Tue, 9 October 2007
Great Podcast yet again! And thanks for reading my post... too bad all of my predictions were shattered in one episode, haha. Anyway, someone mentioned somewhere (and of course, now i can\'t find it) that kevin started calling jim tuna because andy did. does anyone else find it strange that he started doing that, despite that he chastised andy for doing the same thing. when kevin calls him \'fire guy\' and andy jumps right in, kevin totally calls him out on it.
Hey Matt. I\'ve been listening to your podcast for a while but this is my first time posting a comment. I just want to say that the Dwight vs. Chewie thing was awesome. I was on the train at the time, and I definitely drew some attention to myself because I was laughing so hard. I think your \"hanging brain\" conversation a few podcasts back is still your funniest bit yet, but this one is a close second. Thanks for all the time and hard work you put into the podcasts.
I really do believe that Ryan would hit on Pam to try and convince Kelly that they are indeed over and because Pam is obviously one of the most attractive women on the show that is eligible (at least that\'s what he thought, now he can go for Angela). Although, I do think it was pretty stupid on his part. I mean, Pam just gave this extremely long speech to Jim a few months ago in Beach Games about how she called off her wedding and she still wasn\'t over him. If she hadn\'t gotten over him yet, when he had a girlfriend lying around, what made Ryan think she was going to be ready to go out with him now? Even if she wasn\'t dating Jim, she was still taken by him. I think it\'s pretty funny that they\'re calling Pam the \"office mattress\". How many people must you sleep with to become a mattress? Obviously one is too low, so that throws Michael, Angela, and Dwight out. I\'m just wondering why Jim isn\'t the mattress? He\'s slept with more coworkers than Pam (Katy, Karen, Pam). I think the whole Dwight killing Angela\'s cat thing is hillarious. It\'s almost like all of those articles you read where the mother\'s new boyfriend kills her children and the mother \"had no idea\" he would ever do that. Dwight naming the hunter-gatherer replacement cat Garbage made me laugh. Overall, I didn\'t like this episode nearly as much as I liked Fun Run. I, like you guys, was hoping that we\'d get a few more episodes out of the PB&JAM hidden relationship. I think they could have pulled some extremely funny episodes out using that. I\'m ready to see a Pam and Jim prank. If I don\'t get one soon, the magic just might be gone!
Nice work pulling out that Chewie audio Matt! I think Dwight would be flattered by the comparison given his fondness for mythical creatures. I watched Michael’s turtle tirade again. OK, I will admit seeing Steve go full bore like that was pretty funny even if the situation was ridiculous. I think if DMI flops it will bring out the inner egg-chucker in fancy new Ryan and we’ll get another full on managerial meltdown. Personal theory- they used the same hair product on Ryan and Garbage:)
awesome podcast guys I think it\\\'s definately believeable that Ryan could try going out with pam. I think when he said \\\"Are you kidding me\\\" was a kind of nod the fans as well. sad to hear about leatherheads getting pushed back so far. and hopefully this first half great and second half bad episode trend doesn\\\'t continue. oh and kudos to kevin for the that\\\'s what she said
I posted in haste earlier and forgot some things. Your comparison of Dwight and Chewie was priceless. I was laughing so hard I\'m surprised I didn\'t hit anything driving home. I still love the car in the lake scene. Even just hearing it made me laugh. My favorite visual joke at that part is when Dwight mentions rental insurance and the camera zooms in on Michaels face. I think we\'ve all known that pain at least once in our lives. I am in the I-believe-Ryan-would-hit-on-Pam camp. What better way to prove to Kelly that they\'re over than taking someone else out for dinner? Besides that, besides Angela, Pam is now the only eligible, (or so he thought) attractive girl in the office so why wouldn\'t he try to take her out? I would have liked to have seen Jim\'s face when Ryan first asked her out. Ha ha ha.
Regarding Angela\\\'s house... yeah, I thought it was kind of small (even by California standards...). But I doubt the supporting players make much cash per episode. Even Steve\\\'s only making $5 million per season. My TWSS made up for Matt not using that soundclip. For shame! The Chewie bit was pretty fantabulous, though.
A little off topic, maybe, but is Roy completely gone now? If not, I think there is a decent chance at a Roy, Dwight, and Angela triangle this season. In The Fire, Roy said he\'d do Angela. And, I think Angela has made references to Roy being attractive at least a couple of times. It could be interesting to see play out if it happened.
I\'m not really that suprised, actually. She\'s mentioned that she likes house projects and Los Angeles real estate being what it is . . . I\'m actually quite pleased that it\'s a reasonable size. I like seeing famous people who are sensible with their money. By the way, fantabulous podcast, guys, as usual. I\'m still very, very sad I couldn\'t be a part of it. :(
Great podcast, guys :-) I found it totally believable that Ryan would hit on Pam, and I don\'t think it had anything to do with Jim, since he didn\'t know they were together. I thought it was a natural part of the way he swaggered in and starting throwing his weight around, and after all, he *is* that much of an ass. The blatent sexual harrassment was a little over the top, I guess, but Pam and Jim spanked him down so effectively that I didn\'t mind. Anyway, Ryan better hope Pam isn\'t litigious, because if he doesn\'t choose her graphic design for the website now, she\'s got grounds for a lawsuit...
I was traveling last weekend and wasn\'t able to watch the episode until Monday night. It was tough waiting to see the show, but very nice not having to wait to listen to the podcast, which was great as always. I love Matt\'s theory about Ryan! I can totally picture him hosting a housewarming party in a tiny, seedy, New York apartment, where he ends up sitting alone with a strobe light like Michael in The Convention. I\'m really looking forward to what\'s going to happen with his character this season.
Thanks for another great episode, and a shout out! I know I was in the minority (of people who loved the last episode). Maybe it\'s because I\'m in Taiwan and really crave American humor and a touch of home, but I\'m really enjoying this season so much. It\'s probably a bit of Jam-love, too! And now with you back on air, I\'m lovin\' life! Hugs! (oh, and when are you going to disclose that I\'m the lovely lady smooching you on your photo?) Oops. Did I do that? (Urkel)
so sad =((( at school right now ill wait till i get home at 8 and then listen to it =(((( ps for anyone who watches heroes IT WAS AWESOME!!! 1 thing i didnt like about dunder mifflin infinity was MICHAEL DRIVING INTO THAT F\\\'IN lake there is absolutley no way ANYONE on this planet would seriously do that
I was looking forward to hearing Melanie. Hopefully she can work out her computer issues. Good thing I watched the episode a second time to have something coherent to say. YouTube Links to Angela on the TLC Show Part one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=753OmD_-xVA Part two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJCqNRj-WSk Part three: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QmrPTXoqHk Part four: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z53VMD-dugE Part five: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDYxd1EOsf0 Part six: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc1Xaigr6tE Oscar and Kate also make an appearance.
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