Mon, 18 June 2012
This should not be a surprise to longtime listeners, but our upcoming Season 8 finale will also be the series finale for the That's What She Said Podcast. It's been a great ride but unlike certain network executives, Matt and Kevin (mostly Matt) know when it's time to step away. So, dear listeners, please leave a comment about how TWSS has touched your lives and affected your dreams - you might just hear it on our final show. Also, if you want to get angry - don't punch the wall. Leave a colorful comment for us to read.
-- posted at: 11:07pm EST
Matt and Kevin, sorry to see you're going. But I definitely agree that, much like with The Office, it's time. I have always enjoyed listening to your discussions of episodes, and always respected the fact that you a) kept going even when the show got a lot worse than when you started, and b) you were willing to criticize that decline in quality. I love Office Tally, but it seems like tanster doesn't have much tolerance for any kind of sentiment that the show has gotten worse. The podcast has provided me with a lot of entertainment over the years - every now and then, I'll still listen to "The Man from Dunder" from your Beach Games podcast, or randomly think of the Goodbye, Toby podcast when you introduced Kevin with the "Have you been introduced to Kevin? He's here on a special work program, you know, he's slow in the head" soundbite and laugh. I give you a lot of credit for hanging in as long as you have. Hope the political climate in Wisconsin will improve for you, Matt, and here's hoping that Greg Daniels can restore at least a little dignity to the show before it ends. Take care, guys.
I remember first reading news of a season 9 that further removes vital cast members and plays up Catherine Tate. What a dark day that was. As unfortunate as the ending of the podcast and all likely quality of the show is its somewhat fitting they both Peter out slowly over seasons six the through eight (what with the podcasts frequent and elongated hiatus's during the period) and come to a crashing halt at the end of season eight. As disappointed as I am in the fact that there won't be anymore retro episodes I can understand with Matt's involvement in winning back teacher's rights in Wisconsin.
Could not agree more with Matt! Too bad NBC can't recognize when it's time for the show to come to an end. I look forward to your final show. Thanks for years of great podcasts. Hey- remember those heady days of the Office convention in Scranton, and how we mused if they would hold it annually, or maybe biannually. Or how about never again? I went to Scranton for the Office tour (in 09?) and drove 300 miles there and back. Or when we were outraged when NBC shows got yanked from iTunes? Feels like 10 years ago. Long ago, we were fans, and loved this show. It just makes me sad and want to see it come to a proper end. Biggest success from the Office?- John Kransinki's commercial voice-over Anyway, thanks for the great podcast, and are there any shows or interests that you would consider doing a podcast for in the future?
It saddens me that The Office has become a diluted version of what it used to be, but it saddens me more not to hear your podcasts. Your analysis sometimes enlightened me, sometimes angered me, and always made me laugh. Overall, That's What She Said brought so much more to watching The Office for me and made me even more of a fan. I'll echo some others and suggest you do a new podcast (Parks and Rec!!!) because you two do such a great job. Thanks for all the great coverage.
Matt and Kevin: I've really enjoyed your podcast over the years. I can only imagine how much work it's been to put together a podcast for a show with so many episodes every year. You both have done a great job and made even boring episodes tolerable with your insightful comments and witty banter. Unfortunately this once-great show has been headed downhill for years, but your commentary has remained consistently excellent. I've gotten through many a home improvement project listening to the TWSS podcast. Thanks for taking the time to produce a top-notch show. Good luck in the future. Thanks. Trevor
Toshay, I'm the joke. Didn't think you do it. Well, I man up please accept my apologies. I did mean what I said about the podcast being great insight and banter when it came to the show. I do respect the time and effort you guy's put into the podcast. It must have not been easy and consider how the show went and the problem arise from real life. I do want to thank you for the podcast and for free entertainment that you guy's have provided. I have no right to criticize so much about work you put in to the show. I do agree with how you guy's feel about the show and the direction it has taken. I'll still watch season 8, but I feel the show is a hallow version of itself. I'm the fool to taken my rant against to you's too far. All I can ask is please accept I'm sorry. I wish you luck to your next projects and hope things work out. Maybe somebody the show my return to the next big thing Office related or not. Again Thank you for the work put and and best of Luck.
