Mon, 2 April 2007
Matt & Ian, Loved the retro podcast. I forgot how much I loved season two. I\'m not sure what your plans for the podcast are for the summer - but I thought I\'d throw out an idea: how about doing a review of one of the British episodes? (Although I am not sure how the audio clips would work - I had to watch the DVDs with the subtitles so I could understand them). Just an idea...
I also agree with Dave about Ryan. And I thought his \"enthusiasm\" about finding the pudding cups was just a cover for the fact that it was doctored. Like you do for a dog \"Want a treat boy? Want a TREAT?! I found them at a gas station!\" I see Ryan as more resigned to put up with Michael\'s stupid requests because as Tracie said, he was told by his boss to do something, so what can he do? If he was really sucking up he would say things like \"Dark meat! What a bold and brave choice! I like the dark meat better myself\" thereby giving Michael an opening for a \"that\'s what she said.\" I think it would be nice, well nice for us listeners, if you did more retro shows during the hiatus, maybe starting back with Season 1. Of course, realizing that you have personal lives and all, that might not be possible. Great show!
Just a thought - it seems they have referenced the cameras numerous times - mostly when it comes to Michael & Jan --- ie. her asking him if the cameras are in the room, and stuff like that. I disagree that people wouldn\\\'t get that it\\\'s a documentary just watching it - the only thing I think would make it more documentary like is if they had some disclaimer at the beginning + the credits don\\\'t really work in the documentary fashion.
I was laughing the whole way to work and home today thanks to your podcast. It totally made my day! My absolute favorite part of \"The Injury\" is also the \'Michael falling off the toilet\' scene. I love that Toby tells Michael that Ryan is dead. Ha ha. I also completely agree that it\'s funnier because we DON\'T see it. The mental image I STILL get sets me off laughing hysterically every time. Ha ha ha! I\'m still a little embarrassed about my inadvertent twss. I guess my subconcious mind is very, very dirty. Still, I couldn\'t help but be delighted that it made you guys laugh! Re: Steve Carell. I think that if he decides to leave after his contract is up, the show should end. (In my very humble opinion that should go for any of the leads.) A few of my favorite t.v. shows ever have been ruined by lead cast members leaving and producers attempts to \'replace\' them. Re: Rainn Wilson\'s bum in \'Mimzy.\' I\'m with you -- why traumatize the children? Who thought THAT was a good idea? Not that Rainn Wilson\'s bum is necessarily horrifying, of course. (And not that I\'ve seen it, either, but you know what I mean. Maybe.) Oh dear, I should be asleep.
the more i think about it, the more i wouldn\'t mind Jim and Pam getting together for a little bit and then moving on. at the end of season 2, i could have imagined them getting married and having babies, but with the third season i\'m not seeing that at all. maybe because jim is being a tool now. i wouldn\'t mind the series ending with a dwangela wedding on the beet farm. thanks for the retro episode! And you are definitely not one of the things i hate.
I agree with Dave about Ryan. I\\\'ve never seen anything he does as sucking up to Michael -- doing what your boss tells you to do because he\\\'s your boss is different than doing something to curry his favor (which Ryan already has way more of than he seems to want in the first place). To me, Ryan always seems to be glancing at the camera like \\\"he\\\'s my boss, so... I\\\'m doing what he says?\\\" no matter how ridiculous Michael is being, kind of like he\\\'s expecting Ashton Kutcher to pop out and tell him he\\\'s being punk\\\'d any second now... (Yeah, I know that comment is so 2002 -- I just figured it was better than referencing \\\"Candid Camera,\\\" which even pre-dates *me*.)
Great show guys! Nice comments about Carell still being on the show. Most TV actors sign five year contracts when they start a show, but if the show is a gigantic break-out hit they often renegotiate for a higher salary but for at least an additional year (see: Desperate Housewives). Clooney stayed with ER for five years, which was his original contract - where as Juliana Marqueles and the others were on the show for at least six seasons. As for Carell, I\\\'m sure he\\\'s under a similar contract. They did give him a raise last year but he\\\'s still far underpaid compared to movies. But the producers have been very generous with his time so he could film Dan in Real Life during the season. But, let\\\'s say that Carell did leave the show. I\\\'d be more than happy to let David Koechner step into that office and let Todd Packer run things. Bad boss, like Michael Scott, to be sure. But a different kind of bad boss... Shoot, now I almost want Carell to leave just to see what a Todd Packer-led Office would look like. Damn.
Kevin -- I didn\'t mean to imply that that Friends or Cheers died instant death, but I DO think that Friends lost an early spark after Ross and Rachel\'s breakup that it never quite got back. (Although \"we were on a break\" DID make for a great running gag.) As for Cheers -- after Sam and Diane got together, I thought a lot of the zing was gone. It wasn\'t until Shelly long left the show that we felt some of that again. Still one of my all-time favorite shows, though.
From a purely creative standpoint, I can see where Jenna is coming from -- it WOULD be pretty original if Jim and Pam were just the people who helped each other figure figure out their lives before moving on to the person they\'re meant to be with. As a longtime fan of the show, though, and a hopeless romantic, I don\'t know if I\'d really like SEEING it. I think what the writers are really scared of is the \"curse\" she alluded to -- so many shows have been built on the \"Will they or won\'t they?\" dynamic and crashed after they \"did\". (\"Moonlighting,\" \"Friends,\" \"Cheers\"... they all suffered from that.) With \"The Office,\" though, I can\'t help but think the creators are better than that. The reason these other shows have suffered is because the writers don\'t seem to know how to tell stories about a COUPLE, only about two people attracted to one another. I think the \"Office\" writers are good enough to tackle that challenge in a realistic and entertaining way, and I really hope that we get to see that pan out.
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