, or characters? Let us know... The eighth season consisted of twenty-four episodes. James Spader reprises his role as Robert California, the new CEO of Dunder Mifflin/Sabre. Andy is promoted to Regional Manager and works hard to make a good impression on Robert, and asks Dwight to be his number two. Pam and Jim are expecting their second child, Phillip, at the start of the season, to coincide with Jenna Fischer's real life pregnancy. Angela is pregnant with her first son, also named Philip, with Sen. Robert Lipton (although it is implied that Dwight Schrute is actually the child's biological father). Darryl starts falling for new warehouse worker Val. Dwight is tasked with traveling to Tallahassee, Florida in order to assist Sabre Special Projects Manager Nellie Bertram (Catherine Tate) in launching a chain of retail stores, along with Jim, Ryan, Stanley, Erin, and new office temp Cathy Simms. Cathy is also revealed to have ulterior motives for the trip, as she intends to seduce Jim, but fails. Robert later kills the retail store project, blaming Todd Packer for the debacle. Erin decides to stay in Florida as an elderly woman's live-in helper. Andy goes to Florida and wins back Erin, but this allows Nellie to claim the manager position as her own. Robert tells Andy that he has been demoted back to a salesman, but refuses to accept the news, which causes him to be fired. Andy becomes motivated to begin a Dunder Mifflin comeback and joins with former CFO, David Wallace, to buy Dunder Mifflin back from Sabre putting Sabre completely out of business and giving Andy the manager position once again.
-- posted at: 10:45pm EST
Thu, 16 February 2012
Dwight returns to Tallahassee and competes with Todd Packer (David Koechner) to impress the president of Sabre's special projects, Nellie Bertram (Catherine Tate). Meanwhile, in Scranton, Andy dodges requests by the staff for raises Director and writer: TBA ___________________ Urgh. The return of Nellie, a character that I HATED when she was introduced during last season's "Search Committee." Thankfully the show went with Robert California as the office manager, but like a bad dream they just can't let go of Catherine Tate and the extremely annoying character of Nellie. Perhaps we'll see a "new" Nellie who might not be so bad. We'll see... - TWSS Kevin
-- posted at: 12:07pm EST
Fri, 10 February 2012
Just as Pam's maternity leave ends, Dwight and Andy must select employees to accompany Dwight to Tallahassee after he is sent on an assignment. Directed by David Rogers, written by Amelie Gillette ___________________________ This is TWSS Kevin. Matt seems to be dodging my emails so I really have no idea if we'll return from hiatus. Blame the gradual decline in quality of The Office and good bit of Wisconsin politics. That said, I REALLY liked this episode, especially some of the continuing storylines with Val and Darryl, Erin, Dwight, and Angela. It made me forget, perhaps for the first time, that there used to be somebody called Michael Scott on the show. In any case, we'd love to hear your feedback.
-- posted at: 12:36am EST
Thu, 2 February 2012
After Jim returns from jury duty, Dwight questions him on every detail of his case. Meanwhile, Angela and the senator (guest star Jack Coleman) welcome their new baby. Directed by Eric Appel, Written by Aaron Shure ____________ Hey TWSS listeners, this is TWSS Kevin. We'd love to hear your thoughts on this week's episode. I'm looking forward to the requisite gay jokes that are of course the hallmark of any episode featuring the father of a new baby.
-- posted at: 10:55pm EST
Fri, 20 January 2012
When Robert decides to sell his mansion due to his divorce, Kevin suggests that he throw an office pool party, where Erin tries to make Andy jealous by flirting with Dwight and Robert gives everyone a tour of his mansion. Writer: Owen Ellickson, Director: Charles McDougall --------- As always, dear Office fans, we'd love to hear your thoughts on tonight's episode.
-- posted at: 12:21am EST
Sun, 15 January 2012
Description: When Oscar joins a trivia contest, Andy tries to get the entire office involved. Meanwhile, Dwight goes to Sabre headquarters to explore other job opportunities. Writer: Steve Heley, Director: BJ Novak ------- The guy on the right looks awfully familiar. If only I could place the face...
-- posted at: 3:49pm EST
Thu, 8 December 2011
Andy attempts to make everyone's Christmas wishes come true while Robert drinks too much at the Christmas party. Written by Mindy Kaling, Directed by Ed Helms ______________ Are you feeling the spirit? Or, are you a Scrooge? Either way, leave a comment with your thoughts on this episode of The Office.
-- posted at: 8:00pm EST
Wed, 7 December 2011
Episode # 130 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin in a state of confusion (eating Asian fusion?). I wish they ALL could be "California" girls... don't I? or not? Uh... little help? Robert? Jim? Anyone..? When Roberto Californo sends Andy mixed signals about hiring the missus (Biiitch), it leads to an afternoon of fun and bafflingly nervous anxiety. What I wouldn't give for one of Phyllis's classic room clearing farts right now! Meanwhile, Dwight starts a gym, Darryl continues his season-long chartacter arc, and Kathy continues to... exist. Damn, who'd have thought that Jim Halpert was such a nimble little minx? Nothing motivates like bowel-clenching fear, I guess. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 1 December 2011
Robert California gives his wife (Maura Tierney) a job in the office. Meanwhile, Dwight opens a gym in the building. Writer: TBA, Director: TBA ______ Will ER veteran Maura Tierney bring "must see TV" back to NBC Thursday night televsion? Leave a comment on the episode.
-- posted at: 8:54pm EST
Wed, 30 November 2011
Episode # 129 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin wondering if it's "too soon" to joke about Lincoln's death. TWSS listeners: You've got your sheep, and you've got your black sheep... and I'm not even a sheep. I'm on the freakin' moon! When Andy realizes that business is like a war, he decides to give the office staff a battlefield education. Surely the lessons learned from the Battle of Gettysburg can be applied to the daily operations of a small paper company? Meanwhile, Kevin loves cookies, Gabe-raham Lincoln wows the crowds, and Dwight finds his ancestors once hid fabulous dandies. You know, in the African-American community, this episode is... no? Well, I thought it was worth a try. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Sat, 26 November 2011
Episode # 128 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin playing the body-bongos. Ooh, baby I love your (replacement's) way-ay... eve'ry day! When preggo-Pam is feeling a bit underappreciated and under-actractive, who better to call on for some crotch-grabbing/ husband testing action than dear old Dwight K. Schrute? NO ONE, I say! Let hilarity ensue! Meanwhile, Andy, Darryl and Kevin learn a valuable lesson about jamming, Gabe continues to creep everyone out, and I continue to wonder why, eactly, Pam needs a replacement to do her fake office manager job. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 17 November 2011
Andy decides to motivate and inspire everyone by taking them on a field trip to Gettysburg. Some people in the office stay behind and Robert California asks them to come up with Dunder Mifflin/Sabre's next big idea. Guest star: Lindsey Broad. Writer: TBA, Director: TBA ----- Another field trip for our Office friends. Will it be as satisfying as it was in Doomsday?
-- posted at: 12:58pm EST
Tue, 15 November 2011
Episode # 127 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin jamming out to Semisonic. It's Y2K all over again! When Robert California berates Andy for the office staff's many mistakes, it's up to Dwight "#2" Schrute to set things right-- with a computerized doomsday... I mean "accountability" booster. Five strikes, one home run, and the self-destruct mechanism is triggered. Surely they'll be up for the challenge. Right? Ehem. Meanwhile, Gabe and Darryl enter a Bermuda Triangle of love, and... well, that's about it for side-plots. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Fri, 11 November 2011
Pam trains a temporary worker to take her place while she is on maternity leave, and enlists Dwight's support when she tries to show that Jim finds her replacement attractive. Meanwhile, Robert surprises Andy, Kevin, and Darryl when he asks to join their band. Written by Allison Silverman, Directed by Matt Sohn ----- Some real-life issues this week so we're late on recording Doomsday. Nonetheless, please leave a comment and tell us what you thought of Pam's Replacement.
