Wed, 1 October 2008
b - wow. just.. wow. that was a very thorough dissertation on creed. wow! i\'m impressed - for real! brandy - thank you for summing up the proposal for these two guys. you get it - women get it. maybe we need to campaign for a woman to get on this podcast panel... for the POV! that being said... glad you guys are back - glad the office is back! let\'s hear it for a great season! BOOOYAH!
Lara, if you want a woman\'s perspective on The Office, you\'ll get that in spades if you listen to The Office Alliance podcast. The three ladies who produce it are, as they say, a hoot. I originally found their podcast first when looking for podcasts about The Office, but the more I listened, the more I felt like something was missing: a male perspective. Enter That\'s What She Said. Anyways, while it\'s interesting to hear both male and female reactions to the show, I gotta say, I identify much more with Matt and Kevin\'s points of view. Although I do feel obligated to say the proposal was awesome and jaw-dropping. Cheers!
Also, in case I didn\'t make it clear, your podcast rocks Matt and Kevin. Thanks for providing such an in-depth discussion of all the plotlines. Your dedication is really incalcalcbbllble. Lastly, you have got me hooked on Corporate Whore! I downloaded their whole album on iTunes and have scoured the internet for anything related to them but there is sadly very little. Hope they make it big, they rock in a very fantastic way.
I agree with Brandy, the proposal was romantic BECAUSE of the rain and ESPECIALLY because of the surprise element. Think back to Booze Cruise -- she was blown away momentarily by Roy because he surprised her with a wedding date. Those moments of surprise can often mean much, much more than a big event. (Though, don\'t get me wrong, they\'re great too!) There are MANY examples of this in classic literature to back me up -- take A Room With a View for example (which, if you remember, The Finer Things Club read last season) where George Emerson happens upon Lucy in a field of poppies and just kisses her -- just like that. I can guarantee that was exciting and romantic. I LOVED the podcast as usual and thanks for the nearly two hours of enjoyment. (O.k. I just want you to know that i sat here for about five minutes trying to figure out how to say that without it being a TWSS, but, as you see, I didn\'t succeed. Other options: \'thanks for making it longer!\' \'thanks for keeping me happy longer!\' etc. etc.) I too would love to see Michael actually happy eventually. One of the things I DID like about David Brent in the UK The Office was that at the end of the Holiday special, he finally meets someone who is enough like he is that it is assumed he might actually be happy. However, I AM glad that they didn\'t hook up in the first episode. I think it would have been a bit of overkill as far as exciting hookups go and besides, I think Pam and Jim deserve their own episode after four seasons. ;) I DO hope, however that before Holly leaves she and Michael go on at least one date. Maybe Michael will become jealous of Jim and Pam\'s long distance relationship (because I have a theory that Pam is going to want to stay in New York longer than the three months and just finish her degree) and decide that he needs one too -- so maybe THAT\'s when he\'ll make his move. Finally, I am absolutely delighted that Phyllis is using her information against Angela. I do hope they play it up a bit more in an upcoming episode, though. Hope this all makes sense. I can\'t be bothered to go back and re-read it to make sure. :)
Welcome back guys! Love your podcast. Thought your mention of MIchael\'s holding back on the \"that\'s what she said\" comments was interesting. It must be killing him. In one of the deleted scenes, you can hear him muttering \"that\'s what she said\" all alone in his office in response to a conversation that Jim is having on the phone. He\'s just going to let loose one of these days!
If the lunch scene was supposed to be a flashback I don\' think it was handled very well. It should have started with the talking head rather than finishing with it. Plus, since the cut is from Ryan eating lunch to Jim, Holly, and Michael eating lunch it would imply it was contemporaneous.