Hi Matt and Kevin, I'm a listener and Office fan in the UK. Over here The American Office has passed by largely unnoticed, its early seasons passed around between TV stations before eventually disappearing completely, its lack of audience due to, I suspect, dismissal that a US version of a British show could amount to anything but a footnote against Ricky Gervais and Steven Merchant's masterwork (looking at Hollywood remakes of UK movies such as The Wicker Man... well, you see what I mean). However, despite my love of the original show, I have actually come to love the American Show, if anything, a little more, it managing to somehow bring more warmth and detail to the characters without sacrificing the pathos. So sadly, for us devotees in the UK, able to keep up only via the DVD box sets, it has been largely impossible to share our love of the show with others, save those who we have introduced the show to ourselves. That's What She Said has been a wonderful source for conversation about the show through its glory seasons, multiplying my appreciation of each episode with its mix of observations, intelligent deconstruction and fun. With each Office episode I've looked forward to hearing your views, and to hear it end... well I guess it's a little 'dusty' in here... It's been a long time coming but it still made me choke. That's what she said!
You S.O.B's made fun of me from my email and rip off my idea for your podcast "looking back" segments. I'm the one that talk about the whole "Back to the Future" references going on during the season 4 or 5. You guy's made a BTTF intro to that during your summer season. Also, talk about how "Real" to life one scene was in which Ryan was boss and was getting back at Jim when he went over Ryan head during the missing Christmas ep. The one where Ryan get Jim in the conference room and gives Jim hell for playing around and spending to much time at Pam sectary desk. Well, I should of talk crap, but I still listing instead. Well turn around is fair play with the stuff in Wisconsin going on and your co-host Crossman getting all those stuff at Disney parks were getting like Capt. EO and Avatarland he didn't like(I read is twitter on this). I too am a Disney fan of the theme parks and I hope Paul Pressler would come back to ruin this beloved West Coast Disney parks again. Yeah, I listing to WDW-Today, Inside the Magic, Window to the Magic, the late Micecast, I know all about Disney fanboyism and Crossman is up there with them. I hope Carslands stay's at DCA forever and Tomorrowland get's turn into Pixarland like it is at the Magic Kingdom, FL. All you purist Disney fans are the same and get nothing but vinegar from you hate of next tech and Pixar. That said you guy's are right on about how The Office has ending up. Esp Sommer, I know Crossman likes what he see and that's sad. I don't blame for stopping the podcast. The show has lost that luster and fun awkward edginess that early seasons had. The show has been a downhill since Steve left and nothing can bring it back even if they Steve would want too. It had it's day and now needs to end like many other shows had done in the past like it's brother the BBC one. I hope whatever spin off or reboot they do can work, but history has shown that has been rarely the case. The podcast has been great and has brought good insight to the show, and for that as a listen I give thanks for the work. Like another podcast that dealt with The Office a all women show called "The Office Alliance", which I believe Kevin or Matt might have share a co-host with one of those members when talk of a spin-off very early on during Season 5 I believe. It's regretful to hear it go. Well that it. I no doubt you guy's will either discard my comment or censored it and make fun of it later. But I least you read it and I know you read it. So ha ha, whatever you say later I said 1st and so on. And also, I live the BBC The Office. That show was a classic and not everyone share your thoughts that the BBC one was lame. That show had more in it's 2 season then we had on these 8 season or so. So eat it with you can't be a fan of both. Congrats for making it this far and Good Luck on you next endeavors. Live Long and Prosper -Star Trek So say we all -BSG /\ || ---||---- | |
Matt and Kevin; The TWSS podcast was always a treat to listen to, even when the corresponding episodes of The Office weren't. You two have great chemistry together and if you ever start another podcast down the road, sign me up! Thanks for all the time and effort you put into this quality podcast. Best of luck to you both.