-- posted at: 1:22am EST
Thu, 3 November 2011
Dwight (Rainn Wilson) devises a system to find mistakes made by employees in the office. To improve efficiency, he installs a doomsday device that will get someone fired if they make too many mistakes. ----- As always, please leave your comments about the episode here on the blog. If you're looking for a real doomsday device, check out Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970). Not the best of the series, mind you, but there's a great payoff at the end that I doubt will be seen in tonight's episode of The Office. -- Kevin Crossman
-- posted at: 7:13pm EST
Tue, 1 November 2011
Episode # 126 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin experimenting with "podcasting of the unsettling." It's that time of year again when young hearts turn to thoughts of... fear. Or, at least the "unsettling." When Robert California expresses his high expectations for the annual Halloween party, Andy feels the pressure to deliver... and poor Wendy (er... Erin) isn't cutting the mustard. What's a manager to do? Meanwhile, Jim and Pam argue about ghosts, Dwight meets his intellectual equal, Toby gets fired, and Robert California gives his own demented version of the "one more thing" speech. At least we can take solace in the fact that mummies aren't real. Right? RIGHT?? Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 27 October 2011
Erin struggles to make a scary Halloween party that meets the requests of Andy and Robert. Jim and Pam argue whether or not ghosts are real, while Dwight bonds with Robert's young son, Bert. Writer: Carrie Kemper, Director: Randall Einhorn Another Halloween episode likely filled with circa-2011 pop culture references. Be sure to put this into your time machine for viewing in 2016, when it likely will either be groan-worthy or completely baffling. Please leave your feedback below, and it might just be used on the next episode of the podcast.
-- posted at: 7:07pm EST
Mon, 24 October 2011
Episode # 125 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin enjoying a delicious watercress sandwich. When Andy throws a garden party at Schrute Farms in a 2-for-1 attempt to impress both his dear old dad AND Robert California, you just gotta know this isn't going to work, don't you? I mean, anyone? Still, poor AndyÉ it's not everyday you get outsung AND disrespected by the guy who starred in Tales of the Gold Monkey. Add in a sycophantic Gabe, a baby naming war, the return of Kevin's toupee, and the most ridiculous Jim/Dwight prank ever, and you've got one big hairy mess. And goats. Lots and lots of goats. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Fri, 14 October 2011
Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) throws a garden party at Schrute Farms to impress Robert California (James Spader), with his parents and brother in attendance. Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) works to make it a classy event. Writer: Justin Spitzer. Director: David Rogers ----
-- posted at: 12:09am EST
Wed, 12 October 2011
Episode # 124 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin catching lotto-fever. You've gotta be in it to win it! When the warehouse crew quits after winning the lottery, Andy and (Fat) Darryl have to interview and hire a NEW squad of licensed warehouse experts. Unfortunately, Darryl's existential mid-life crisis seems to be getting in the way just the teensiest bit. Meanwhile, Jim, Kevin, and Erin set their combined brainpower towards streamlining the loading process. Senor Loadenstein, anyone? Yes, this is real. Painfully real... what is happening right now. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 6 October 2011
From Wikipedia: When all the warehouse workers win the lottery and then quit, everyone in the office dreams of what it would be like to win big.Andy (Ed Helms) and Darryl (Craig Robinson) search for new warehouse employees, while Jim (John Krasinski), Erin (Ellie Kemper), Dwight (Rainn Wilson) and Kevin (Brian Baumgartner) get a taste of warehouse life. The episode was written by co-executive producer Justin Spitzer, his 10th writing credit for the series. It was directed by cast member John Krasinski, who portrays Jim Halpert; this was the second episode directed by Krasinski for the series. ---- Please leave your feedback below, and it might just be used on the next episode of the podcast.
-- posted at: 6:23pm EST
Tue, 4 October 2011
***WARNING! EXTREMELY CRITICAL COMMENTS INSIDE!*** Episode # 123 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin arguing over which one of them is going to get the "TWSS" tramp-stamp. Me am Matt. Me no happy with cold open. Me cry now. When Robert California challenges Andy to double the office's sales figures, Andy will have to use every beet selling trick he can manage to steal if he hopes to impress the new boss. If that doesn't pan out, I guess he'll just incentivize them by offering up his stink for the ink. Obviously, you're going to go the ass tattoo route. And obviously, I'm gonna like it. Or not. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 29 September 2011
Robert California (James Spader) challenges the Scranton branch to double sales after a rousing motivational speech. After Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) promises the unthinkable, everyone in the office suddenly gets motivated to sell. Meanwhile, Pam Halpert (Jenna Fischer) finds an unlikely pregnancy friend. written by Paul Lieberstein directed by Charles McDougall ----- Leave a comment about this episode and influence the opinion of your hosts, Kevin and Matt. If you're especially interesting or insightful you may hear your comment on the podcast.
-- posted at: 9:11pm EST
Mon, 26 September 2011
Episode # 121 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin... actually making podcasts again. California, rescue me//From office mee-dee-ock-ri-tee. It's the dawn of a Carell-less season of The Office, and both Robert California and Andy Bernard find themselves filling the managerial voids left by their predecessors. The question is, on which side of the list will they fall? When California divides the office into winners and losers, it's up to Andy to set the record straight. Except for Gabe, that is… very astute. So. Winners, prove him right; losers, prove him wrong… and then… SHOVE IT UP YOUR BUTT. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 22 September 2011
Written and directed by B.J. Novak Robert (James Spader) stops by for the first time as CEO, accidentally leaving behind a mysterious list, divided down the middle with each employee's name on one of two sides. Everyone in the office frantically tries to figure out what it means. Meanwhile, the new manager faces a crisis. ----- What's this? Yes, TWSS fans, the moment you've all been waiting for (or at least some of you have been waiting for). After six months of fighting for the rights of teachers and working people in Wisconsin, influencing directly or indirectly the entire nation, Matt is back in the TWSS saddle at least for now. Meanwhile, Kevin has been relaxing on the beach in liberal California wondering what all the fuss is about. TWSS's format will be changing. A little. Probably shorter shows (but not "short shows"). Definitely fewer clips. But all that great That's What She Said banter that's made us famous. So, please leave a comment about this week's season premiere. If you have thoughts about Steve Carell leaving the show (and getting screwed out of winning a much-deserved Emmy), or the events of last season it's okay to leave those comments here as well. -Kevin Crossman
-- posted at: 1:11am EST
Thu, 24 February 2011
I should have done this sooner, but I'm hoping a LATE explanation is still better than NO explanation.
If you've been following the news about what's going on in Wisconsin, you might have seen that we're all kinds of up in arms over a proposed "budget repair bill" which (among other things) will strip the collective bargaining rights from thousands upon thousands of public sector employees. As a public high school teacher, I (needless to say) find myself quite vexed by this prospect, and have spent nearly every free moment these past few weeks engaged in activities and protests aiming to stop this ridiculous partisan bill. Just in case that wasn't clear a moment ago, I'll repeat it-- we're fighting to keep our collective bargaining rights. Every state employee has already agreed to pay their "fair share" in raised costs, but this plan isn't about balancing the budget; It's about busting unions, and that dog just won't hunt.
I'm not asking for your support here, nor do I want to hear any uninformed rants about subjects of which most non-public sector employees have no understanding. I merely offer it as an explanation for why the podcast has trickled to a halt. We have one more episode in the hopper that has already been recorded (The Search), but I cannot guarantee anything beyond that.
For those who have supported the podcast and enjoyed our excessive rambling discussions of a twenty-minute TV show, please know it has been greatly appreciated. We will return if and when we can.
-- posted at: 3:11pm EST
Thu, 10 February 2011
From Wikipedia: PDA | 2.10.11
d: Greg Daniels w: Robert Padnick
Michael and Holly's public displays of affection start to make everyone in the office uncomfortable. Jim and Pam have too much champagne during lunch, causing complications when they have to return to work. Andy tags along on a romantic treasure hunt Gabe has made for Erin. ----- Speak of the devil and he appears! Kevin was wondering if Greg Daniels would rear his head now that Michael is on the way out, and here he is. Will the office "OG" bring back some of the missing magic, or will virgin writer Padnick queer the deal? According to IMDB, this is Padnick's first and ONLY writing credit... but he apparently played someone named "Willie" on the 8th season episode of SEINFELD, "The Foundation." Odd. As always, post your thoughts and comments on the episode in the space below. Also, join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show tonight. Just hit the green "Chat Now" button in the sidebar on the right.
