Tue, 26 May 2009
\"Still, it seems incredibly odd to me that you would be forced to take a pregnancy test to x-ray a foot or a hand... I suppose that extra caution is all part of our litigious society.\" I agree. However, I had to take a pregnancy test before getting my sprained ankle x-rayed when I was a teenager, so again, I totally thought this was realistic :)
My interpretation of the Buffalo revelation was that David Wallace had a conference call with or sent a memo to all the regional managers to tell them about the Buffalo closure. Michael - naturally - doesn\'t realize that the information in those meetings/emails is confidential. As senior management, Michael is privy to a lot of confidential information, not because Wallace specifically told him, but because regional managers get all that information as part of their jobs.
You guys were dead wrong about the link between the x ray and the pregnancy being tenuous. As a woman who has had several x rays, I have always been made to take a pregnancy test beforehand, even when it was not possible that I was pregnant. Hospitals will not take your word for it and will not x ray you unless you have a negative pregnancy test. I thought it was very realistic, moreso than in most TV shows where a woman faints and you immediately jump to the obligatory hospital scene showing she\'s pregnant.
Great show guys. For the most part I agree with you on the pregnant plot. The thing you failed to mention on the Mic thing is that Pam probably took off her Mic before she got her x-ray just like Michael did in \"The Injury.\" The thing about Jim\'s mic was a gaping hole from the writers (TWSS?)ho
I have a confession to make. At first, when Ian Casselberry left TWSS and Kevin was assigned as the official co-host, I was a little skeptic that the high level of the podcast would be sustained. I was a fan of Ian\'s witty insights and sharp sense of humor. Plus, he has such a good chemistry with Matt that it genuinely felt like two buddies chatting. But, slowly and painfully, Kevin started to gain my confidence and I firmly believe that the current level of the podcast is even better than before. Now, the same sense of humor and chemistry between the hosts are present, but we have even more professionalism and commitment. It came to the point that sometimes I look forward to listening to your show even more than to watch the actual episode of \"The Office\". Well, enough brown-nosing. Suggestion for the summer hiatus: - Parks and Recreation podcast. - Retro Episodes. - Why don\'t you guys review a few movies, specially those ones with the \"Frat Pack\" members (I know Kevin does \"The Frat Pack Tribute podcast\", but that seems to be in hiatus for a while)? Suggestions for the next season of TWSS: - You guys could have some contests for your listeners with some nice swag (subscriptions to Netflix, Dwight\'s bubblehead, Pam\'s underwear, etc). - You guys should post a poll on your website at the end of every episode of \"The Office\" and everybody would be able to rate it from 1-10. Then you could comment this rating on the podcast and compare it with yours. Well, nice job Matt and Kevin and keep up the good work. PS: Who\'s the girl kissing Matt in the picture???
So how does that crow taste, Matt? Thanks once again for the shout-out and also for mentioning the VENTURE BROS. connection. I love when an actor that I like from something else pops up unexpectedly in something else that I like. So Dwight being friends with Dr. Venture was one of the highlights of the finale. In terms of the overall season, I thought this season is tied with 3 as the second best season of the series. Controversial choice, I know, but season 3 was Pam\'s year and had fewer outlandish moments than season 4. Although in my books, Season 1 is still the worst season since it was just a carbon copy of the original UK version. I own every other season except this one. That\'s how low I rate it. I predicted that season 5 was Michaels year, and his emotional maturity and deepening is a large part in what made this year so good. His brush with Holly, his disenfranchisement with corporate and the MSPC has evolved Michael into probably the most complex leading character in comedy today. And while initially him not getting together with Holly bummed me out, you guys hit it on the head in nailing Michael finally being at peace with himself. Zen master indeed. As for the pregnancy, you guys pretty much answered your own question. The baby will in fact make Jim finally man up and take some responsibility. So something good CAN come from this JAM baby plotline. By the end of season 6, Jim has Charle\'s old job along with new baby. I\'m calling it Colbert style.
Have to say, although I don\'t agree with you guys, you had some good points about the pregnancy. I was one of those fans singing the praises of this news, and still love it, but will admit that it would have made sense for Jim and Pam to get way more freaked out than ecstatic over her \"eggo being preggo\". However, I don\'t think it\'s wrong to support the pregnancy storyline (Kevin...) because if there is one thing I deal with at work, it\'s women constantly getting pregnant. It\'s part of the workplace. It\'s everywhere I look. You can\'t move without banging into the massive bellies around here. Now - perhaps I\'m fine with the Jim/Pam pregnancy because I have blind faith with the writers. Like you guys, I don\'t want to see stupid scenes with Lamazz BS or the usual contrivances of the working pregnant lady. Boring. I know Pam is the one who\'s pregs, but I\'ve had enough of her growth (spiritual, confidence..not physical - because that girl will be growing). Perhaps her pregnancy will allow for more Jim growth. I\'ve been waiting for this for two seasons. Hello! It better happen. If they make the Jim/Pam fetus into a ridiculous, \"Friends\" kind of idiocy next season, then I will admit you guys were right, and I will rue the day I ever cheered this news. As for now, I\'m fine with it. But the writers are on notice. And spot on about the AJ development. I always thought he was a cool guy (I\'m a major Heubel fan), but if we saw Holly interact with him like a woman in love, it would have been much more powerful. It would have justified why she\'s with him building a house. It would also allow Michael\'s backing off for now to be more righteous and poignant. As for season five overall? I don\'t think it was as solid as some people describe. The love triangle went totally bats*t crazy. The Pratt storyline indeed went nowhere. Pam became truly unlikeable, unbelievable and not relatable to me (please Pam lovers - no yelling at me - this stuff is subjective), and Jim, a character provided with ample opportunity for growth...was further deconstructed. Oh boy, so Jim isn’t so cool. Whatever! I suppose this is the springboard to a new season six Jim. Great podcast Matt and Kevin. Good, thought provoking stuff. Thanks for a great season of audio fun! Please keep this going through the summer if you can - and don\'t give up next year.
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