Maybe you feel you don't have the voice or time to be a co-host on TWSS, but would you still like to help out?
I'm currently looking for a dedicated TWSS office staff to help with things like news gathering, public relations, and more. I'd like to grow the show as much as I can in this upcoming season, and I just can't do it alone.
What do I specifically need?
Someone with excellent written communications skills who either already knows how to write press releases or can learn to do so.
People to "officially" represent the show on the other Office forums. I've mentioned this in the closing credits since we began, but if there's someone who can sort of plug us, or answer questions, start threads when a new episode is released, etc., that would be awesome.
Again, someone with good written communication skills that can help me with news gathering and e-mail selection for the show.
A position to be named later :)
Someone who knows how to make a killer MySpace or Facebook page for the show. I have done my best with what I can here, but I don't have time to build the sites on these other services. I'd like to, though.
Hey Matt! I would love to try out to be co-host. I\'m getting married a month from today and we just bought a house. So this month is just too crazy for me to give it serious consideration. I\'d love to do it though. Also I live in New Jersey.
I\'m a Graphic Artist, so if you ever need any help in that capacity, just let me know!
BTW I picked up the new Patton Oswald CD thanks to you, and I\'ve been laughing my ass off! Thanks for the recommendation.
posted by: Gary on 2007-08-01 15:58:00
just email me password etc etc and i can get workin on it tomorrow
posted by: Viraj on 2007-07-28 18:28:00
I\'d like to do it Matt. I\'ve listened since episode 3 and posted on the blog since about episode 6. Is there anything you want from me like a writing sample or something?
posted by: ryan c on 2007-07-30 01:28:00
I\\\\\\\'ve already made a facebook group
i currently have 119 members i think
but if u could put a post up on the Main Page showing the url that would be great.
and I guess i Could Makle a Myspace
posted by: Viraj on 2007-07-28 16:02:00
Made a Myspace Page
Ill finish the myspace page layer with backgrounds and stuff
i gotta go to baltimore now
posted by: Viraj on 2007-07-28 16:09:00
for the facebook account in order to see it
u need to make a facebook account
matt or kevin.
idk if u have one yet
but u should make one
posted by: Viraj on 2007-07-28 16:12:00
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That's What She Said is a weekly podcast dedicated to NBC's Emmy Award winning show The Office.
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