The fansites are buzzing today with rumors that NBC is prepping a special episode of THE OFFICE which will introduce characters who will then be spun off into their own series.

Say what?

According to TV Guide's Ausiello Report "the proposed Office 2 is not expected to include any of the mother ship's core cast. In fact, producers are already casting about for a 'name' to headline the potential show."

Now, I'm a pretty big fan of THE OFFICE, but why on earth do I need or want a spin-off show?  There have been rumors of the "Dwight" spin-off for a while, and I hope these amount to the same hills of beans.  One of the reasons why THE OFFICE is so special is that the cast and crew have a laser-like focus to produce a quality product.  A spin-off, even if no cast leave the show to follow it, will surely divide the creative staff... stealing some of the producers and writers we know and love.  That way, we end up with two mediocre shows instead of one GREAT one.

Am I going a little too 'Cassandra' on you guys?  Perhaps.  I mean, sure, BUFFY was good, and ANGEL was decent... although after ANGEL started BUFFY pretty much went downhill... hmm.  Not sure what to make of this.

At the very least... for the love of god, DON'T hire David Spade for the "Michael Scott" role.

Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST

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