Mon, 16 April 2007
Episode # 20 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Ian furiously working around the clock to finish their depression quilt. He can bail if he wants to, he can leave his friends behind... because his friends don't bail, and if they don't bail, they're no friends of mine! Michael finds himself chastized by the warehouse crew over his lack of safety, but who can blame him? It's just a fancy red trash compactor, after all. And Michael's right-- Since when did Nerf stop being cool? It's all about the visuals, though, and it just takes is a bouncy house and a five story drop to get Michael's point across. Oh, and by the way, What are the odds on this episode of That's What She Said being completely awesome? About 10,000 to 1... Incidental music provided by the Podshow Podsafe Music Network. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail. com, or leave a comment on our blog page at thatswhatshesaid. libsyn. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word!
My favorite raws are reds and yukon golds, mmm very tasty. As a kid I ate russets raw, but I\\\'ve grown out of that. Also, a bit of a side note, though I think Jim has been a tool pretty much all season, his \\\"don\\\'t jump on the bouncy castle\\\" line threw me into a fit of giggles.
I\\\'m kind of late to the table, but good job again. A couple thoughts. I think there WAS some confusion in the writing and/or editing as far as how to play Michael\\\'s \\\"suicide\\\" threats. Perhaps we were supposed to think the confusion was all in Michael\\\'s head, that what started out as a fake demonstration morphed, in his warped mind, into something more real as we\\\'ve seen happen to him before, but that wasn\\\'t really made clear. I essentially liked the episode, but I do think that this was another example of a certain sloppiness on the part of the people who make the show, along with some of the \\\"filling in the blanks\\\" stuff that you guys mentioned. Also, I gotta say, I\\\'m with Matt about them pushing it too far with Michael\\\'s obliviousness to having caused serious injury to someone. When they do stuff like that, all I can think of is them in a room with a deadline figuring they have to sacrifice some believability in order to bang out a story.
Aimee and Matt -- I too enjoy a raw potato now and then. I like the red potatoes best, and they\'re really good with salt. Mmmmm. Anyway, I was thinking about the clip that Ian posted the other night and it reminded me a lot of Drug Testing . . . I don\'t want to really explain myself until the episode airs in case there are people staying away from spoilers, but I knew I\'d forget it if I didn\'t write it down.
I like the outros, they are a fun short little recap of the show. plus, I\'m always amused at what songs you choose to put in there, i LOVED that you used the safety dance. On a more random note, you should definitely try eating a raw potato. I used to do it all the time as a kid, and now as a college student I never have time to cook anything and have gotten back into the habit. the best part is that there is no core you have to throw away, you can just eat the whole thing. fantastic.
It took an embarrassingly long time for me to figure out what you meant by \"outro.\" Now that my momentary (ha!) stupidity is over -- I LOVE the outros! They\'re like a nice little capper to the episode. \"We\'ve discussed it, criticized it, laughed at it. Now let\'s hear the best bits.\" So keep doing them!
Matt, the outro was okay. But only okay and not worth the time spent. I do like a final quote at the end of the show. But I wouldn\'t worry about making it a big production. Some podcasts include outtakes at the end. I imagine that could be some compelling content... :-)
Loved the \'cast. Matt, you need to get well! I had an epiphery (for me, anyway) last night in the shower. I hope I can remember it. . . I was thinking about Michael and the somewhat disturbing way his \"making a point\" seemed to turn into him actually feeling suicidal and why, WHY would this be? It occured to me that Michael had just gotten so into character, he actually forgot it was pretend. I think a part of him was actually . . . I don\'t want to say \'enjoying\' because it sounds too morbid, but maybe feeling validated by everyone trying to talk him out of jumping, and finally when Darryl pipes up, Michael got what he really wanted after all -- for Darryl to admit that Michael was just as much a man as Darryl.
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