Sun, 11 May 2008
Loved the podcast- and am in total agreement that Pam going back to high school was a missed opportunity. After Pam\'s great season last year, it feels like this year she has gotten the short end of the story-lines. I love PB&J, but I also loved Pam\'s new-found independence last season; I don\'t feel that this season. That\'s understandable because of her and Jim\'s relationship, but it\'s disappointing.
I was just thinking: why does a proposal have to be Jim & Pam? What if Toby proposes to Pam and in his humiliation leaves for CR? Pam could shoot Toby down by revealing that she is moving to Philly or NYC to take graphic design courses, thereby putting her relationship with Jim in jeopardy without the writers having to have the main couple get engaged? I know it\'s out there (and I\'ve been taking pains to avoid spoilers this week) but I\'m thinking along the lines of previous posters that maybe a Jim/Pam proposal is just a little TOO easy for now. Does anyone know how long Steve Carrell\'s contract for this show runs?
Skipped the majority of it, because it\'s Michael being himself. Loved to see Dwight get his parade rained on, no pun intended, and was glad Jim closed his sale, and also that Kevin found a new golf buddy, cause he gets crapped on a lot, so it\'s good to see him kick ass at something. Also, STARE OF DEATH from Pam. Just as scary as it was in \"The Surplus\". Made me shiver all over again.
Where is the Jim I love? I don’t care what anybody says he’s GONE! Jim has left the building ladies and gentlemen. Who else remembers the sweet adorable perfect Jim from last season, or even the beginning of this season? Even in Benihana Christmas Jim took Pam’s present to make her feel better! Jim has been one big ASS! I’m sick of it! I wish I had my positive lovely caring pranking Jim Halpert back, the one that not only loved Pam, but treated her good. Did anyone else notice that Jim was wearing lipstick in some scenes (esp the beginning) - and then in others his lips were totally chapped? Is it just moi?
Finished listening to the latest podcast on a recent business flight. Then remembered that my daughter had bought all of Season 3 from iTunes before the DVD\'s came out, which I had put on my iPod. Watched several of the early episodes again from Season 3. I was struck how tight most of the writing was. Just about every line and facial expression was so well done. I compare it to the sporadic nature of the episodes this season after the strike. Several of the recent routines, such as as Michael\'s behavior at the fair have been hard for me to watch. There is still some great humor here but it doesn\'t seem as conistent as in previous seasons. Like many, I\'m putting up with it for the promised plot payoffs in the last episode. Was also interesting to see Michael and Stanley high-fiving in the pretzel line given their recent blow-up. One of our few times to see Stanley smile.
season\'s not over till it\'s over, cason. ;) but you bring up a good point... pam\'s independence has been a bit stifled... that\'s what i worry about blossoming in the finale. i don\'t see jim\'s assholerie... i truly don\'t. i think everything everyone has posted about (ie: the party ditch attempt) has had backing reasons... and truly weren\'t mean by definition. but then again - as i said before - jim can do no wrong in my eyes. :)
I have a few words, if that is okay with you. One: I am obsessed with John Krasinski/Jim Halpert. Two: I like the office just the way it is. Three:I loved Dwight’s performance as well as Jim’s. Dwight was so incredibly funny, and Jim…Jim gave that little eye-opening thing that made me re-watch it all over again eighty-thousand times. Triple true. Well, thanks for letting me post. (I loved the last part, too… “Pam!!!”) I love that, its hilarious! What was up with the part with Dwight? It seemed like he stuttered on that one line, but they left it in the episode. Was it because the rest of the scene was shot perfectly and they wanted to keep that human aspect (mistake) in the episode? Thanks.
The third deleted scene is AWESOME! So funny and somewhat necessary for the plot. It really helped show that Jim was, in fact, trying. It was only 45 seconds!!! I wish they would have left it in. But I am so glad they cut the first two deleted scenes. I don’t care for what they have been doing with Michael lately. They’re taking him closer to the David Brent character, who was, in my opinion, much more difficult to appreciate. I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I enjoy that Michael often manages to still be somewhat sympathetic as clueless as he is. If they completely move away from this, I will never watch this show again and I\'ll burn Utica to the ground.
\"assholerie\" should be voted word of the year! i stick with \"pud\", but assholerie is a word i shall spread around! good on ya! left coasters unite! i\'ll be in the chatroom - hope to see LOTS there this week!!! thanks for the shout-out kev and matt... made my day! :)
I just have to say, I think one of the best lines in office history came in the episode. It is when Michael offends Pam and then after she walks away and says, \'I would never say this to her face, but she is a wonderful person and a gifted artist\'. That pretty much sums up the core of Michael\'s character. I replayed that part 10 times and laughed so hard.
Well done gents. Sadly, I stupidly agreed to go to a concert on Thursday so I wont get to see the finale live! What was I thinking? Obviously I wasn\'t. . . I didn\'t laugh a lot in this episode, but I still liked it. I thought the Jim/Pam stuff was awesome and a nice return to the Season 2 sentiments. RE: Ed Helms mad banjo playing skills. He\'s actually in a Bluegrass Band (I love Bluegrass! I\'m sorry you don\'t Kevin . . . ) called The Lonesome Trio. Here\'s his MySpace page:
HOORAY for the return of the iPod segment! oh how i\'ve missed it. yet another great episode, i love listening to twss, you guys always point out stuff i never notice. however, this is something no one (that i\'ve seen) has brought up yet. Is anyone else slightly confused about the time gap? It is announced that the Job Fair is closing in 5 minutes and 8th period will go on as scheduled. Jump to Dwight and Angela leaving the office at 5pm. The guys get back from golf, then Pam, Michael, and Oscar return. We know that the HS is only 10 miles away, and they didn\'t have much of a booth to clean up. Assuming that 8th period is the second to last class of the day, it\'s what, 2pm? Maybe 3? Where did those 2+ hours go? Theories, anyone?
