Tue, 10 April 2007
wow gold
posted by: wow power leveling on 2008-08-09 03:25:00
OK, I caught the Matt NY-Comic-Con illness when this TV episode originally aired, so I missed it, and this podcast ep. for a few weeks. Couldn\'t resist, so I am listening at work. Toby\'s description of Michael\'s threat to withhold sex from Jan, to secure a modest scheduled salary raise - it got me spit-laughing baby carrot chunks into my laptop keyboard. Better shut down - safety first!
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Per the Wikipedia discussion, the Office US page has fansite links now, so someone should try to submit the \"That\'s What She Said\" blog. There is also an Office wiki at http://theoffice.wikia.com/. P.S. Loved the end of the episode where Ian shared his disdain for the ending song.
Podcast Thoughts: O.k. it’s late, and I’m breaking my “do not post late at night? rule because I don’t know if I’m going to remember this all tomorrow. I just finished the podcast. Well done, lads! As always, I enjoyed your thoughts immensely. I have to say, you guys gave me a perspective to the break room “apology? scene (between Jim and Pam) that honestly didn’t occur to me – namely the reasons behind Jim’s reaction. Still, even while watching it, I didn’t think Jim was being rude like some of my friends did. I know I’ve been on the “give Pam a break? bandwagon (well, until she hooked up with Roy again) but this was the first time the entire season I felt that both Jim and Pam were being completely honest with each other and giving the other exactly what they deserved. Jim is frustrated with Pam and didn’t hide it. Pam is truly sorry and feels stupid, and she initiated the conversation/apology/brief explanation. I say bravo to both of them, and echo your round of applause, Ian. Maybe we’ll finally see them as friends again by the end of the season. I really miss watching their friendship. About Michael’s “accidentally? cross-dressing: I LOVED that the woman sitting next to him in the NY offices lobby was wearing the same suit. They’re both even wearing a bluish gray shirt! Ha ha ha! Martin: Michael frequently goes to Pam for advice (adopting a baby, for example) so why wouldn’t he ask Pam? True, Karen might be more experienced in women’s suits, but I don’t think that necessarily occurred to him. He probably just wanted a woman to be on his side. I thought the look of Karen’s after Jim essentially accepts Roy’s apology was interesting. She was clearly not happy. But what was she so unhappy about? Does she think it was wimpy for him to accept so readily? Is she mad that Jim is accepting his part in the problem? Am I looking into it too deeply? Probably. Phew, that was a long post! Sorry, it won’t happen again. ;)
OMG, you guys -- I just skipped all the celebrity gossip crap I usually read in the morning in favor of checking out the TWSS comments. I have a new obsession :-) Yay Melonie and Martin on the marathon posts -- now I don\'t feel so lonely. Melonie wrote: Michael frequently goes to Pam for advice (adopting a baby, for example) so why wouldn’t he ask Pam? True, Karen might be more experienced in women’s suits, but I don’t think that necessarily occurred to him. He probably just wanted a woman to be on his side. Also, Michael goes to Pam first for everything, doesn\'t he? She was the one he wanted to come rub butter on his foot and who he first suggested should come into the men\'s room and clean him up, and that was just in the one episdoe. After all, her job is to be his friend, right? What I didn\'t really buy was that *Darryl* would have recognized it as a women\'s suit right off the bat. Why would he be so observant of that kind of thing? In any case, I can honestly say that I would *never* have noticed Michael wasn\'t wearing a man\'s suit, even if he had worn it in every single episdoe of the season. After making the comment that possibly started the whole debate about what Pam\'s \"I know\" in the diner scene meant, I have to say I have totally changed my mind and I now think she was acknowledging that her own actions don\'t really make sense and she doesn\'t know why either. I still think she doesn\'t think Roby gets her either, but in that scene, he probably demonstrated more sensitivity to her than he has in the entire rest of the series (I just watched the season 2 Valentine\'s episode the other day -- \"the best sex of your life\" -- OMG, what a tool). All of Pam\'s scenes were great this episode. She is really figuring some things out. Jenna Fischer really impressed me :-)
I\\\'ve posted a note in the The Office\\\'s wiki discussion area recommending that TWSS be included in the \\\"external links\\\" section of the wiki entry. Other wiki users might want to chime in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:The_Office_%28US_TV_series%29#.22Selected_Fansites.22_section_in_External_Links:_Yes_or_no.3F
Okay, I now know why that keeps happening. Should\'ve figured that out the last time... As I was saying: Yes, but when I say it would be deviously brilliant, brilliantly devious, or whatever I said, I\'m talking about future season. I\'m looking long term. I\'m thinking about the future, Matthew. THE FUTURE!
