Fri, 8 May 2009
by Kevin Crossman
As mentioned in this week's podcast, NBC announced their fall schedule earlier this week. Well, sort of... NBC announced the shows on their Fall Schedule, including The Office of course. Interest in Parks and Recreation from The Office creative team Greg Daniels and Michael Schur has been mixed, but NBC went ahead and renewed the show starring Amy Poehler. NBC also announced that SNL Weekend Update would be returning to Thursday nights at least on an occasional basis. NBC didn't renew My Name is Earl, but didn't exactly cancel it either, leaving the show in limbo. But NBC didn't provide an actual schedule. So, we don't know if The Office is keeping it's Thursday 9 pm timeslot, or what shows will air before and after. It is certainly possible that The Office could be moved to the 8 pm slot likely vacated by My Name is Earl. NBC is expected to announce the full schedule and timeslots later this month. Speaking of Parks and Recreation, we've received some notes about whether we will cover this show or review any episodes. With the summer hiatus coming soon, it does provide an opportunity to go back and talk about this show. So, would you like us to review Parks and Recreation, or would you like more Retro episodes from Season 2? Leave a comment and let us know!
-- posted at: 12:16pm EST
Yes I think it would be a great idea to cover Parks and Recreation, because i started watching it almost every week except sometimes when i missed some of the episodes on Thursday night, before i watched The Office that night. It was a good show, especially because Rasheeda Jones was in it and played the nurse Ann Perkins. I love the show and Rasheeda Jones. Please cover the show over the summer hiatus. Thanks!
Well maybe they should do a show about how many viewers were sooo pissed off last week that they won\'t watch the show ever again. My husband wouldn\'t even watch it on TIVO, we knew all along that Amy Polar\'s mom would be the winner with such horrible behavior. What the hell does Amy mean when she says that Joan is a roll model... I wouldn\'t let my dog roll model after her. I actually liked Amy before this show and I also will never recognize her as a human being again. This show did no favors for Ms. Amy Polar or her whiney mom. Why on earth would that committee ever pick this rude obnoxious person to be a roll model huh.... have to find a new show to watch on Thurs. I have watched all of the thursday shows and this one is unexcusable.
I\'m really curious about your comments on P&R, but retro Office would be great as well. I\'ll take either as I love listening to you guys talk about my favorite show. I don\'t necessarily agree with you guys (well, you don\'t agree with each other for that matter), but it\'s like watching my favorite show again with friends and seeing it from another view. My vote- either one, just give me a weekly show
Retro episodes would be better, if you guys start covering the new show this year, then we are just going to expect the same next year (sounds like too much work to me). lets have season 2, and for that matter, how bout season 1??? i know you guys hate it, but basketball is still one of my all time favorite episodes, and I can just hear the Matt-hate already. . .
Although I\'m starting to like the show, I\'m not so sure P&C is compelling enough for full blown discussions yet. The Office is different because of the empathy we have for some of these characters - Jim and Pam having been the primary meat of the story, plus Michael and his woes. But there is nothing juicy enough about Parks to warrant a massive discussion until it really heats up, most likely next season. If anything, maybe give it a five minute mention at the end of the podcast before you do Office news, but other than that - no need to put in overtime work with Poehler\'s show, IMO.
yeah here\'s another vote for half Parks and half season two I\'ve been real interested in Parks and Rec - I really like what they are doing with the show. There\'s a lot they\'ve compacted in during the short time its been on - I really like the characters, and think they\'re developing a really clever show. Cousin Mose did good. Gotta say its been frustrating hearing some of the cynics though - even a few above here - first off, go back and watch Office season one and see how painful some scenes are. I think Parks and Rec is off to an especially quick start, which is especially tough to do with character-driven comedies. I really think some people don\'t like the show cause they just don\'t \"get it.\" But hey, most people, testing groups and all that, didn\'t \"get\" Seinfeld early on either - so that\'s not necessarily a bad sign.
I would agree with those that would feel that one (two tops) episode just to get your take on the show as a whole. A podcast per episode would not be needed. Season 2 retro-casts would be great, but I\'d suggest to refrain from comparing the season with later ones and griping about why one is better than the other. I would act as if you were just reviewing the season cold, in the context you first saw it. Looking forward to whatever you guys decide to do.
Well... can you do both? I\'m not saying you should do twice as much work... I\'m suggesting half of the episodes you do until the new seasons be about the Office Season 2 and the other half be about Parks and recreation? I know I\'m being greedy... but doing P&R could attract some new listeners and get you some new attention. But whatever you decide, I\'ll be there!
Since P&R has only seven or so episodes in it\'s first season, I think you guys should do just one big episode devoted to all of them just to give a rundown on the big plot, the characters and some of the best moments of the season (one of which was Leslie\'s haircut for her Mom\'s award banquet) and then do more retro episodes of THE OFFICE. And try at least bi weekly instead of once or twice a month.
I\'d like to hear your guys\' take on P&R (I like it but I\'m hoping it improves), but I don\'t think the show warrants doing entire podcasts to pick apart each P&R episode. I\'d rather you just do, like, an overview of your thoughts on P&R along with full podcasts on retro Office episodes.
I believe NBC will be having their Upfronts on May 19th. That\'s when they\'ll announce the schedule. The Infronts just announced new shows and renewals. Good news for P&C. I\'m starting to really like this show and think that will a full slate of 22+ episodes, it will gain momentum. (I love the Chris Pratt/Rashida Jones stuff).
I think you can have a segment on Parks and Rec., that would be cool, but would love to go retro with the Office. SO if I I had to pick just one, I would go for the Retro Office Episodes. Parks and Rec. is ok and all, and I watch it, but it can\'t hold a candle for my beloved Office.
I\'d rather you guys do Parks and Recreation instead of retro episodes. P&R is getting interesting, though I think they should make this more of an ensemble show instead of having Amy Poehler. As was said before, Nick Offerman is hilarious as the boss (Ron Swanson).
I\'d like to hear you guys\' take on it. I personally feel the show has promise, but they need to more clearly separate Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler\'s character) from Michael Scott. Right now the two characters are virtually identical, and that kind of annoys me. All of the supporting cast in Parks and Recreation are pretty great, however. My two favorites are Ron Swanson (her boss who actually hates government) and Tom Haverford (slacker underling played by Aziz Ansari).
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