Is Steve Carell Leaving The Office?

By Kevin Crossman

This is something I've been mentioning on the podcast for a while now and Steve Carell has recently confirmed the details in a BBC interview.

Carell is signed through next year's seventh season of The Office, where other cast members such as John Krasinski and Jenna Fischer are signed through an eighth season. So, could that mean that Carell could leave the show before the series ends? I've said as much for months now... and now Carell confirms it. OfficeTally has the clip of the interview.

Interviewer: How long does your contract run? Carell: Contract through next season. Interviewer: And will you stay after that? Carell: I don’t think so. I think that will probably be my last year.

What do you think? Can The Office survive without Carell? If he leaves, who do you think should take up residence in Michael's office? Jim? Dwight? Or how about my pick: Todd Packer?


Matt says --

End it!

Seriously, the show had a good run, but without Michael, what's the point?  I suppose they could always just keep the rest of the cast, or bring in some other big name for the boss, or maybe they could take my suggestion and hire Steve Carell look-alike Peter Jacobson from HOUSE :) But it just won't be the same.  End the show with a little dignity, guys.



Category:general -- posted at: 11:40am EST

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