Matt and Kevin you are such...GUYS! As a woman, I will say that Jim\'s proposal was so much MORE ass-kicking than any fireworks at a company party could have ever been. Yes rain IS romantic, and even more romantic was the fact that Jim just couldn\'t seem to wait! Pam\'s ass was definitely kicked. By the way...Matt -- I can\'t believe you\'re so upset about Michael and Holly not being together yet. We haven\'t waited nearly as long for them as we\'ve waited for Jim and Pam. You can\'t have it all my friend! :-)
Let me elaborate on me post way at the top of this thread: \"OH WHAT A SHOCK!!!! Matt was disapointed by an episode because Michael didn\'t \"come through\" in the end . . . very predictable. As predictable as the sun rising in the east, Michael Scott\'s fortune is the official barometer for Matt Sommer\'s opinion of any given Office episode. . .\" As i wrote before, i love twss and I think it is a great Office podcast because of the great usage of clips from the show and good work by the hosts. . . but after listening to TWSS through 2+ seasons worth of episopdes, there is an obvious pattern that has developed. Matt lives and dies my the fortunes of Michael Scott. The episodes where Michael ends up doing well or at least being redeemed are your favorites and the ones where he finishes poorly or doesn\'t learn his lesson are the ones you give a harsher critique. That\'s all fine and dandy. One of the reasons i listen is because i like to hear what the hosts have to say about the show, but in this one area, I think Matt is beating the proverbial dead horse. i think it is a two-fold issue. first, I think Matt puts too much weight in identifying with the characters. he lamented in season three about Jim becoming a \"dick\" after rooting for him in the first 2 seasons, and he has become progressively more defensive for both Michael and Dwight (i.e. dwight has to earn any pranks from jim and pam each episode). Second, Matt comes across as dissatisfied with episodes where Michael doesn\'t \"learn his lesson\". While i agree that that those episodes are more uplifting, if every episode ended with a lesson learned, we would be watching a twisted version of family ties or the cosby show (didn\'t Seinfeld kill message sitcoms????). The office is part wacky comedy and part wicked satire. its a show excels at finding humor in awkward and/or uncomfortable moments. some of these moments can be excrutiatingly painful (like most of Michael\'s interactions with anybody else) and some of these moments just don\'t work (ALA \"Prison Mike). While I agree that the office is at its best when it strikes a balance between the uncomfortable moments, the wacky fun and the satire of mundane office life, i din\'t think it is wise or fair to hold the show to a formula (which is what Matt sounds like he wants sometimes). Sorry Matt, I don\'t know if this qualifies as discussion material or not. I was planning on sending this to you as \"constructive compliments\" but i never got around to it. just let me say it again: I DO LOVE THE PODCAST
Matt, I\'m not going to defend you, because (a) you already know what you\'re doing, and (b) it\'s obvious that you DO like the Office, and you just want it to be the best show it can be. That said, Kevin, you killed me with your irrational exuberance this week. I laughed so much when I heard you talking about your, ahem, reaction to Jim when he told Dwight that HE\'D report HIM! Seriously, you slayed me! Love you guys!
Holly is some kind of goofball. She can’t possibly think it is a good idea to date Michael! Was she in HR at a circus prior to her employment at DM?! I love how everyone is just aghast staring at Michael & Holly singing and dancing- even Stanley. Gotta love Phyllis- she’s swaying in her chair and bopping her head. I loved and hated the premiere, just as I love and hate this podcast.
I call Season 3 \"The season of Creed,\" Kevin, because that\'s when the writers really started to take full potential of Creed, especially toward the latter half. For example: In \"Gay Witch Hunt,\" we learn Creed\'s \"muddy\" past has left him open-minded about modern-day homosexuality. In \"Branch Closing,\" while the rest of the office bemuses the impending closing, Creed begins to sell office assets for cash. In \"The Convention,\" it\'s revealed Creed mistakes Angela for \"Andrea,\" but, ironically, he\'s correct in his assessment that she\'s the office bitch. Despite requesting he face away from Meredith in in lieu of a Pam view in Season 2, Creed introduces himself to the red-head as if they\'ve never met. In \"Grief Counseling,\" Creed explains a human can live for several hours after being decapitated. Beginning with \"The Merger,\" Creed begins his infatuation with the obnoxious breast exposing Hannah Smokeridge Barr. My theory is that Smokeridge Barr\'s unexplained departure had something to do with a growing collection of perfectly-timed nipple slip photographs in a folder on Creed\'s computer desktop. \"Ditto that, my brother...