Sat, 9 August 2008
So what happens when you tell the world you're going to debut an Office spinoff show after the Superbowl, but you don't actually MAKE an Office spinoff show? Well, if you're NBC, you change your mind and run a special hour-long episode of THE OFFICE instead. Entertainment Weekly confirmed this yesterday, noting that this special episode will be prepped and ready for the post-Superbowl slot on February 1st. All things considered, I won't complain. In fact, this could make for an awesome episode where the gang from The Office attend a Superbowl party (perhaps at Jim & Pam's new place?). Just think, more gags with Kevin's betting, more drunken shenanigans, more party awkwardness... it practically writes itself.
-- posted at: 7:08pm EST
ok wait wait wait what?? they aren\'t doing a spin off anymore??! are u sure entertainment weekly is reliable? ;) it\'s not that i am disappointed (i was one of the ppl who did not have high hopes for the spin off) but i wonder what caused the change of plan.
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