Tue, 5 February 2008
Thanks for the new podcast! I\'ve been listening to the old ones again and they never fail to make me laugh. What do you think the writers are going to do with the 4-5 months gap in the episodes? I know they were in the middle of filming the episode that\'s going to air in April when the strike occurred but will they incorporate a time shift into the script as well? Hmmm.... Also - I found your myspace page through your old co-host Ian C\'s page. You don\'t log on there much do you? Anyway, keep up the good work and looking forward to another one or two retro podcast before new season 4 episodes air. *hint, hint*
Great show as always, Matt! It\'s funny that you mention the whole \"people competing to write something better than everyone else\" thing, in regards to birthday cards. Just last week in my office job, we had to sign three separate cards for birthdays (all in the same week), and I found myself trying to write the funniest, most creative comment! But nothing about \"downsizing\" anyone\'s age! Hahahaha!
I meant to post a comment after the last podcast but forgot, so I\'m here now responding to your call for new commenters :) I think I\'ve posted before, but never really thanked you for the work you do on the show, so thanks! I\'m from Australia, and practically no one I know here is into the US Office. Maybe it\'s because the network here that screens the Office treats it like crap (plays it out of order, sporadically, late at night. The last episode they screened was midway through season 3). Or maybe it\'s because there are a lot of UK Office snobs here. Whatever, I\'m just glad I have your podcast to remind me that I\'m not the only one who likes the show! Thanks again, and keep up the great work!
Matt, is it me or did you use the word \"banal\" several times in varying forms during this podcast. Word of the day or something? I guess we could make a drinking game out of it? Anyway, it was also very cool that you got Barry White to do the news again this week. Your multiple voice personality really keeps us on our toes out here in radio land. Thanks for the podcast! I was missing it!
Could the birthday bit be something other than a continuity error? Hearing those clips back to back made me think that Pam might be purposefully misleading Michael. It could be that she was told by Creed and others not to reveal their birthday. She threw out Merideth\'s birthday, hoping that Michael wouldn\'t do anything for her birthday, but it backfired.
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