From Wikipedia:

ULTIMATUM | 1.20.11

Michael anticipates the news regarding the status of Holly and A.J.'s relationship. He later calls for a counseling session with Holly. Meanwhile, Pam puts up a New Years resolution board in the office so everyone can post their resolutions. 


One can't help but wonder how soon they're going to end this "will she/won't she" thing with Holly and A.J.  Kevin and I often expect plotlines to play out forever, and yet they're resolved within one or two episodes.  Other times, something we think is a quick joke ends up running through an entire season.  How will this play out?  We now know that Steve Carell plans to exit the show at least four episodes before the actual finale, so will he get his "happy ending" with Holly? Using my "new math" skills, it seems we still have ten more Michael-filled eps before his departure.  Here's hoping he goes out with a bang (and this is the episode that starts it all off).

As always, post your thoughts and comments on the episode in the space below.  Also, join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show tonight.  Just hit the green "Chat Now" button in the sidebar on the right.


Category:general -- posted at: 6:09pm EDT

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