-- posted at: 6:57pm EST
Thu, 3 February 2011
From Wikipedia:
THE SEARCH | 02.03.11 W: Michael Spiller D: Brent Forrester
Jim gets an emergency phone call from Helene (Linda Purl), forcing him to leave Michael at a gas station bathroom. This leads Holly, Erin, and Dwight on a search for the whereabouts of Michael. A captioning contest starts in the office over Pam's artwork, which seems to offend Gabe. --- Nothing much to say about this one, other than it reminds me of the classic episode of Seinfeld where Kramer is "lost" in NYC and Jerry has to go and find him (cue Daniel Day Lewis in LAST OF THE MOHICANS quote...). Glad to see Gabe mentioned prominently in the episode summary, as he seems to have had little to do for the last few episodes. I'm also kind of rubbing my eyes in disbelief as Andy isn't mentioned ONCE! Can it be? No Andy in the A or B plots? Unthinkable :) As always, post your thoughts and comments on the episode in the space below. Also, join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show tonight. Just hit the green "Chat Now" button in the sidebar on the right.
-- posted at: 5:31pm EST
Thu, 3 February 2011
Episode # 110 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin riding the crazy train. Hey Brohombre, coffee's for CLOSERS. When slumping sales lead Andy to promote a small business seminar in the Dunder Mifflin offices, the law de Murphy seems ready to table things before they get started. Can the Office's "B-team" seal the deal after the "A-team" flakes? Meanwhile, Michael's a plant, Jim's a coward, and Pam & Oscar help Erin play Scrabble against Gabe (it's all about the two letter words, baby). You know, since we've been gone, only SOME of you have told me you miss and enjoy the podcast...the rest of you are DEAD to me. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 27 January 2011
From Wikipedia:
THE SEMINAR | 1.27.11
Andy holds a small business seminar in the office with some special guests after he finds out that his sales are at his lowest. Michael and Holly use the seminar as an improv challenge. Erin and Gabe have a game of Scrabble where she engages others to join. Ricky Gervais is set to guest star as David Brent.
----- Well, here it is-- the moment I never thought we'd see, and never WANTED to see. If we pretend that David Brent exists in the same universe as Michael Scott, then we must accept that both of these offices experienced the EXACT same day, and said the exact same dialogue, and everything else (the pilots of both shows being identical). This seems to me to be, as George Costanza so eloquently put it, a massive example of "worlds colliding" that will shake the universe of THE OFFICE to the core. I absolutely HATE "wink wink" kind of humor and cameo appearances, so I'm sure this will be something that I have a lot to talk about in the podcast. OK, yeah, I know-- lighten up, Matt. It's a comedy show! If it's funny, who cares? Etc. Call me insane, but I *DO* care. I feel like this show I've loved and chronicled for the last four years is slowly becoming something I no longer appreciate or recognize. I HOPE I'm wrong about this. I HOPE that the guest spot is funny in and off itself, and they stay away from the "Dwight, ey? I know a bloke named Gareth who you'd get along with..." kind of stuff. I guess we'll just have to see. As always, post your thoughts and comments on the episode in the space below. Also, join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show tonight. Just hit the green "Chat Now" button in the sidebar on the right.
-- posted at: 5:24pm EST
Thu, 20 January 2011
From Wikipedia: ULTIMATUM | 1.20.11 Michael anticipates the news regarding the status of Holly and A.J.'s relationship. He later calls for a counseling session with Holly. Meanwhile, Pam puts up a New Years resolution board in the office so everyone can post their resolutions. ---- One can't help but wonder how soon they're going to end this "will she/won't she" thing with Holly and A.J. Kevin and I often expect plotlines to play out forever, and yet they're resolved within one or two episodes. Other times, something we think is a quick joke ends up running through an entire season. How will this play out? We now know that Steve Carell plans to exit the show at least four episodes before the actual finale, so will he get his "happy ending" with Holly? Using my "new math" skills, it seems we still have ten more Michael-filled eps before his departure. Here's hoping he goes out with a bang (and this is the episode that starts it all off). As always, post your thoughts and comments on the episode in the space below. Also, join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show tonight. Just hit the green "Chat Now" button in the sidebar on the right.
-- posted at: 6:09pm EST
Thu, 13 January 2011
Episode # 107 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin thinking of picking up the cello. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. When Michael returns from the dentist with a new-found fear of China, he becomes an office folk hero by putting Oscar "Mr. Actually" Martinez in his intellectual place. But round two looms, and things don't look good for our hero keeping the championship belt. Meanwhile, Pam and Dwight battle over the building, Creed parlays, Nate de-plies, and Andy attempts to woo back Darryl with the perfect text. One thing's for sure: there's plenty of crazy pigeon action up in THIS podcast! Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Sat, 25 December 2010
Episode # 106 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin preparing themselves for the TWSS IPO. You may be right; I may be crazy. But it just may be a social networking site you're looking for. When Michael and others in the office invest in Ryan's, they quickly come to realize that their long shot just might be a not shot. Can Michael overcome his mancrush on Ryan to save everyone's money? Aye... am not going to tell you. Meanwhile, Dwight becomes the hay king, Angela hooks up with a hero, and Jim... well, Jim does a whole lotta nothing. Kevin, can't we at least TRY to look busy here on the podcast? Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Fri, 24 December 2010
I guess this pic is in bad need of updating, but I just love it too much to let it go.
PS. "Santa" tells me that TWSS episode #106 for "WUPHF.COM" will be available sometime today...
-- posted at: 3:19pm EST
Thu, 9 December 2010
From Wikipedia: CLASSY CHRISTMAS | 12.9.10 w: Mindy Kaling d: Rainn Wilson Michael couldn't be happier when Toby takes a leave of absence, leaving corporate to send Holly Flax (Amy Ryan) to cover for him. Michael forces Pam to plan a second Christmas party on the day Holly returns to Scranton. Jim agrees to a snowball fight with Dwight, which he later regrets. ---------- Well, here we go again. The Office has made the annual Christmas episode a part of our collective holiday celebrations, but will CLASSY CHRISTMAS be another classic Christmas Party or a Moroccan Christmas lump of coal? We shall indeed see, and adding Amy Ryan's Holly back into the office surely can't hurt our chances. As always, join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the broadcast, and leave your comments below. Best comments get read on the next podcast!
-- posted at: 8:43pm EST
Thu, 2 December 2010
From Wikipedia: CHINA | 12.2.10 When Michael reads an article about China growing as a global power, he decides they must be stopped before they take over the United States. Pam threatens to move Dunder Mifflin to a new building after everyone in the office complains about Dwight's building standards. ------ As always, join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the broadcast, and leave your comments below. Best comments get read on the next podcast!
-- posted at: 7:01pm EST
Tue, 30 November 2010
Episode # 105 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin arguing over who's going to solo at regionals. There's a time for love and a time for livin'. Not since the epic battle between Tony Danza and Judith Light have so many wondered who, exactly, is the boss. When Erin and Gabe throw a Glee party, Michael resents that others think Gabe is his superior. Michael, spoil a party for his own selfish needs? Naaahh. Meanwhile, Pam sells out Jim in order to acquire Dwight's baby- whispering skills, Andy injests way too much powdered seahorse, and Kevin finally finds out what it's like to eat pigs in a blanket IN A BLANKET. Good times, my friends. Good times. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 18 November 2010
From Wikipedia: | 11.18.10 D: Danny Leiner W: Aaron Shure
Michael helps Ryan by charming people to invest in his internet company, Dwight creates a hay festival in the parking lot for the Thanksgiving holiday. Jim learns of a new Dunder Mifflin policy that prevents him from earning commission. -----
I never thought they'd have made this whole WUPHF thing a running joke for so long, as it seems remarkably similar to Ryan's role with DUNDER MIFFLIN INFINITY back in season four. Michael out looking for investors? Sounds a lot like the MICHAEL SCOTT PAPER COMPANY plotline from season five. Here's hoping writer Aaron Shure can breath some life into this limp sounding summary. As always, join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the broadcast, and leave your comments below. Best comments get read on the next podcast!
