Sat, 1 August 2009
Another great installment. I swear you guys have helped me to appreciate some of these past episodes. (I thought I hated \"Survivor Man\" when it first aired two years ago until I listened the old TWSS podcast last fall; now it\'s one of my very, very favorite episodes.) I don\'t remember ever being a big fan of \"Sexual Harassment,\" but I went and re-watched it after listening to the Retro TWSS and it really is a gem. Now can we please \"Drug Testing\" or \"Conflict Resolution\" for the next Retro installment? :)
Thanks for another wonderful podcast. Enjoyed your recap and I hadn\'t noticed the absence of Todd Packer until you mentioned it. You bring up a good point that it\'s been a long time since we\'ve seen him, but after listening to the podcast, I\'ve had my fill for awhile. Love the new cartoon photos, too!
Nice podcast guys (I even enjoyed the \"raw and uncut\" ---er unedited stuff at the end - its nice to peek behind the curtain sometimes) I always enjoy the retro episodes, if only to hear Matt wax on (and on) about \"the good \'ole days of season 2\". Feel free to do another one if you guys get the time. BTW, the cartoon avatars are a travesty. Does everything have to be virtual? So now we have a pair of cartoon goofballs to look at instead of a picture of the actual goofballs . . . at least Matt\'s real picture had a picture of a cute girl in it . . . : )
Season two is my favourite season out of every sitcom show I have watched! And this episode is just supporting evidence of that. Sexual Harassment is a pretty great episode. It is up there with The Injury and Goodbye, Toby. The reason I like this episode so much is because you see many firsts. The first that\'s what she said, the first time it has shown Kevin as the guy with a forth grader sense of humor and the first of Todd Packer. Who has two thumbs and hates Todd Packer? This guy! I have been a longtime listener but a first time comment I love this podcast keep it comming.
This is the episode that sealed the deal for me. I was a casual viewer of the first season, but I got hooked with \"Sexual Harassment\". And just think, if not for this episode, you would not have such a catchy name for your pod cast! Thanks, as always, for the great insights and in this case, a walk down memory lane.
Hey guys Thanks for coming back for at least one retro episode before the new season starts. I do have to say that Todd Packer is actually my LEAST favorite character in the whole series. For a show that prides itself in having multi-faceted characters (even Roy and Karen weren\'t the typical sit-com cliche antagonists), Todd Packer was just a vile creation that was more unbearable to watch than anything Michael has done. I\'m guessing that\'s the point of the character, but still. If I never see Packer again it\'ll be too soon.
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