Sun, 7 November 2010
Episode # 103 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin checking their trick-or-treat bags for rocks. Happy Halloween...JERKS! When Blackula goes behind MacGruber's back (or was it "takes him from behind"?) with an idea for corporate, Michael vows to defend the chain of command at all costs, friendship be damned. Meanwhile, Jim and Pam are still obsessing over Danny Cordray. Halpert? You looking for someone to bang your wife? Gabe-wad dances, Andy and Kevin choose sides, Oscar gets rational, and Angela...? OH EM EFF GEE. Oh, and TWSS listeners? Don't tell anyone I said anything to you... or YOU'RE DEAD. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Go to for a free audiobook download.
Regarding your idea that a great way to end the show...or the for everybody but Dwight to get fired. Just wanted to mention that it's been done before. The Mary Tyler Moore Show ended with everyone in the newsroom getting fired...except the idiot anchor, Ted. It was a great ending to that show, so it could work for The Office, too. Until that happens, my bets are on Dwight or Kelly as boss!
hey guys, I agree with you 100% about the Micharryl plotline; it wasnt very funny at all and it wasnt clear over whose side we were supposed to be on. From being in the chatroom though it seems everyone thinks Darryls final line means he is definitely going to be the new boss. I think not, and that the writers are just teasing us. Maybe darryl will apply for the post, but hopefully wont get chosen
posted by: I LOVE MATT AND KEVIN (and ian) on 2010-11-09 10:54:28
You guys are entirely right on Jim's lack of effort in the Halloween Costume department. "Three-Hole Punch Jim," is a clever idea since he works at a paper company. However his lack of effort is condescending to the rest of his co-workers who put a lot of effort in their costumes. Now that he's married to someone who gets into the Halloween spirit he needs to suck it up and put on the damn costume. If this is the worst thing he has to deal with in his marriage then he is a lucky man.
You guys are off you're rocker if you think Packer would be a good boss. It would ruin the show. I'd much rather see Daryl then I would Packer. That character is funny for maybe a couple of minutes every 6 episodes or so. Any extended time and it's too much. He's like Jon Lovitz. He can be funny for maybe 3 minutes in a movie or show. But when he took over for Phil Hartman on Newsradio, it was unwatchable. He is annoying, as is Packer, and the guy that plays Packer. Way too over the top.
Matt- Interesting comments on the dual Lady GaGas on The Office and Community. I watch everything on Hulu Friday morning, and I always watch The Office before Community, and, like you said in the Podcast, I had the absolute opposite experience as you did. For me, Gabe's outfit was hilarious and I had a ton of fun with it in every scene he had. Then, when I watched the Dean as GaGa, I was like, "Wow, that's totally lame." All about perspective, but you're right, you'd think, since those writers probably share the same building on the Universal lot, that someone would've known there would be dueling GaGas and should've put the kibosh on it, because they certainly did play off each other in back-to-back viewings.