-- posted at: 6:50pm EST
Wed, 17 November 2010
Episode # 104 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin trying to get off this frickin' bus. Office writer Peter Ocko, why you always gotta be so mean to me? Baby CeCe's getting baptized, so of course the entire office trudges along to witness the "blessed" event. Michael (feeling boxed out) and Andy (looking to impress Erin), decide to join a Christian Youth bus trip to Mexico, Dwight drums up business, Toby argues with God, and Angela steals thousands of scones. What could possibly make this episode better? If you said "guest appearance from MeeMaw," it's your lucky day. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 11 November 2010
From Wikipedia: VIEWING PARTY Erin and Gabe invite the office over to Gabe's house for a Glee viewing party. Michael can't deal when people refer to Gabe as his boss. Andy grows more jealous of Gabe's relationship with Erin. ---- Yet another episode written by a virgin THE OFFICE writer this week-- I'm trying to put my faith in writer John Vitti, though, because he's written for THE SIMPSONS and KING OF THE HILL (two of my all time favorites). I can only hope that he "brings it" better than fellow newbie Peter Ocko did with last week's craptacular episode (TWSS episode forthcoming). Fingers crossed, but the inclusion of GLEE makes me extremely nervous. As always, leave your comments below and join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the airing of tonight's episode.
-- posted at: 6:55pm EST
Sun, 7 November 2010
Episode # 103 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin checking their trick-or-treat bags for rocks. Happy Halloween...JERKS! When Blackula goes behind MacGruber's back (or was it "takes him from behind"?) with an idea for corporate, Michael vows to defend the chain of command at all costs, friendship be damned. Meanwhile, Jim and Pam are still obsessing over Danny Cordray. Halpert? You looking for someone to bang your wife? Gabe-wad dances, Andy and Kevin choose sides, Oscar gets rational, and Angela...? OH EM EFF GEE. Oh, and TWSS listeners? Don't tell anyone I said anything to you... or YOU'RE DEAD. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 4 November 2010
Directed by Alex Hardcastle, Written by Peter Ocko
-- posted at: 11:27am EST
Thu, 28 October 2010
Costume Contest Directed by Dean Holland, Written by Justin Spitzer ---------------- As always, leave your comments below. Be sure to join Matt and Kevin in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show (just hit that green "Chat Now" button on the right sidebar).
-- posted at: 10:50am EST
Tue, 26 October 2010
Episode # 102 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin loving Big Brother. TWSS listeners, I find you absolutely ribbitting! When Michael, Jim, and Dwight are bested by male model slash pam's ex-lover slash salesman Danny Cordray, they set up an undercover "stinger" operation to learn the secrets to his hunky success-- if Meredith can keep her pants on, that is. Meanwhile, Andy's feeling blue when pal Broccoli Rob finds an amazingly small amount of professional success. His answer? Jam with Darryl and Kevin to create a kick-ass song people can ice skate to. Or... maybe a truck commercial? Either way. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Sun, 24 October 2010
This is hilarious and amazing stuff from Daily Show vets Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert. Or, if you like your humor more raunchy yet awkward...
-- posted at: 3:22pm EST
Thu, 21 October 2010
Written by Mindy Kaling, Directed by Randall Einhorn When a competing sales associate steals a Dunder Mifflin client, Michael, Jim, and Dwight decide to set up a sting to find out his sales secrets. Andy decides to start a band after finding out a friend from college has a successful music career. Guest star: Timothy Olyphant. As always, leave your comments below. Be sure to join Matt and Kevin in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show (just hit that green "Chat Now" button on the right sidebar).
-- posted at: 12:19pm EST
Thu, 21 October 2010
Episode # 101 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin cataloging their previous lovers. Give it a rest, pencil dick! When Michael learns he has herpes (or maybe just a cold sore), Dwight guilts him into taking a trip down sexual memory lane. Why? Revenge, of course. And maybe some personal growth if there's time. Meanwhile, Andy tries to impress Erin by teaching a sex ed seminar in the conference room. It goes about as well as can be expected. Angry? you won't LIKE him when he's angry. ANDY SMASH! At least Darryl's there to pick up the pieces. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Fri, 15 October 2010
Sex Ed | 10/13/2010 Michael comes to work thinking he has a pimple, but it turns out to actually be a cold sore. When he is told that it is a form of herpes, Michael contacts all his ex-girlfriends—Jan (Melora Hardin), Holly (Amy Ryan), Helene (Linda Purl), Donna (Amy Pietz), and Carol (Nancy Carell). Andy holds a sex education meeting in the office hoping to appeal to Erin's passionate side.
-- posted at: 5:53pm EST
Tue, 12 October 2010
Episode # 100 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin embracing the power of showtunes. Attend the tale of Michael Scott... his pride was hurt, his temper hot. Andy's plan to impress Erin with his Sweeney Todd performace hits a bit of an O'Henry-style snag when she ends up babysitting for Jim & Pam. Whoops. Meanwhile, Michael grows as a person (booooooo), Angela blue-balls Dwight, and Gabe orders some delicious broth. TWSS listeners-- my world crumbles when you are not here. Now shhhhh: if we don't listen to the overture, we won't recognize the musical themes when they come back later. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 7 October 2010
From Wikipedia: ANDY'S PLAY | 10.7.10 Andy invites the entire office to his community theater production of Sweeney Todd in hopes that Erin will attend. Michael tries to put his jealousy aside and enjoy the performance while Jim and Pam struggle with their incompetent babysitter. ---------- As always, leave your comments below. Be sure to join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show (just hit that green "Chat Now" button on the right sidebar).
-- posted at: 3:12pm EST
Tue, 5 October 2010
Episode # 99 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin eyeing each other while checking their copies of the DSM-IV. Pretty sneaky, sis! When Michael faces off against counselor Toby in a battle of wills, he's determined to keep his lips zipped. Can Toby break through his defenses with subtle subterfuge and a couple of classic board games? Only ALF may know for sure. Meanwhile, Dwight gets snubbed at the Steamtown Mall, Pam bluffs her way through the scam of all scams, and Ryan appears to have dipped into Dianetics. And Erin... oh, don't get me started on Erin. So, TWSS listeners, did you think I'd dislike this episode? How about now? How about now? How about now? How about now? Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Netflix. Instantly watch every episode of the office from the comfort of your laptop, desktop, Wii, PS3 or xbox360-connected TV. Go to to start your free trial today. Also, check out for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 30 September 2010
From Wikipedia: COUNSELING Corporate assigns Michael to have counseling with Toby. Dwight vows revenge on a shop owner at the Steamtown Mall and Pam tries to change her job title. ____________
Seeing as both this episode and the premiere were directed by the same individual, I can't help but wonder if this is actually going to be a "part two" sort of continuation from last week. Michael and Toby in counseling has the potential to be a good time, but have the writers already wrung the Flenderson hate dry? Hopefully they'll give us a little something more than just the "Toby is the worst!" sort of material. Pam's move to salesperson still seems completely underdeveloped, so her trying to change he job title seems a little odd. I know several people seem to want to see her take over as manager after Michael leaves, but she hasn't been anywhere close to earning that position. If she experiences some sort of career rebirth this season, maybe I can buy into the idea a bit more. As always, leave your comments below. Be sure to join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show (just hit that green "Chat Now" button on the right sidebar).
-- posted at: 11:59am EST
Tue, 28 September 2010
Episode # 98 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds Matt, Ian, and Kevin staking out their respective pee corners. Keeping it in the family? NO no. No. No no no. No no no no. Michael cheeses off his subordinates when he covertly hires his estranged nephew to be the new office assistant. The new, HORRIBLE, terrible, annoying office assistant. Maybe it's in the genes? Meanwhile, Gabe dates Erin, Creed hates Betty White, Ryan whores Wuphf, and Pam attempts to win back her husband's love by pranking Dwight. I'd normally say something incredibly pithy and clever here, but... if you'll excuse me, I believe my strawberries are ripe. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Netflix. Instantly watch every episode of the office from the comfort of your laptop, desktop, Wii, PS3 or xbox360-connected TV. Go to to start your free trial today. Also, check out for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 23 September 2010
From Wikipedia: NEPOTISM The office turns against Michael when he refuses to fire the new office assistant, who has a bad attitude. Erin shows interest in another man and Andy tries to play it cool. Pam pulls an office prank on her own to impress Jim.
