Mon, 27 October 2008
Now that I\'ve heard your podcast I can\'t wait to see tonight\'s episode! I know what I\'ll be doing this holiday season!!! You summarize in such a way that it makes me want to listen to every one of your podcasts! And I loved your email and news segments, too--and I\'m not even a big Office fan, but now I want to watch the series. Keep up the good work! And Kevin, you sound just like the pimply-faced kid from The Simpsons! Cute! :)
I thought the biggest continuity problem with the episode was: what were they raising the money for? Was something stolen besides Dunder Mifflin property? Isn\'t Dunder Mifflin and/or their insurance company going to pay to replace those things? I wasn\'t sure what was really lost. Love the podcast- I missed it almost as much as I missed the actual episodes over the break.
I love your podcast, Matt! I have been guilty of reading all the other blogs about The Office. I know half of it probably isn\'t true. And I really probably have no right to know what the truth is. But it\'s still interesting to read. The way you summarize everything is exactly the way I see things. We want our officemates to be more than ordinary but, save for a few deviants, they are very much ordinary.
Hey, Matt, my man, I\'m totally with you on trying to stay spoiler free. I hate to know anything about an episode before I watch it. In fact, I avoid all previews, episode descriptions, TV listings everything. I try to skip over the part where you read the next episode description in the podcast, but sometimes I forget. Like this week! I feel like I got spoiled. Any chance you might consider not reading the next week\'s episode description in the podcast?
The trouble with listening to the \'cast while I\'m driving is that by the time I get around to posting I can\'t remember half of what I wanted to say -- probably to your relief and benefit. I WILL say, however, that I got a ginormous kick out of hearing you all talking about Cranford. I have yet to see it but it was based on a book by one of my newest favorite authors from the late 1800s. (Elizabeth Gaskell) For anyone who might be interested, she also wrote North and South. (NOT the 80s American film.) I have more to say on this subject, but I\'ll keep it to myself since this is an Office blog.
Although I thought there might be some continuity issues when I first watched (when Hank left, the locked fence, etc.), I decided that this wasn\'t some random theft. It\'s very unlikely that some guy walked by, happened to try or notice the unlocked door, then proceed to steal stuff from the office. It may have been a crime of passion from a disgruntled employee. I wonder if the other businesses were hit? Whatever the case, I\'ve convinced myself it was not Michael and Holly\'s fault.
ok... we\'ll call that a wash. technically no singing from matt or kevin... but at least i got to hear a bit of my favorite springsteen song. ;) i am TOTALLY with you on the spoilery foolery going on with the commercial. poo on nbc. i\'ve rewatched the eppy now and i still get a little misty at dwight\'s face at the fridge... and then am amazed at how quickly that mist faded at his next comment. LOVE the writers. nice \'cast guys.
Maybe Toby is the one who robbed the office? Think about it, he could still have the keys... he is bitter that no one misses him or came to see him in the hospital... and angry that the woman he loves is engaged to someone else! So he comes back to Scranton, climbs the fence, and robs the office! He could be this seasons arch villain! EVIL TOBY!
Excellent podcast, gentlemen! I have to tell you, I\'m always impressed with the thought and care you give each episode...from the edit of the clips and adding them to the discussion, to the introspection you make on each storyline, all the way to the care you give to your listeners and blog posters. This episode was down on my list. I mean way down, at \"Phyllis\' Wedding\" level. Once I gave this show a listen, I watched the episode again, and I really saw some of the complexities you both mentioned. Bravo. Oh, and thank you for staying spoiler-free...just another feature you give us! Have a great day, guys!
I love Dancing with the Stars and 2 1/2 Men but my favorite show of all is The Office. Unfortunately you all probably know, it doesn\'t get high ratings like those two and could be cancelled by the end of the season. Still, I\'m going to watch every episode until it happens because it is just that rare gem of a show that has tremendous talent, great chemistry, and is so well written. It is amazing that a team of scribes and cast members can deliver such high quality work every single week. It may not be a top ten show but that\'s America\'s loss, not mine.
Mmmm Donuts, The Office is one of NBC\'s highest rated shows in the advertising demographic (ages 25-54). As noted in the podcast, the ratings are holding steady this year while other shows are generally going down. The Office most assuredly will NOT be cancelled any time soon.
Great podcast. You guys were on fire! I did like this episode. It leaves you feeling sympathetic for Michael because he seems like a poor sap who has gotten bullied by Mommy and just wants to be loved. He is a grown man and needs to take responsibility for his actions. This show has you thinking of him as a hurt little boy. I think Carell is caught up in Michael\'s psyche and his Oedipal complex and is destined to make sitcom history!
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