Tue, 30 November 2010
Episode # 105 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin arguing over who's going to solo at regionals. There's a time for love and a time for livin'. Not since the epic battle between Tony Danza and Judith Light have so many wondered who, exactly, is the boss. When Erin and Gabe throw a Glee party, Michael resents that others think Gabe is his superior. Michael, spoil a party for his own selfish needs? Naaahh. Meanwhile, Pam sells out Jim in order to acquire Dwight's baby- whispering skills, Andy injests way too much powdered seahorse, and Kevin finally finds out what it's like to eat pigs in a blanket IN A BLANKET. Good times, my friends. Good times. Incidental music provided by Music Alley from Mevio. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Audible.com. Go to http://www.audiblepodcast.com/shesaid for a free audiobook download.
Yay! Another episode of TWSS! I kind of hate Glee, so I think I was doomed to dislike this episode, but the podcast was characteristically great. Count me as another vote for the "Poker Face" outro. The quality of the song fit the quality of "Glee" fit the quality of "Viewing Party." How can we not appreciate symmetry like that? I just wanted to mention that I had a time-based request in my comment on Classy Christmas, but I wasn't sure if you would look at it until you covered that episode in a podcast. Again, no pressure to fulfill it (although, as Kelly would say, it would be ah-maaazing). Keep up the great work!
Hi Kevin and Matt. This was a TWSS episode that was far more entertaining than the actual Office episode. At first viewing, I absolutely hated it. With a second viewing, I did start to enjoy it more, but on the broad spectrum of Office episodes, I still rank it towards the bottom. I'm a self-confessed Gleek, but I agree with Matt that Glee was basically background noise for the episode. It really could have been any TV show. I also agree with your assessment that Glee was strongest during the first half of the Season 1. The second half still had some strong single episodes, but didn't really have any strong arcs. Season 2 so far has been rather uneven. As for the final musical pick, I think I'd have to go with the Glee cover of "Poker Face." After all, I think it offers the more direct connection to the show.
Just Listened, great as usual! I know you guys always wonder why every coworker shows up at every function, but the reason seems pretty simple. In the world these characters live in, they're still being filmed for a documentary, and since they know the camera crew is going to be there, they show up to be filmed. It would also explain why other family and friends don't always show up; I know if I got invited to a party and i was told there was going to be a documentary camera crew there, I wouldn't go. It's easy to forget the core concept of the show since it gets so sit-comy at times, but that's my guess. Anyway, hope you like my theory, looking forward to hearing the next show!