Guys, while sad to see you go it is really understandable. I have always loved your podcast and will continue to revisit from time to time...I want to leave you with the greatest Office quote of all time: "you put your arms out slit your wrists. You said world this is my blood; it's red, just like yours, so love me"
I am very sad to hear that it's over, but take odd comfort in the fact that soon you will have nothing to do a show over. Season 9 looks like the end, and I'll eat my World's Best Boss mug if Dwight's spin-off lasts more than two seasons. It's very bittersweet. (Que Michael quote about bittersweet chocolate)
All good things must come to an end, I suppose. Matt and Kevin (and Ian if he reads this), thanks for the years of entertainment. You've been a great companion to what was up until recently my favorite TV show. I have an old iPod Nano that just has TWSS podcasts on it. Whenever I'm on a long trip, whenever I get bored, or whenever I'm feeling down, I always listen to the podcast. Matt, sorry to hear the recall election didn't go through as planned. Let's hope walker is a one term governor. And Kevin, your Apple fanboyism never ceases to amaze me. (posted from an iPad) I'm gonna keep some hope that maybe you guys will start a Parks and Rec or Community podcast. Anyways, good luck in your endeavors.
Matt & Kevin, Thanks for the years of great entertainment. Your episodes are a perfect compliment to the tv episodes. Watching season 8 wasn't the same without hearing your insight. You guys could pick out the best parts of bad episodes and make me appriciate them a little more. I will trulely miss your show. p.s. your "bumper/intro" for your flashback episodes with the Back to the Future music are awesome! Another reason I loved your show. THANKS!!!!
I wish that you guys had another podcast coming up; I'd listen! Pick a show or a topic..I tried to comment from my phone, but I didn't see it post..apologize if this shows twice..twss was one of the first podcasts I listened to when I went digital and I haven't missed an episode. It hasn't been the same since you went dark. I actually forgot to watch the Office for several weeks and caught up on the last handful on demand all in a row. I wish you guys would get together to podcast again in the never know! I'll be lookin for ya at the next bar trivia night.
So glad you're getting a chance to wrap things up...but when a podcast gets to be a chore, it's time to go away. I hope you'll both continue to express your thoughts about the series online, and perhaps do a "reunion" show when "The Office" finally airs its series finale.
Matt & Kevin, Its been a blast for me to listen to your guys podcast and hear your views on the episodes. It's a real drag that you guys will not be doing a The Office podcast anymore. I still have all of the old podcasts in my itunes account, so I can listen to them at me lessure. And in the final words of Michael Scott, "Hey, will you guys let me know if this ever airs." Take care. Joey
Wow, my final chance to be heard on my favorite podcast! I don't know how many hours of school I have spaced off listening to you two, but after season 8, I just can't sit here and be mad at you guys for ending the podcast, because It's been horrendous to watch! The Office is like Michael Jordan... Hear me out! Michael Jordan will go down as the best basketball player of all time. No doubt. But in case you don't know, he's the owner of the NBA's Charlotte Bobcats team and they just finished with a historical 7 win season.. And 59 losses. If he doesn't resign, and he keeps it up, this will ruin his legacy. My point? The office should have known when to call it quits. Should it have ended after season 2? Maybe.. After season 5, probably.. After Michael leaves? Yes, but it keeps going, at least one more season. The Office is ruining its Emmy winning legacy. At least we have our memory's right? Anyways I love it when you guys pick apart each episode, and with so many.... Bad episodes in season 8, I can't wait to hear what your going to say!
Did you know that in Morocco, it is common to exchange a small gift when listening to somebody's podcast for the last time? In Japan, you must always commit suicide to avoid embarrassment. In Italy, you must always wash your hands after going to the bathroom. This is considered to be polite. Matt and Kevin, it's been real. Not only was The Office repartee a blast, but your dedication and commitment is greatly appreciated. Thanks, fellas.
Wow guys, I get a lump in my throat thinking about this being your last show. I was not a listener to the podcast from the beginning, nor was I a fan of The Office before Season 5. However, as I began watching and discovering how amazing this show is (or was), I also got to enjoy your wonderful commentary on each episode every week. I even listened to old episodes of the podcast when I went back and watched the first couple seasons of the show. I know the podcast has been suffering over the past few seasons for various reasons, but even though episodes were not posted regularly, I still checked the site every week hoping to find out you recorded one. Now that The Office has gone down hill, I understand that you guys don't have the passion for making new podcasts about the show as you once did when the show was better. With Season 9 on the horizon and the new Dwight Spinoff coming soon, I hope NBC will give this show some respect by putting the fans out of their misery and give us a proper series finale. If this ever happens, I hope maybe you guys can come together and make one more last podcast about the true end of The Office. Thank you guys for the years of entertainment. Thats What She Said.