\" In \"Behinana Christmas,\" Creed begins the morning by plucking a gift from the charity toy drive. In \"Ben Franklin,\" Creed enjoys Michael\'s man meat with both hands. In \"Phyllis\' Wedding,\" the happy couple has a wide array of gifts to open, none bigger than the one with Creed\'s card attached, of course. In \"Business School,\" Creed is quick to form an \"allegiance to use sudden violence\" with Dwight after extraordinary events call for extraordinary actions. We also learn that, like Dwight, Creed stores weaponry in his desk, but unlike Dwight, Creed\'s weaponry is specifically fashioned to slay the undead. In \"Cocktails,\" underage drinking grows rampant in Scranton, thanks, in some part, to Creed\'s fake I.D. business run out of the back of his car with a laminating machine swiped from Sherrif\'s station. In \"The Negotiation,\" Creed\'s guilt forces him to return 40 stolen dollars to Michael after it\'s revealed the perks-obsessed Regional Manager hasn\'t sought out a wage increase in a decade and a half. Also, Creed saw Roy swing a sock of nickels at Jim during the attack, and that Dwight countered the beast with hairspray and a lighter. Finally, Creed can\'t taste the difference between an apple and a potato. In \"Safety Training,\" Creed takes a leak on Michael\'s inflatable castle. If you\'re following the chronological order of the Creed train picking up steam, you\'ll note that it all culminated in Creed\'s penultimate episode, \"Product Recall,\" which, for Creed fans, is like Jimi\'s Purple Haze. In \"Product Recall,\" Creed is put on blast for screwing the pooch with quality assurance after a beloved cartoon mouse and duck are watermarked on a recent Dunder Mifflin outgoing paper shipment. Because of Creed, the entire company is in jeopardy. Every week Creed is supposed to take four hours to do a quality spot check at the paper mill. Of course, the one year he blows it off, this happens. After phoning the mill and learning Debbie Brown was sick the Wednesday prior, Creed devises a plot to manipulate Dwight into laying the blame for the quality assurance blunder on the fact that Brown was a no-show at Creed\'s weekly spot check last week. After Brown is terminated, Creed sends around a \'farewell\' card for everyone to sign and contribute a few bucks to help the single mother of two through these difficult times. As Creed leaves the Office to deliver the card, he pockets the money and trashes Brown\'s card. \"Why do bad things always happen to the good people? It\'s tragic. It\'s just tragic.\" In \"Women\'s Appreciation,\" we learn Creed finds nothing offensive about hanging brain. In \"Beach Games,\" Creed catches a fish with his bare hands and devours it, only to be disappointed by the fact that nobody told him they were going to have hot dogs. In the \"Job,\" Creed blogs Pam\'s entire beach day outburst on\\creedthoughts, check it out. So, my friend, as you can see, if ever the were a \"Season of Creed,\" it be three.
I do agree with Luke here. I do not necessarily agree that this Office episode let me down. But I do see where you\'re coming from. I understand why you were disappointed in this episode. Although I was not, I understand your reasoning. Another knockout podcast!
Hey Matt Just to balance out the negative comments I\'ve been reading, I\'d like to say that while the majority of us liked the episode more than you, I do understand where you\'re coming from and why your opinions are such. If you just gushed over every single episode, the podcast wouldn\'t be nearly as interesting. And if the listeners don\'t like it, then they can exercise their democratic right and take it elsewhere. To paraphrase, I may not agree with what you\'re saying, but I will defend your right to say it.
Jim and Pam finally getting together provides the balance to all the other misery and craziness. I could put up with Michael constantly self-destructing, and all the others having miserable lives, because there was hope for years with Pam and Jim and now hopefully, some happiness. If everyone was dysfunctional and a failure, it would be too much. The only problem I had with the proposal was that we didn\'t get to see their faces - especially Pam\'s. I live for Pam\'s simple but powerful facial expressions. That\'s also my problem with her being in NYC. We\'re getting more of Jim\'s talking head than we normally would - in place of Pam\'s. Knowing that Holly has a limited number of episodes is making me start to wonder how she will leave. I don\'t expect an actress of her caliber to stay in TV but it has been great. I could see Jan get jealous and tell Michael the baby is his. His guilt and desire to have children could sway him. Another possibility is that maybe Michael will decide to be celibate again - since he apparently does this every few years for years at a time. Holly might not put up with that... As to why Angela is stringing Andy along: She has to live up to Pam\'s precedent. Pam was engaged for years. Angela has to give it at least a few months or be considered a quitter. I would have liked the writers to make Dwight pay for leading Holly on with Kevin. Because I like Holly, I hate for her to get the blame for being insensitive and for Angela to get that dig in.
OH WHAT A SHOCK!!!! Matt was disapointed by an episode because Michael didn\\\'t \\\"come through\\\" in the end . . . very predictable. As predictable as the sun rising in the east, Michael Scott\\\'s fortune is the official barometer for Matt Sommer\\\'s opinion of any given Office episode. . .
. . . that being said, even though this is my first time posting, i have listened to every episode of TWSS, and i really appreciate the time and energy that both kevin and matt put into the podcast. you guys do an excellent job, and i really enjoy what you guys have to say. I apologize that Matt\'s \"michael homerizm\" finaly got the best of me after all these episodes. . .
I don\'t know why you and Kevin keep insisting on happiness between Pam & Jim and Michael & Holly. This isn\'t a romantic comedy. Happy characters are boring. Writers don\'t like writing happy people and actors don\'t like playing them. If that\'s what you want, there are Fantasy Island reruns.
As for who to place the blame on for gaining weight while everyone else was losing at Scranton... is it just me or did Michael look like he was getting a lot heavier throughout the episode? I felt the writers were trying to hint at something, but they needed to be a lot clearer.
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