------ Well, here we are again! I've purposely avoided any clips or spoilers for the premiere episode, so I'm going in nearly blind. Hopefully season seven will serve as a fitting farewell to Steve Carell. Looking forward to seeing how it plays out.
As always, join Kevin and me in the TWSS chatroom during and after the episode, and leave your comments on the episode below.
-- posted at: 9:05am EST
Sun, 15 August 2010
Episode # 97 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin furiously erasing their hard drives. If nobody talks, everybody walks. When word gets out about the Sabre printer fires, Jo goes on the warpath to smoke out the whistleblower. Will it be Andy, Pam, Darryl, or Kelly who get their anuses checked? Meanwhile, Dwight looks to make the investment of a lifetime, Michael bargains with the devil, and the IT guy... uh, Shadow? Garth? Sport?... makes a dramatic exit (boom, roasted). We cannot let the pedophile win again, folks-- I'd like you all to go to our website and listen to this episode of TWSS eleven times. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Netflix. Instantly watch every episode of the office from the comfort of your laptop, desktop, Wii, PS3 or xbox360-connected TV. Go to to start your free trial today. Also, check out for a free audiobook download.
Mon, 26 July 2010
Episode # 96 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin checking their calendars. Boing-oing-oing-oing-oing! When Michael continues dating Donna after finding out she's married, the entire office becomes disgusted with "Affair Mike's" remorseless attitude. It's up to Andy Bernard, the cuckolded ghost of infidelity past, to show his emotionally scroogey boss the errors of his ways. Meanwhile, Dwangela hash out terms of their baby contract, Ryan chickens out, and Jim and Pam go on a quest for a little shut-eye. Stop listening to TWSS because of its erratic publishing schedule? That's a dangerous game, Friend-o. Incidental music provided by the Podshow Podsafe Music Network. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Netflix. Instantly watch every episode of the office from the comfort of your laptop, desktop, Wii, PS3 or xbox360-connected TV. Go to to start your free trial today. Also, check out for a free audiobook download.
Tue, 15 June 2010
Episode # 95 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin eying their peripherals VERY carefully. The printer... the printer... the printer's on fire! We don't need no Dunkin Donuts gift card, let the mother effer burn. Michael's enjoying his new relationship to the fullest (it's even distracting him from work!), but when the office convinces him Donna's cheating, it's up to Dwight Schrute, P.I., to get to the bottom of things. What are a couple of thigh pulls between friends? Meanwhile, it gets all real up in here when Daryll decides to use Andy's printer concern as prank fodder. Will Andy's video hold evil tidings for Sabre? Only time will tell (wink, wink). And before we get started talking about THE COVER-UP, I'm just gonna warn you, and I say this to all our listeners... but you might not like what we find. And you might not like HOW we find it. Incidental music provided by the Podshow Podsafe Music Network. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Netflix. Instantly watch every episode of the office from the comfort of your laptop, desktop, Wii, PS3 or xbox360-connected TV. Go to to start your free trial today. Also, check out for a free audiobook download.
Sun, 13 June 2010
Sorry for the lack of news, updates, podcasts this past month. I realize that it must be sort of frustrating for Kevin and me (blame me, 100%) to have punked out so close to the finale. BUT! Fear not, loyal listeners. We're set to record another episode tonight which should be released sometime in the next few days. I'll do my best to make sure we get through the last three episodes of season six within the next few weeks. Thanks to everyone for their continuing support.
-- posted at: 1:05pm EST
Sun, 23 May 2010
Episode # 94 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin wondering what the significance of an extended index finger might be. Hola, amigos y amigas! Beinvenidos al programa de TWSS. When Donna stops by for a sales presentation, Michael can't quite seem to get a read on her feelings for him. Despite discouragement from everyone in the office (sans Pam), Michael, like Rudy, refuses to give up. People don't just TAKE OFF barettes, you know. Meanwhile, Sabre's looking for a few good minorities, and Dwight is bent on getting his own puppet into power. Too bad for him that Kelly seems to have plans of her own and, like the proverbial elephant, never forgets. Incidental music provided by the Podshow Podsafe Music Network. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Netflix. Instantly watch every episode of the office from the comfort of your laptop, desktop, Wii, PS3 or xbox360-connected TV. Go to to start your free trial today. Also, check out for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 20 May 2010
From Wikipedia:
The press learns that Sabre printers catch on fire and Jo, suspecting that someone within the company leaked the information, sets out to discover who the whistle-blower is.
-------- As always, post your comments below! Also, join Kevin and me in the TWSS chatroom during and after the airing of tonight's episode (I'll be there for the Eastern/Central showings; Kevin's got the Pacific). Scroll down and hit the big green CHAT button on the right.
-- posted at: 8:10pm EST
Wed, 19 May 2010
by Kevin Crossman There's been a lot of speculation about the Scranton Strangler, a plotline that seemed like a throwaway joke back on "The Delivery" but has been mentioned repeatedly in subsequent episodes. One might think that since they have mentioned the strangler frequently we will eventually learn the identity. Of course, the very topic of the strangler is odd; The Office is known for uncomfortable and awkward humor but serial killing is quite a bit of a darker shade of gray don't you think? On TWSS #94, Matt and I speculated on who we think the strangler might be, if the killer is a character we know from the show. Matt chose Gabe, which makes a lot of sense. The new Sabre character appeared in Scranton at about the same time as the killer and his "odd" personality would lend itself to serial killer theories. On the other hand, I chose Toby. A beloved (by some) and longtime character, Toby would be a unexpected choice. But, something tells me that the whimpy Toby has a dark and violent side. So, what do you think? Who do you think the Scranton Strangler is? What do you think of even the very topic of a serial killer on a comedy show?
-- posted at: 10:51am EST
Thu, 13 May 2010
From Wikipedia: THE CHUMP | 5.13.10 Michael is surprisingly cheerful after learning some bad news about Donna. The new parents, Pam and Jim, have trouble staying awake in the office. Meanwhile, Angela takes matters into her own hands when Dwight refuses to honor their pre-natal contract. -------- As always, post your comments below! Also, join Kevin and me in the TWSS chatroom during and after the airing of tonight's episode (I'll be there for the Eastern/Central showings; Kevin's got the Pacific). Scroll down and hit the big green CHAT button on the right.
-- posted at: 8:09pm EST
Wed, 12 May 2010
Episode # 93 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin hanging out in their respective hair rooms. I'll have what she's having! When Michael takes Erin (aka "the rube") out for a celebratory Secretary's Day lunch, he inadvertantly lets Andygela out of the bag (much to Erin's disgust). Meanwhile, the rest of the office spends the day pointing out Kevin's resemblance to a certain blue pastry-eating muppet, and it's up to Sabre's Gabe to lay down the law. Or not. Maybe they don't respect him enough? Maybe they have TOO much respect for him? Or maybe they still think he's the IT guy? Either way, SOMEONE's going home without pay. Or not. Incidental music provided by the Podshow Podsafe Music Network. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Netflix. Instantly watch every episode of the office from the comfort of your laptop, desktop, Wii, PS3 or xbox360-connected TV. Go to to start your free trial today. Also, check out for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 6 May 2010
THE COVER-UP | 5.6.10
Michael suspects Donna is cheating on him and puts PI Dwight Schrute on the case. Meanwhile, Andy is frustrated when no one takes his customer's complaint seriously.
---------- As always, please leave your comments below.
