Mon, 9 February 2009
Episode # 62 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin wishing you'd push the reverse button. The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire. Dwight's lesson in fire safety (and Stanley's heart attack) makes Michael re-evaluate the amount of stress he brings into the office. His solution? A no-holds-barred ROAST of himself. What possible harm could THAT cause? Meanwhile, Andy's
pirating movies, JAM face MORE drama (quel surprise), and Dwight tries
to woo his office mates to sign off on his apology letter. If you've
ever called the fire department because your head is stuck in your
chair, you just might be a TWSS listener. Boom-- Roasted! Incidental music provided by the Podshow Podsafe Music Network. Email us at TWSSpodcast @, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word!
Great episode, as always, loved the shoutout, and the fan comment roasting Matt. Great stuff. I kinda agreed with Matt a bit about the Jim/Pam plotline and the movie-in-show aspect, because it was a pretty cheap move to plug big-name stars, HOWEVER, i do think this was one of the better episodes of Season Five As always, I enjoyed listening to your guys\' analysis, and look forward to checking out the next episode P.S. I\'m trying to coordinate some activities and more discussion, something that would bring a bit of a more interactive feel to the facebook group One Idea I had was doing survivors for each season, TWSS style, where the fans vote for which episodes they think are the best Any other ideas would be welcome, and make sure to check out the facebook group \"TWSS Podcast Listeners\"
I liked \"Stress Relief\". It was definitely one of the better episodes this season, but it didn\'t really live up to the hype for a die hard, longtime fan such as myself. I wasn\'t a big fan of the cold open, but I admit, there were some visuals just just made me laugh: Michael screaming \"helllpp!\" out the window, Kevin looting the vending machine. But Dwight\'s actions were really awful. People get fired for less. But this is Dunder Mifflin after all. My take of the new extended opening titles, which suddenly reverted back to the old title sequence for \"Lecture Circuit: Part 1\" the following week, was the due to the extra post Super Bowl viewers. Daniels and crew not only placed the extra characters to show the ensemble, it was kind of like putting out the fine china for company. New viewers, first impressions, you want to show them the full enchilada so they get a feel for the characters.
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