Dunder Mifflin Infinity -- Sign Up NOW
Ok folks... the long rumored "The Office" home game is gearing up to start, and we need to get our TWSS branch up and running. 

Eric "Sabai" Olsen is going to be my contact on this front, and he has set up a branch for us to join.  The first manager that gets 15 people to sign up under their access code gets control of that branch.

I'm REALLY rather pissed off that the Racine, WI branch has somehow already been taken.  Because of this, we're going to have to go "south of the border" and start our very own SCHAUMBURG, IL branch.

To sign up, to go the official site:


register, and say you would like to be an employee for the SCHAUMBURG branch.  When asked, enter this code:


Time is really of the essence.  The first one to get 15 people to sign up gets control of that branch.  We definitely need to be in charge of our own TWSS branch, so let's get signing up!

Category:DM Infinity -- posted at: 2:12pm EST

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That's What She Said is a weekly podcast dedicated to NBC's Emmy Award winning show The Office. Every episode of TWSS includes TV episode clips and commentary, news, reports on upcoming media appearances of the cast, a selection of podsafe music, and much more. If you have a news item, piece of gossip, comment, constructive compliment, or are interested in promotional cooperation, please contact us:

Matt Sommer, host
Kevin Crossman, co-host

The Host: Matt Sommer

The Co-Host: Kevin Crossman

The Conference Room: TWSS Chatroom

The Song:

The Stalking:

follow SommerMatt at http://twitter.com

follow KevinCrossman at http://twitter.com

The Swag:

The Convention:

The Map: Our Frappr Map

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The Cult: Join the DAC!






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