-- posted at: 10:33pm EST
Sat, 1 May 2010
Episode # 92 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin locked in epic battle with Date Matt and Date Kevin. Hey TWSS listeners, it's nice to meet me. How do you like your eggs in the morning? A desperate shot at gay love leads Oscar to invite the entire office (plus warehouse) out for drinks, but will Matt be worth the effort? Meanwhile, when Jim and Pam set Michael up with an unsuspecting friend, it's up to "Date Mike" to seal the deal. And what's this? Yet another love interest blooming? Where's Tina Fey when he needs her? Andy and Erin try to avoid the drama, Dwight and Isabelle reconnect, Kevin cries, Creed dances, Ryan and Kelly... exist. A good time is had by all. Exept Angela. Whack. Incidental music provided by the Podshow Podsafe Music Network. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Netflix. Instantly watch every episode of the office from the comfort of your laptop, desktop, Wii, PS3 or xbox360-connected TV. Go to to start your free trial today. Also, check out for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 29 April 2010
By Kevin Crossman This is something I've been mentioning on the podcast for a while now and Steve Carell has recently confirmed the details in a BBC interview. Carell is signed through next year's seventh season of The Office, where other cast members such as John Krasinski and Jenna Fischer are signed through an eighth season. So, could that mean that Carell could leave the show before the series ends? I've said as much for months now... and now Carell confirms it. OfficeTally has the clip of the interview. Interviewer: How long does your contract run? Carell: Contract through next season. Interviewer: And will you stay after that? Carell: I don’t think so. I think that will probably be my last year. What do you think? Can The Office survive without Carell? If he leaves, who do you think should take up residence in Michael's office? Jim? Dwight? Or how about my pick: Todd Packer? ---------- Matt says -- End it! Seriously, the show had a good run, but without Michael, what's the point? I suppose they could always just keep the rest of the cast, or bring in some other big name for the boss, or maybe they could take my suggestion and hire Steve Carell look-alike Peter Jacobson from HOUSE :) But it just won't be the same. End the show with a little dignity, guys.
-- posted at: 11:40am EST
Thu, 29 April 2010
From Wikipedia:
Pam and Jim work on their first sales pitch together to Donna, the manager of a local restaurant, but Michael keeps misreading the signals she's putting out. Dwight encourages Kelly to try out for the minority training program.
More with Donna. TWSS listeners-- what do you think about this new "relationship" for Michael? Do you buy it? Are you happy to see him involved again, or is this one romance too many this season? Curious to see how JAM work together, although the old rule about never working with your spouse might raise its ugly head here
As always, post your comments below!
Also, jjoin Kevin and me in the TWSS chatroom during and after the airing of tonight's episode (I'll be there for the Eastern/Central showings; Kevin's got the Pacific). Scroll down and hit the big green CHAT button on the right.
-- posted at: 10:33am EST
Thu, 22 April 2010
From Wikipedia:
Andy tries to make Erin's Secretary's Day a memorable one. While out to lunch with Erin, Michael accidentally informs her of Andy and Angela's past relationship. Oscar circulates a video he made which compares Kevin's voice to Cookie Monster's. -----
So after a lengthy hiatus, we are presented with what COULD be a "classic episode"-- it's written by Mindy Kaling, and directed by Steve Carell himself. More Andy and Erin stuff, which is OK, but certainly lacks the stakes of the classic Jim/Pam romance. Do I really CARE if they break up over the old Angela relationship? Not really. Still, we'll see where it goes. The Oscar/Kevin thing sounds rather ridiculous, but the potential for laughs seems rather high.
As always, post your comments below!
As always, join Kevin and me in the TWSS chatroom during and after the airing of tonight's episode (I'll be there for the Eastern/Central showings; Kevin's got the Pacific). Scroll down and hit the big green CHAT button on the right.
-- posted at: 6:06pm EST
Sun, 18 April 2010
Episode # 91 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin fighting over the set of steak knives. Pastries are for closers! Civil War erupts when Sabre's new commission-oriented sales system motivates the entire sales staff (Yes, even Stanley) to new heights of dickishness. Will the accountants and customer service take up arms against their uppity bretheren? Shall Michael Scott follow the lead of our first president, Abrahama Lincoln, to help bridge the divide? Well, only if Lincoln was down with forced paperwork, a scavenger hunt, and a little choking between colleagues-- I'm still enjoying this! To "close" things off, an unusual setting is the locale for two heartfelt scenes that will leave your eyes watering. I'm just not sure if it's the emotion or the foul stench causing my oh so manly tears. Incidental music provided by the Podshow Podsafe Music Network. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Netflix. Instantly watch every episode of the office from the comfort of your laptop, desktop, Wii, PS3 or xbox360-connected TV. Go to to start your free trial today. Also, check out for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 1 April 2010
by Kevin Crossman Here our the winners and some of the best entries in our That's What She Said Baby Name contest, in honor of Jim and Pam's daughter, Cecilia. As Matt points out in the forthcoming TWSS episode #91, these are my picks for the winners so all gripes go to me, not Matt. Third Place - Winner of DVD copy of "You" starring Melora Hardin. Several listeners/readers sent in "Travis" but Jamie was first and so she gets the prize. As much as I love the "jokey" entries this sentimental suggestion would have been a great nod to a classic JAM scene from Season 2.
Very, very "jokey" but I love this entry. Can you imagine the lines that could be delivered by Michael or Kevin if the JAM baby was named Herbert Halpert?
Give credit to Shelly for understanding the mindset of the judges with this entry. Though I have to admit the baby stuff has not been overplayed this season I still stick by my guns in saying that it was too soon to have a baby. In life, you sometimes cannot plan for unforseen pregnancies. On TV, there is no such thing as an "unplanned pregnancy." Here's hoping, in a way, that Cecilia becomes as much as an afterthought as Emma was on "Friends." We received a lot of "Michael" related entries. You didn't really think we were going to pick those, right?
-- posted at: 11:37am EST
Thu, 25 March 2010
From Wikipedia:
HAPPY HOUR | 3.25.10
Michael gets kicked out of the bar when he pulls out all the stops to impress a friend of Jim and Pam's. Meanwhile, Andy and Erin do their best to keep their relationship under wraps. Dwight rethinks his pre-natal contract with Angela.
----- Post your comments below!
As always, join Kevin and me in the TWSS chatroom during and after the airing of tonight's episode (I'll be there for the Eastern/Central showings; Kevin's got the Pacific). Scroll down and hit the big green CHAT button on the right.
-- posted at: 5:49pm EST
Thu, 18 March 2010
From Wikipedia:
NEW LEADS | 3.18.10 When the sales staff lets Sabre's new "sales is king" policy get to their heads, Michael hides their new, prized leads.
Sabre's "no caps on commission" policy played a big role in the main plot of MANAGER & SALESMAN, so I suppose this episode's antics are the result of said policy. The mere mention of "leads" instantly brings to mind David Mamet's GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS (Always Be Closing, Mother f*cker), so I'm curious to see if writer Brent Forrester will use the famous play/film as inspiration or forge his own path. Will Jim be the "Shelley Levene" of the bunch? Is Dwight DM/Sabre's "Ricky Roma"? Who's getting fired, and who gets the steak knives? Place your bets now.
As always, join Kevin and me in the TWSS chatroom during and after the airing of tonight's episode (I'll be there for the Eastern/Central showings; Kevin's got the Pacific). Scroll down and hit the big green CHAT button on the right.