I want to thank Ian for putting the Roy scene in perspective for me. I could not believe how much I loathed Roy\'s bit about him asking Pam if she was going to go out with Jim. It read like some bad fanfiction to me. I\'ll have to believe that a guy like Roy would just assume she take the next logical step and not understand that she wouldn\'t so anything. As far as Karen\'s attitude towards Jim, I do think she\'s probably fed up with the drama and maybe mad at Jim. But I did not read that in her breakroom conversation with Jim. He\'s going on obsessing about what to do about Dwight and she says you\'re going to go sell paper so we can go on a trip. I know some people in furoms saw that as her not \"getting\" Jim. But I say if Pam and Jim were a couple I could see Pam saying the exact same thing and people might say \"how cute\".
Oops, looks like the rest of my comment got eaten up by the interwebs. What I was going to say is this: Martin, as you might guess, I completely disagree with you. I would argue that it\\\'s far more challenging to create a satisfying scenario in which Pam and Jim ultimately decide that they\\\'re not meant to be together. I think the easiest thing to do would be to make them a couple - because it\\\'s what everyone wants to see. (However, it could also be a challenge to keep these two characters interesting through the remainder of the show once they\\\'re together.) But if the writers are deliberately trying to keep Pam and Jim apart only as an exercise to delay them eventually getting together, then I might see things your way.
I\'ve got to side with Ian about not noticing any hostility with Karen towards Jim. I think she\'s just being sarcastic, but since she\'s not really funny, it comes across awkwardly. Do you have to pay for playing Marvin Gaye & Nickelback songs during the podcast?
I just listened to the podcast (actually I\'m halfway through) and I\'m surprised that you didn\'t mention a little moment when Michael is explaining his negotiation strategy with Jim. (paraphrasing) \"If you speak in a whisper and lean back you are in a power position.\" to which Jim responds with a whispered \"Nice\" and leans back in his chair, hereby, according to the strategy, placing himself in the \"power position.\" Or am I reading too much into that?
Great show. I\'m with Matt on the \"I know...\" - Pam was saying she was being stupid (not that Roy was stupid). What was with that sound effect between news stories? Torture! If you intended to punish me it was pure genius. Don\'t believe Filmspotting; Blades of Glory was hilarious (though Jenna was underused). We gave it 5 stars over at the Frat Pack Tribute (note: Talladega Nights was only 3 stars).
Thanks for the podcast guys, except for getting that $%&*! song stuck in my head! So Michael has been with DM for 14 years... My guess is next season we get an episode called \\\"The Anniversary\\\" about his 15 year mark, which to his agony will be completely overshadowed by something else. Maybe a 16 Candles shout out where no one aknowledges it? Or perhaps his proverbial crappy gold watch from corporate gets upstaged by Bob Vance giving Phyllis something awesome for their first wedding anniversary. I guess we\\\'ll see. On a side note, I\\\'m getting slightly paranoid because Dwight and I seem to have the same taste in TV....
