Tue, 1 January 2008
Sorry to say that I disagree with you on Juno - I was greatly looking forward to it, and I loved it. My only beef was how they made Juno try WAY too hard to sound witty. But that\'s a minor complaint compared to my high opinion of the supporting cast, and yes, the soundtrack. But hey, that\'s me. I also like American Gladiators, so my opinion is questionable. :) Glad to hear the podcast is back, great show.
liked ur podcast! its nice to have another one, i really njoy them. my parents saw Juno and i dont think they especially loved it either. i want to see it (even though you gave it horrible reviews!), so i think i will get it on netflix. when is ur new podcast coming? its fun to have the retro ones, cause i didnt catch the 1st and 2nd seasons.
Hey, you have (had) 36 posts for Episode 36! Sweeeet. Oh dear. You see what this strike is doing to me? I\'ve become less smart, less witty, less charismatic -- assuming I was any of those three things to begin with. However, the podcast may have saved me a little in my downward spiral. It was awesome to hear you guys again! I love Heath Care and had never thought of the others in the office. Like, you Matt, I never cared what I had as long as I had it until they changed our plan at work. Now I\'m ticked because it\'s a crappy plan. Grrr. I\'m POSITIVE Dwight was on the decision committee. Anyway, do another one! (podcast, I mean, not . . . oh never mind.)
Some of the shows I\'ve been catching up on/watching during the strike are: Freaks and Geeks Flight of the Conchords Arrested Development 24 The Wire (I Love Netflix!) I do miss The Office very much but your podcasts make the forced hiatus barable. Thanks for the time and effort you put into these. Your podcast is definitely my favorite of The Office ones out there (by far). Looking forward to more retro episodes...Gotta keep the troops entertained! P.S. Loved Juno.
Matt, I love your podcast. I found it while doing random searches on Itunes a couple of months ago. My friends don\'t watch the show (losers) so I never have anyone to discuss the latest episodes. Your podcast has gotten me through plenty of days at work. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the new podcast Matt & Kevin, this ep has always been one of my favorites. Yay for all the new posters! It\'s a little early for Valentines, but I figured the indefinite hiatus doldrums was a good time to post this. Top 10 reasons why I think the TWSS podcast and blog page Rock: 10. That theme song makes me smile as soon as I open the podcast. 9. Minimal SQUEE factor and everyone is respectful and polite. 8. Someone in here will catch whatever references or inside jokes I missed. 7. All the news is “fit to print? and open for discussion. (Jenna and Joe Dirt? I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.) 6. Matt (and co-hosts on occasion) feels comfortable admitting that sometimes it “gets a little dusty? and that’s OK. Well crafted shows earn those moments. 5. Typos and sloppy grammar do not black hole my opinion. 4. The podcast isn’t only about what the hosts think. The listener’s opinions and observations from the blog page and emails are incorporated into the discussion. If you have been stealthing in here please speak up! 3. All those audio clips and the time it must take to put them together. 2. That little charge I get when Matt refers to one of my blog comments in the podcast. 1. Hurray for telling it like it is! They are not all the best episode ever. Sometimes jokes fall flat, characters act inconsistently, plot threads get forgotten, etc. Other times they hit one out of the park. The criticism is fair and the praise is genuine. Happy New Year everybody!
Wow, let\'s give Lynne a big hand for the awesome list. (though, sadly, it didn\'t move me enough for things to get dusty in the room). It\'s definitely the audio clips that set TWSS apart. Especially, I imagine, for retro episodes. Esp. since Matt not only creates them but even cuts and edits them for use (especially noticable in this episode\'s final clip with all the silence edited out). BTW - one reason why Juno is #1 on iTunes is because there\'s no CD version available. That\'s coming out on Jan 8th.
I thought Juno was good, but then again I like most movies with Michael Cera. As for the soundtrack, I really liked it and recognized almost all the songs, but that\'s just me and my Moldy Peaches thing. I can see how it could bug people, though... As for the Rainn Wilson part, I was let down. It was really forced and not funny at all. As for what we\'ve been catching up on since the strike, for me it\'s been seasons 1-3 of Arrested Development. Seriously funny stuff. Maybe that\'s why I liked Juno; two AD characters had big parts.
Another first time poster here....Gotta agree that this is the best Office podcast out there. It\'s obvious you put a lot of effort into it and it shows (love the audio clips). I recently tried another Office podcast just to get my fix, but it sounded just like my wife and her friends discussing the merits of flavored lip balm (c\'mon, Matt, you know which one I mean....!). Seriously, though, I hope you\'re not contemplating hanging it up. Listening to the new episodes makes my crappy desk job slightly less crappy.