-- posted at: 9:47am EST
Wed, 17 March 2010
Episode # 90 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin imbibing massive quantities of green beer. Well sure and begorah! Tis the wearin' o the green at Dunder-Mifflin (a division of Sabre, doncha know?), and Michael's taken a shine to a very special lass-- his new boss, Jo. Should he be bookin' those plane tickets ta Florida, now? Or will a new chain of events change his outlook on loife? Meanwhile, when Jim's away, Dwight will play-- with MEGADESK, that is. What sorts of shenanigans will he get up to ta keep his precious? Finally, Andy goes on his first date with Erin, but a third wheel always leads to akward times. One thing's for sure, though-- make sure ya listen to this episode of TWSS! It's nature's Viagara! Incidental music provided by the Podshow Podsafe Music Network. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Netflix. Instantly watch every episode of the office from the comfort of your laptop, desktop, PS3 or xbox360-connected TV. Go to to start your free trial today. Also, check out for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 11 March 2010
From Wikipedia: St. Patrick's Day | 3.11.10 Michael (Steve Carell) thinks he impressed Jo (Kathy Bates) only to discover someone else in the office caught her eye. Meanwhile, Dwight (Rainn Wilson) makes trouble on Jim's (John Krasinski) first day back from paternity leave. Andy (Ed Helms) and Erin (Ellie Kemper) have an interesting first date. -----------
So. Hm. Here we are. For those of you that don't follow my Twitter feed, let me repeat some of what I said this past week-- I'm tired. Burned out, really, and TWSS is definitely taking a back seat to a lot of the other issues in my life right now. Out podcast for THE DELIVERY is late, and I'm not sure when we're going to get back into it. And NO, I'm not quitting because I hated the episode or anything (I liked it a good deal, actually) like that. And NO, I'm not even quitting. I'm not sure what I'm doing, but I plan to return as soon as I can manage. OK, on to tonight's episode. The real city of Scranton has a long tradition of having a huge St. Patrick's Day parade, and the creators of THE OFFICE have long wanted to do something with that plotline. In the past, March has always been a hiatus month so nothing could be done. It will be interesting to see how much (if any) this real-life event will play into tonight's show. I still plan on being in the TWSS Chatroom tonight if you want to stop by. Hit the green "Chat Now" button on the side of the screen.
-- posted at: 6:52pm EST
Thu, 4 March 2010
From Wikipedia: THE DELIVERY | 3.4.10 Pam's contractions begin but she and Jim are determined to wait it out as long as possible so they can have more time at the hospital. Meanwhile the rest of the office tries to distract Pam from the pain with food and entertainment. Michael anxiously waits for Pam and Jim's baby, Cecilia, to be born. Back at the office, Erin makes Andy jealous when she has lunch with Kevin. ------------- Well, here it is-- the second huge JAM episode of season six. The Office already milked much of this baby/delivery humor last season in "Baby Shower," so it'll be interesting to see what they can do with a very similar plotline tonight. Unfortunately, I have parent/teacher conferences tonight and will not be able to watch the episode live (or participate in the chatroom discussion). Feel free to stop by, though, and join other TWSS listeners in the chatroom if you'd like. Also, make sure you leave your comments below-- I have a feeling this could be a really love it or hate it sort of situation.
-- posted at: 4:43pm EST
Sat, 27 February 2010
Are you excited for March 4th's hour-long "Delivery" episode? Even if you're not, here's something that will get you excited. That's What She Said is holding a Baby Name contest. Send your suggestion for the name of Pam and Jim Halpert's baby. It could be a funny suggestion or something romantic or even a little strange. Feel free to elaborate on why your suggestion is the best baby name for Jim and Pam. To submit your suggestions:
Matt and Kevin will look at all the submissions that come in prior to the broadcast of the March 4th "The Delivery" episode and will be the sole judges for the winners. Prizes: 1st Place - $50 iTunes or Amazon gift certificate 2nd Place - copy of the book The Office and Philosophy 3rd Place - copy of You DVD, starring Melora Hardin
-- posted at: 2:41pm EST
Fri, 26 February 2010
Episode # 88 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin considering the fact that they're not as charming as they think they are. Well, it's gonna be a good day... for Dunder Mifflin and Sa-bray... erm... SAYber. When electronics giant Sabre buys out Dunder Mifflin, they make quite a few changes that Michael just can't seem to live with. Can David Wallace save the day, or will Michael just have to SUCK IT up? (Har) Later, when Sabre CEO Jo Bennett arrives in Scranton to inspect the troops, she forces Jim and Michael to decide which one of them is the REAL manager. Sometimes, the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Other times, there IS no grass... just a farty dirt patch. On the plus side, Andy proves once and for all that he DOES have one dynamite crotch. Erin, please take note. Incidental music provided by the Podshow Podsafe Music Network. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Netflix. Instantly watch every episode of the office from the comfort of your laptop, desktop, PS3 or xbox360-connected TV. Go to to start your free trial today. Also, check out for a free audiobook download.
Mon, 22 February 2010
by Kevin Crossman There's been a lot of speculation about Dunder Mifflin's new parent corporation, Sabre. Now, fans of The Office can dig through a new faux-website for the copier conglomerate. Just head over to and all your questions will be answered. Want to learn more about Sabre's products? There's a complete catalog of printers available, running from the low-end Sabre iPalette all the way up to the Sabre 9900 All-in-One Color Ink-jet. Fax machines and scanners are also available. CEO Jo Bennett is featured, as any corporate website should. You can even watch the inspirational Sabre video with Christian Slater. Of most interest to fan of The Office is the News section where the announcement of Dunder Mifflin's acquisition is available. In the press release it notes that Dunder Mifflin has the following branches: Albany, Utica, Scranton, Akron, and Nashua. Thus, leaving open the possibility of a return of beloved characters Holly Flax or (less likely) Karen Filipelli.
-- posted at: 12:41am EST
Thu, 11 February 2010
From Wikipedia: Manager and Salesman | 2.11.10 The office is eager to welcome Sabre CEO Jo Bennett to Scranton, and are dazzled by her Southern ways. When Jo finds out there are two branch managers, she says either Michael or Jim must go back to being a salesman. Meanwhile, Andy's Valentine's Day plan backfires. -----------
OK, so here we go with a potential interesting plot twist-- could we end up with Michael being a salesman working onder Jim's leadership? It seems like a natural direction to explore at this point, since we've pretty much tapped out the "Jim as Michael's long suffering underling" angle. I can see this taking us through the end of the season, with Michael perhaps taking the reigns back in the season finale. As for Kathy Bates-- "Meh" about sums it up. Didn't like her small part last week, and expect to find her "southern belle" act tonight just as grating. But again, perhaps they'll surprise me? Hopefully the Michael/Jim stuff will take up the bulk of the episode.
For those of you wondering what's going on with the TWSS episode for last week's SABRE, please be patient-- it will be out sometime soon. Since we have a month long gap until our next episode of THE OFFICE, I figured we could space the TWSS eps out a little bit. The show for Sabre will be up sometime next week, and the show for this week's ep should be out a week or so later.
As always, join me in the TWSS Chatroom tonight during and after the episode. I don't think Kevin is going to be able to make it into the West Coast chat tonight, but the room is always open for anyone who'd like to talk about the episode in real time with other TWSS listeners.
-- posted at: 4:36pm EST
Thu, 4 February 2010
From Wikipedia:
SABRE | 2.4.10
Sabre comes in to take over Dunder Mifflin and Michael has difficulties accepting their new policies. Erin is waiting for Andy to ask her out while they work on a welcoming song for the company's new owners. Meanwhile, Jim and Pam interview for a local daycare center they hope to get into. Kathy Bates guest stars. -----------
In a long-standing Hollywood tradition, yet another actor will step BEHIND the camera to direct an episode of The Office-- This time, John Krasinski, perhaps best known as the husband of Emily Blunt (ha ha), takes the reigns. We've already talked about our feelings for the whole Kathy Bates move, so we'll just see how it plays out. Hopefully, I'll be pleasantly surprised by her performance.
As always, leave your comments below. Don't forget to join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom before and during the episode. Just click that "Chat Now" button on the right-hand sidebar.
-- posted at: 5:55pm EST
Wed, 3 February 2010
Episode # 87 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin suffering from a serious case of deja vu. So it's come to this-- an Office clip show! When Dunder Mifflin's new buyer sends someone to perform the due diligence, Michael will do whatever it takes to knock his proverbial socks off. Computron, anyone? Join us, won't you, as Michael and Toby lead faithful office viewers on a trip down memory lane... now, if only they can keep the banker from seeing any of these flashbacks. Incidental music provided by the Podshow Podsafe Music Network. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Netflix. Instantly watch every episode of the office from the comfort of your laptop, desktop, PS3 or xbox360-connected TV. Go to to start your free trial today. Also, check out for a free audiobook download.
