Mon, 5 May 2008
I\'m with you - not a fan of the spoilers, at least for the Office. Could you imagine how disappointed you would have been if you knew the spoilers to last years season finale, especially the part with Jim and with Ryan? :-o I think I\'m enjoying the tension between Jim and Ryan.
Re: Madlibs The humor inherent in Andy\'s and Angela\'s mad lib segment only is apparent to the parents of teen and pre-teen boys (and possibly to the boys themselves). Our family went through a bunch of those books one summer and it all started out innocently enough but eventually devolved into an exercise in which every blank was filled with a disgusting bodily function/fluid/noise. Watching Angela and Andy breeze so innocently through the exercise had us rolling on the floor.
Just adding to your nitpicking of the org chart: you commented on how there were no Stamford people on there, and I could almost make my own little reaching explanation for that by saying that Dwight made the chart pre-Merger, and then didn\'t update it ever until recently and just added on Andy/crossed off Tom and Devon - but what about Roy?? I can\'t come up with any explanation for Roy not being on there if Tom and Devon were.
I don\'t know why everyone is so worried about Jim and Pam getting engaged. Jenna Fischer said in an interview, when her and Angela were doing the press junket that the Dinner Party picked up in real time, so we have another like another 5 months, plus at the beginning of Chair Model, Dwight mentioned that Michael had been staying in the America room for 6 weeks. So by the time Night Out showed we are looking at almost a seven month stint. That means that we missed not only summer, but, Christmas and Valentine\'s Day, which fell on a Thursday this year (it was my birthday), so lots of romance has happened. They have been dating, in TV time for over a year. That is just about normal for people in love and dating to get engaged. I mean, my husband proposed to me on the second date for goodness sake. And there has been some conflict between Jim and Pam you know. And who knows how many fights they have gotten into over the last year. I am just saying, in terms of \"keeping it real\" this is a very normal progression.
I agree they\'re the heart, but a romantic focus doesn\'t have to be the heart anymore, just the characters. Let Pam and Jim be charming in other ways. The last thing I want is a break up and then a retread of season 2 & 3 the way so many long-running shows do. I\'m sure that\'s what NBC wants, though.
Kevin, I think you\'d be surprised. Some of us just can\'t get enough of you guys! (Oh dear, it\'s after 10 p.m. . . .) I love the podcast with all of my little soul -- and since The Office doesn\'t air every night, I have to get my fix somehow. (It was a long and lonely writers strike . . .) I\'m ALMOST finished listening to \"Did I stutter\" but so far, the only comment I have is that I realized that one of the reasons that Michael\'s Respect monologue seemed so long and painful to me is that we\'re not supposed to know that Stanley told him he didn\'t respect him because Michael allegedly doesn\'t know that the cameras sneaked into the office. Therefore, for Michael to babble on like that seems like those people you often meet on public transport who ramble nonsense, and you\'re not really sure if you should ask for clarification or just smile and nod, but regardless, you wish sincerely that you were somewhere else. There, have I added to the controversy? I didn\'t mean to, I just have a stronger opinion about this than I usually do for anything in life except chocolate.
Kev, I\'ve got to agree with Matt. Jim will propose, but they won\'t be the engaged couple. With the whole office dumping on Halpert the past few weeks, wouldn\'t it make sense for Pam to eventually join? Also: the show has 3 or 4 more seasons to go; they can\'t have the two leads marry this quickly.
Rick, there\'s no reason that Pam and Jim couldn\'t be engaged and married. Friends did awfully well after Chandler and Monica got together. In fact, those later seasons were perhaps the series\' best. He\'s gonna ask. She\'s gonna say yes. Take it to the bank.
I\'m on a business trip, listening to the podcast for the second time, and drinking some water while taking a pill. Then I hear the part again with Phyllis at the end. I almost lost it (with the water). Hearing things for the third time, I\'m struck how Kevin\'s lines get lost in all the other big lines and big acting last week. On any other show, less drama, I think Kevin\'s lines would have had more impact. Trying to get Pam to say a line for his librarian fantasy was pretty funny.
Cont. - Creed\'s lines and even Kelly talking about now being the cutest girl in the office. In past seasons, these would have been great little morsels but it seems like they got lost in the big stories with Stanley and Dwight. Not complaining - just giving the little lines some love. I think these are examples of how the show has changed over the years. In the past, these lines would have been the heart of some shows.
Thanks for the podcast, that Mad-Lib at the beginning was awesome Matt! For some reason I thought it was a running gag that Andy always drove a different car, part of him having a rich family. The car Angela smeared icecream on in Dinner Party was blue and the one he drove in Product Recall wasn\'t an SUV. Nice that Dwight noticed it had been keyed, didn\'t Angela do that in the Safety Training deleted scenes?
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