I hear you want comments: I think your podcast is awesome, and one of the best Office podcasts out there. I am very happy that you are continuing to do the podcast over this extended episode drought... I can watch The Office reruns until the cows come home so I love your \"flux capacitor\" episodes. Keep it up, I listen to each cast as soon as it appears in my iTunes! Also - Thank you, for the effort you put into the cast and for doing just a really great job.
I\'ve only been watching The Office for a little over a year--I sat down with the Seasons 1 & 2 DVDs last Thanksgiving. I think I can safely say that the moment I was officially hooked on The Office was during the spontaneous dental hydroplosion bit. Hilarious! The Alliance episode sucked me in deeper, so I\'m really looking forward to the next retro episode as well. Thanks again for all the hard work, and happy New Year!
Matt to answer your question about why Juno claims to love punk but only listens to \"wuss-pop\" is simple: Money. Fox has gotten really good over the past few years at finding indie darlings to put onto Fox Searchlight like Garden State, Sideways, Little Miss Sunshine (The first two I like a lot, but sunshine doesn\'t hold up on multiple viewings). All of which (except maybe sideways) have similar indie-pop soundtracks. Juno is example.
Just to clarify, I didn\'t say Matt he was nuts for not liking \'Juno.\' I merely disagreed with his opinion. But what exactly does \"JK Simmons has potential\" mean, Matt? Do you think he has a film career ahead of him? Maybe he\'ll be in movies like, oh, say the Spider-Man flicks?
I\'m glad to hear someone else disliked Juno as much as I did. I thought I was the only one who thought it was a complete waste of both time and money. As for the podcast I\'m glad you are doing retro episodes. It gives me a something to fight the Office withdrawl I\'m going through. Knowing there\'s a chance there will be no new episodes till next season isn\'t helping matters. Oh well, at least I can look forward to some retro episodes. Keep up the good work.
Feb 15th is the day I am going to go to New York to deliver the letters. The # of letters consist of.... 1. All of the letters that you guys have posted on the wall of the event http://hs.facebook.com/event.php?eid=6133364431 2. For every member of the host group http://hs.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6678421101 there is one letter. this means, the deadline for writing letters on the wall is JAN 15th! If you have written a letter before Dec 3rd, your letter has been literally written and sealed in an envelope.. Our plans to end this strike are finally taking place. In order for this to work, we need you to invite your friends to the host group http://hs.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6678421101 In order to make sure that we are fully prepared for our new york trip we are using the # of members in the group from Feb 1st. Thanks for all ur support. and if you have any questions feel free to ask Viraj Singh AGAIN join the group http://hs.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6678421101 invite ur friends
As far of Juno goes I liked it enough but didn\'t love it like as much as everyone else did. The beginning did \"grate\" on me and I honestly was pissed off that the main character didn\'t buck up at all. I also heard an interview with ellen page and she did piss me off by sounding really pretentious.
YAY new episode! Health Care is one of my favorite episodes... and to have it preceded by the retro intro just makes me happy. and, i too, am highly disturbed by the jenna fischer/ david spade idea. just icky. i\'m hoping to see walk hard really soon, but from your reviews, i may have to pass on juno, it seems like a netflix rental to me. it was great to have a new podcast to listen to, and i hope everyone is having a good new year! you know what i miss from the podcast? the songs from jim\'s ipod. i found some great music from that. i assume it got cut because the podcasts have gotten a bit long. anyway, i love the podcast, and really appreciate that you both take time out of your lives to do it.
Regarding Juno: I\'ve seen the film now. While I understand Matt\'s aversion (especially to the dialog-heavy first act), I must say I liked the movie. I completely hated the scene with Rainn Wilson and his hipster dialogue with Ellen Page. She was okay but just okay to me. On the other hand, Jason Bateman, Jennifer Garner, and Michael Cera are great! There\'s some great stuff between Page and both Bateman and Cera and some nice twists in the story. 3 / 5 beermugs.
I havent actually listened to the podcast yet but regarding Juno, u both definitely have valid points. I thought the movie was extremely funny, and that Rainn Wilson was just creepy as hell. The supporting cast was phenomenal, in my opinion, and matt\'s right, the facts and the music didnt add up well as seen as I saaw this downloading in my RSS feed, I went YITAAAAA hiro nakamura
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