Ha, Matt I don\'t want you to break out your Foreman Grill... SPOILERS Re: Ramis, Jenna said, \"His first one was the Christmas episode and he did two more. One where Michael goes up to the roof and one we just did called Beach Day.\" (http://www.chud.com/index.php?type=interviews&id=9508) As for knowing about the other episodes, I know you don\'t like spoilers, so its a little difficult to direct you to them, but if you squint and only look at the bold print: http://titfortit.livejournal.com/2597.html That has all the information..and probably more then you could ever want to know about the last six episodes....also if you check Officetally.com, they have some links to good websites.
Hey Matt and Ian, love the podcast, the time you guys put into it really shows. I just wanted to respond in regards to the point you mentioned about Dwight throwing in Bono at the last second as one of his heroes. This actually goes back to the pilot episode where Michael is listing his heroes and along with Lincoln, Bob Hope, and God he says Bono. I took Dwight\'s comment about Bono as a typical Schrute suck up. Keep up the great work!
Hey Matt, Thanks for responding so fast. I\'m guessing that you\'re referring to Jenna\'s About.com interview. I think the confusion comes from Jenna counting A Benihana Christmas as 1 episode and epguides.com miscounting the episodes( they count ABC as 2 and the Webisodes as an episode), which means they are off by 2 episodes. Season 1(6 episodes)+Season 2(22 episodes)= 28 episodes, and if you count the Season 3 episodes and also count ABC as 1 episode that makes The Negotiation #46, which means my timeline works as the penultimate episode would be #50.Also, as you\'ve probably read Ramis directed 3 episodes this season, (ABC, Safety Training, and the one before the finale). Sorry to make this so long.....TWSS....or TWHS...but it seems like you hadn\'t heard of \"Product Recall\", so straight from NBC itself: THE OFFICE --(8:30PM-9:00PM) --(TV-14 L) \"Product Recall\" AN OFFICE IN CRISIS--The office is in crisis mode after a large shipment of Dunder-Mifflin paper is accidentally sent out with an obscene watermark. Michael (Golden Globe winner Steve Carell) tries to manage the media with an impromptu press conference. Jim (John Krasinski) and Andy (Ed Helms) try to calm the high school principal who has sent out prom invites on the affected stationary. Rainn Wilson, Jenna Fischer, B.J Novak, Phyllis Smith, Leslie David Baker, Mindy Kaling, Rashida Jones, Creed Bratton, Oscar Nunez, Angela Kinsey, Brian Baumgartner and Kate Flannery also star. (http://www.nbcumv.com/release_detail.nbc/entertainment-20070405000000-nbcprimetimeschedu.html)
Hey guys, enjoy the podcast. I don\'t want to spoil anyone here so I won\'t give any of the names of episodes in May, but regarding the idea that there are only 3 episodes left in the season, there are actually 6 left in the season. 4/12-Safety Training 4/26-Product Recall 5/3-New Episode 5/10-New Episode (rumored to be supersized) 5/17-Season finale (1 hour = 2 episodes) A total of 25 episodes for Season 3 I believe.
Regarding Karen\'s future on \"The Office\"... There have been a few hints this season that Karen is very career-focused. Lately I\'ve been wondering: if Jan were to hold another \"Women in the Workplace\" seminar, would she identify Karen as a standout who would be a valuable addition to the corporate office? Perhaps this would be a way for Karen to appear on \"The Office\" as a recurring character, while starring in \"The Rules for Starting Over.\" She wouldn\'t be a permanent fixture in the Scranton office, but could traipse in every now and then with Jan.
In regards to Pam\'s \"I know\" to Roy... I\'ve watched it a couple times, and every time, I see it as she realizes thats Roy really doesn\'t get her. He even calls her Pammy at the beginning of the cafe conversation, and we know not to call her Pammy. That moment, where she says \"I know\" was easily one of my favorite parts, Jenna Fischer played it so well. Of course, the last scenes MADE the episode for me. Especially the look on Jim\'s face, which totally reminded me of the \"Dwight Got A Hooker!\" Face from The Convention. Yay Dwangela! I want them to get married and have babies. Mini Schrutes running around!
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