OMG I love Creed everytime i see more of him!!!!!!!!!! he seems like he was a major hippie back in the day. i love his random, secretive humor! “when Pam gets Michael’s old chair I get Pam’s old chair. then i’ll have 2 chairs. one to go.” like, what does that even mean!? lol. and steve carell, hilarious as always. as much as i’d like to hear a scoop, i’d much rather just wait until Thursday!
I think you were wrong about the 3rd deleted scene from “Did I Stutter”. Or rather, I think your initial interpretation that Toby was responsible for Jim’s probation was correct. Toby’s inflection on “I know, but *RYAN* thinks that they’re not good enough” was the biggest clue that Toby put the idea of Jim’s productivity in Ryan’s head. Plus his weasely “well as you know, Dwight has filed a LOT of complaints against you over the years”. And Jim’s, “But no one cared” reply was 100% accurate. No one ever cared, and Toby never filed them anywhere but the warehouse. I think Toby brought them up to Ryan, who was all too happy to have a reason to bag on Jim.
Obviously Jim will propose in the finale. What the answer is is certainly up in the air, but they\'ve been setting it up for so long without a pay-off. The cliffhanger has ALWAYS been a Jim/Pam thing, so it only makes sense. The one piece of paper makes sense to me - similar concept to the commercial. Michael trying to be deep and conceptual - completely screwing it up.
I\'ll admit I\'m stealing this from something I heard on The Office Alliance podcast, but this theory is way, way too juicy not to share. What if Michael started dating some really hot older woman, probably one all botoxed and implanted out but still really hot. After a while, the woman introduces Michael to her grown son (the son Michael never had!) who is working in NYC at some company she can never remember the name of. She calls the son by his childhood nickname not his actual real name. She finally introduces Michael to the son: Ryan Howard. Michael becomes Ryan\'s dad. That is a storyline I\'d love to see!
Glenn, I\'d love to check out the Zune Marketplace. But as noted it doesn\'t work with Macs and I couldn\'t get the installer to even run under Parallels/WinXP on my Mac. A lot of podcasts are produced on Macs (I\'d say at least half) and it\'s an awful bummer to not be able to get in a look around. I know that Microsoft would be swimming upstream to allow Macs to use Zune, but they\'re really cutting out a sizable portion of the potential market by ignoring us. Apple has easily 10-15% of the consumer market - the kind of computers that people use to connect mp3 players to.
In reference to the graphic design recruiter - sounds A LOT like Jim/John. I never thought it was John in a dual role, but I did think the interaction reminded me a bit of a Jim/Pam interaction. Re-watching today, it really struck me how many of the recruiter’s lines and mannerism were things I could picture Jim saying/doing, such as “absolutely.” Any significance? I didn’t think this at first, but my boyfriend agrees with others here that Dwight and Angela were “courting” while in the office alone. True? And, was it just me, or was Angela checking out Dwight’s backside when at the copier?? Speaking of them being the only two in the office - since we never saw Toby, was Toby really stuck in the back alone, working, sad because everyone forgot about him? It seemed Pam did know how important the golf outing was for Jim as she was very encouraging before he left (and after). Did he tell her? And does Michael know? In closing, I really felt the primary purpose of this episode was setting us up for next week’s finale…
Can anyone help me out, here? I’ve only recently discovered this marvelous show, and am trying to catch up on over three seasons of fairly complex relationship history. In her TH near the end of ‘The Job’, when Pam is trying to convince the camera crew that she’s fine with Jim leaving, she says that she shot him down and later he did the same to her. Now, I know when she rejected him (in the flashback scene in ‘Gay Witch Hunt’). But when did Jim reject her? Or was it implied by his relationship with Karen? And don’t forget that Karen wanted to keep escalating the “party wars” in ‘Benihana Christmas’. It was Pam who reconciled the office family by reaching out to Angela.
I haven\'t had a chance to listen to the podcast yet (so I am not sure if I am the first with this idea) but here is my prediction for the finale: Pam will propose to Jim. It meets all the requirements, the writers like to throw us curve balls and this will be even more unexpected because we have been hearing fake proposals from Jim left and right. Fancy new Beasley can do it herself :) Max: That would be even more of a surprise. Maybe Kelly can really be pregnant this time.
I didn’t buy the fact that Michael would show up to a Job Fair with a blank sheet of paper. It was out of character. The expectation would be that he would be planning for weeks and then come up with something like “Win a kiss from Pam” or pass out inappropriately worded t-shirts (Dund her Miflin “That’s what she said”)… Michael made his own Dunder Miflin commercial, organized the Rabies marathon, held a Survivor game to find his successor, etc. He invests heavily in his project, goes overboard, and ends up with little in return. …that’s his M.O. and a blank sheet of paper was out of line with his character…just my 2 cents…
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