Thu, 21 January 2010
From Wikipedia: THE BANKER | 1.21.10 When a potential buyer comes to Dunder Mifflin, Michael, Dwight, Andy and Pam pull out all the stops in hopes of impressing him with their high profile contacts. Michael reminisces about all the great times they have had in the office. --------------- To borrow a line from The Simpsons-- So, it's come to this. A "clip show" for THE OFFICE. As Kevin mentioned in the last podcast, there HAVE been good "clip show" episodes before (see SEINFELD), but by and large they have always been a sign of a show trying to produce a "new" episode on the cheap. Will the interstitial material be enough to make this episode "podcast-worthy"? Only time will tell. The episode was written by Jason Kessler, who has been involved with production but never actually written an Office episode before. Join us in the TWSS chatroom tonight during and after the episode.
-- posted at: 8:25pm EST
Sat, 9 January 2010
by Kevin Crossman
The People's Choice Award is sometimes a snooze-fest, but Best Comedy Actor winner Steve Carell managed not only to break the 30 Rock curse, but also delivered another exemplary acceptance speech. All of us a "That's What She Said" appreciate Steve's shout-out for the podcast.
-- posted at: 2:48am EST
Sat, 2 January 2010
by Kevin Crossman
I guess this isn't new news to some but I just started seeing commercials with Angela Kinsey as Gigi the "Guardian Girlfriend" to promote Clairol Nice 'n Easy haircolor. Unlike the dour Angela Martin, this Angela is smiley and perky. Quite a change! Even the outtakes are fun. Stay through for an Office catch-prhase that you might be familiar with...
-- posted at: 1:24pm EST
Wed, 30 December 2009
Thu, 10 December 2009
From Wikipedia: SECRET SANTA | 12.10.09 Michael is outraged when Jim allows Phyllis to be Santa at the office Christmas party. Jim and Dwight try to get everyone into the holiday spirit despite the uncertainty with Dunder Mifflin. Meanwhile, Oscar has a secret crush. ---------- It's Christmas time again, and the new season brings a new holiday themed episode. I loved the original Christmas Party, enjoyed Benihana Christmas, and was pretty disappointed in Moroccan Christmas last year. Hopefully Secret Santa can recapture some of that past magic. I tend to be pretty split on many Mindy Kaling written episodes, so I guess we'll see how things turn out. As always, leave your thoughts in the comments section below and join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show to share your thoughts (click on the green "chat" button in the right sidebar).
-- posted at: 4:05pm EST
Wed, 9 December 2009
Tue, 8 December 2009
Here are some of the choice cuts from the lengthy essay. In the last two seasons, our hero Jim Halpert won the girl, got the big promotion and upgraded to a suit. These were all things fans were happy about. It was encouraging. But wanting romantic tension to be relieved is never as satisfying as the relief. All of Jim and Pam's witty asides and eyerolls in response to their officemates' antics have stopped being expressions of untapped potential and started to look like passive-aggressive attempts to undermine their peers—who are the only people who will socialize with them. Now Jim has developed into the most depressing archetype: a mediocre man who has already realized his full potential. Gone is Jim's charming lack of enthusiasm for his job. Now he's proving exactly where a lack of drive is likely to lead you—to the mediocrity of middle management, where one is gripped by the fear of losing whatever corner of inanity you've carved for yourself in the workplace. What do you think about this provocative premise? Is The Office truly depressing?
-- posted at: 11:12pm EST
Thu, 3 December 2009
From Wikipedia: SCOTT'S TOTS | 12.03.09 Written by Lee Eisenberg & Gene Stupnitsky. Directed by B. J. Novak. Michael (Steve Carell) is forced to face the music after he realizes he can't keep a promise he made to a group of kids 10 years ago. Meanwhile, Jim (John Krasinski) starts an employee of the month program to increase employee morale. ---------- Definitely curious to see what exactly this "promise" entails, although it sounds like this might be pretty heavy on the "awkward" humor that many people love (and I tend to not be too thrilled with). Shall we assume Michael promised to pay these kids' way through college, or something equally ridiculous? Michael always has loved making people happy and promising things. It's that damn FOLLOW THROUGH that always seems to kick him in the butt... Lee and Gene wrote this season's (arguably) best episode THE LOVER, and B. J. Novak is hot off his directorial work on SUBTLE SEXUALITY, so I hold out high hopes for tonight's installment. As always, leave your thoughts in the comments section below and join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show to share your thoughts (click on the green "chat" button in the right sidebar).
-- posted at: 3:00pm EST
Wed, 2 December 2009
Thu, 19 November 2009
From Wikipedia: SHAREHOLDER MEETING | 11.19.09 Michael gets excited when he's invited by David Wallace to be honored on stage at the Dunder Mifflin shareholder meeting in New York, and he brings Andy, Dwight and Oscar along for the ride. Meanwhile, Jim has a hard time getting Ryan to do work. ------------ With the big bankruptcy bomb dropped last week, I'm curious as to what David Wallace thinks Michael can do for the failing Dunder Mifflin. We enjoyed the Andy and Oscar action last season on BUSINESS TRIP, so hopefully we'll see some nice bonding moments this time as well. As we mentioned in the last podcast, Ryan really put the screws to Jim in season four, so it would be interesting to see if Jim turns that around on him here. He never really DID get his revenge, but Ryan has become such a different character since then that I'm not sure if it would still be a relevant thing to do. I guess we shall see tonight. I'm probably NOT going to be able to make it into the chatroom tonight, but don't let that stop you from talking to all the other TWSS listeners. Kevin should be around during and after the Pacific time showing, though, if you Eastern/Central folks want to wait around. As always, please leave your episode comments below.
-- posted at: 9:50am EST
Tue, 17 November 2009
Thu, 12 November 2009
Or should that be "muckduck"? From Wikipedia: MURDER | 11.12.09 Michael's world is rocked by troubling rumors about Dunder Mifflin. He forces the office into a day of strange diversions, upsetting Jim and leading others to wonder if Michael has gone insane. Meanwhile, Andy finds that his chief obstacle in courting Erin is his own awkwardness. ----------- This description is actually so baffling that I have abslutely no guess as to what could be going on with the Michael "A" plot. Guess I'll just have to strap myself in and enjoy the ride. As always, leave your thoughts in the comments section below and join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show to share your thoughts (click on the green "chat" button in the right sidebar).
-- posted at: 4:14pm EST
Wed, 11 November 2009
Thu, 5 November 2009
From Wikipedia:
DOUBLE DATE | 11.5.09 Jim (John Krasinski) and Pam (Jenna Fischer) are out of excuses so they have no choice but to go out with Michael (Steve Carell) and Helene (Linda Purl), Pam's mother. Meanwhile, Dwight (Rainn Wilson) is strangely doing nice things for everyone in the office. -------- As Kevin mentioned in the last podcast, the "Jim and Pam finally run out of excuses and have to go on a date" thing definitely smacks of DINNER PARTY from season four. Don't get me wrong, I loved THE LOVER, but that was mostly an episode about the CONCEPT of Michael dating Pam's mom. I hope when we get to see the "real thing" that it doesn't get too weird to take. I enjoyed the last few episodes, though, so I am curious to see what they can pull off tonight. As always, leave your thoughts in the comments section below and join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show to share your thoughts (click on the green "chat" button in the right sidebar).
-- posted at: 3:02pm EST
Tue, 3 November 2009
Thu, 29 October 2009
From Wikipedia: KOI POND | 10.29.09 It's Halloween and the Office plans a Haunted House for the kids in the community. At an important business meeting, Michael falls into a Koi Pond. Meanwhile, Pam and Andy go cold-calling to try to stir up some new business. ------ I mentioned on the podcast how odd it struck me that Reggie Hudlin was tapped to direct this episode, as nothing in his past experience seems to scream "The Office." Still, he worked on THE BERNIE MAC SHOW, and so did Paul Liberstein, so maybe that's the connection. In any case, hopefully Hudlin will bring something new to the plate. This is billed as a "Halloween" episode, but I'm guessing it's going to be EXACTLY like last season, with only the cold open having anything to do with the holiday. Michael falling into a pond has the potential to be as ridiculous as the "driving into a lake" plot line from season four, and once again they'll have to walk a fine line to keep the episode from being TOO ridiculous. Here's hoping. The Pam and Andy stuff has a great deal of potential. As always, leave your thoughts in the comments section below and join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show to share your thoughts (click on the green "chat" button in the right sidebar).
-- posted at: 12:52pm EST