Thu, 27 January 2011
From Wikipedia:
THE SEMINAR | 1.27.11
Andy holds a small business seminar in the office with some special guests after he finds out that his sales are at his lowest. Michael and Holly use the seminar as an improv challenge. Erin and Gabe have a game of Scrabble where she engages others to join. Ricky Gervais is set to guest star as David Brent.
----- Well, here it is-- the moment I never thought we'd see, and never WANTED to see. If we pretend that David Brent exists in the same universe as Michael Scott, then we must accept that both of these offices experienced the EXACT same day, and said the exact same dialogue, and everything else (the pilots of both shows being identical). This seems to me to be, as George Costanza so eloquently put it, a massive example of "worlds colliding" that will shake the universe of THE OFFICE to the core. I absolutely HATE "wink wink" kind of humor and cameo appearances, so I'm sure this will be something that I have a lot to talk about in the podcast. OK, yeah, I know-- lighten up, Matt. It's a comedy show! If it's funny, who cares? Etc. Call me insane, but I *DO* care. I feel like this show I've loved and chronicled for the last four years is slowly becoming something I no longer appreciate or recognize. I HOPE I'm wrong about this. I HOPE that the guest spot is funny in and off itself, and they stay away from the "Dwight, ey? I know a bloke named Gareth who you'd get along with..." kind of stuff. I guess we'll just have to see. As always, post your thoughts and comments on the episode in the space below. Also, join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show tonight. Just hit the green "Chat Now" button in the sidebar on the right.
-- posted at: 5:24pm EST
YOU WERE RIGHT! After tomorrow's episode entitled PDA and next week's episode called Threat Level: Midnight the week that follows is called Todd Packer!!!!! Is it time for Michael to inform the office of his impending departure and introduce their new boss in his permanent absence? Can't wait!
Kathe, Have you ever seen Ricky Gervais' HBO show "Extras?" It's pretty much a two-season ode to the notion that money doesn't buy happiness, especially in the worlds of television and film. If Ricky thought that the show would be served by having him return, then that's what he'd do. Money has piss all to do with it.
"I am only watching out of past loyalty at this point." -- I am with Karen in NC on this one. I didn't think this episode was unusually bad, just bland and forgettable. The show feels like it is on autopilot now, and the magic I once loved is gone. Jim and Pam are basically pointless now, and the spark between Michael and Holly has fizzled. Maybe Amy Ryan is just playing "depressed Holly," but to me it looks like she doesn't really want to be there. Perhaps my impression of the last few episodes is tainted by severe winter depression; even so, I like your podcast better than any episode I've seen yet this season! I wish you guys had something more worthy of your time and effort.
Wait. No one has said a thing about the last line Brent and Scott shared: "You got any jobs?" "Nothing yet." "Well let me know if you do." Uhhhh, seems pretty obvious to me that David Brent will be taking over when Michael walks away, can't believe no one has commented on that. Maybe I'm reading into it, but I don't think so. It totally makes sense for Ricky to take over. Sorry, Matthew.
there really wasnt a lot of laugh out loud moments at all for me, but now looking back on it it wasnt a bad episode; the gabe/erin storyline was interesting, and it was good to se andy achieve something. the jim plotline was awful however, and he is just getting more and more pathetic. kicked off with a great cold open by the way!
ok, i have to confess, im english and i love ricky gervais. But with no bias involved i loved the cold open. I too was sceptical about brent being on the office, but im sure you will agree matt and kevin that it had the right amount of screen time as it should and - most importantly- was funny. I think it was a good cameo, as long as it stays at just that and does not end up with brent becoming the replacement, or even applying for the job! cant wait for your opinions, archie
Wanted to join the chat last night just to see Matt's feelings about the David Brent/Michael Scott moment, but wasn't near a computer. :( I actually liked it, but only because of Carrell's look and hug at the end. Can't wait to hear the reaction on the podcast! Overall, a good episode. Kevin rocked.
OK, Matt. It was the cold open and for one minute. Let's not go overboard with this. And you know what, it was actually pretty funny. As for the rest of the ep, loved the main plotline of Andy's seminar and everything around it. Great to see him finally succeed at something in the office. Michael and Holly were cute. The Erin Scrabble plotline was OK (the payoff was better than the whole), and while I actually enjoy seeing Jim being taken down a few notches, for once I agree that Jim was completely and unnecessarily neutered. Please give him his mojo back.
I never thought I'd say it, but if getting rid of Michael means no more Holly, the sooner the better. The cold open was well done and funny, in my opinion. But, at what point in the last seven seasons have we seen Michael connect with somebody, and then just move on? Usually it degrades into a stalker level of obsession on Michaels part. I'm just not feeling this show lately, doesn't even feel like The Office of old. I have all the seasons on my iPod and after watching Season 2 and 3 again, the show has gone so far down hill that it's painful to watch now. Keep up the podcast guys, I might stop watching the show completely and just listen to the podcasts instead.
I was a little worried about the Ricky Gervais cameo, but I thought it was done pretty well. I liked the fact that it was in the cold open, which traditionally has been a seperate little story aside from the main plotline. To me it seemed more like Steve Carrel meeting Ricky Gervais rather than Michael Scott meeting David Brent, but I thought it was ok. I am much more concerned about them bringing in Will Ferell, I hope it doesn't turn totally ridiculous. This could definately be the jump the shark moment for this show. Whatever happens with the show, I hope Matt and Kevin can push through it and keep doing your awesome podcast!
The scene with David Brent will go down as one of my all time favorite office scenes. I was a huge fan of the British Office way before the American version. So to see these two characters come together was awesome. And they handled it perfectly. They didn't take it too far, just far enough, imo. When Michael hugged David, I laughed out loud, which I don't do much in a show. This scene would not have worked in the original British show because it took it self way more seriously, but for the American version, it fits. Far less believable things have happened. Heck, the seminar was less believable then the meeting between the two bosses.
Nothing special, but a good enough ep. Thought the David Brent opening was well done and not in anyway harmful...I just wish Brent had acknowledged the camera crew. Don't remember seeing Angela or Meredith in this one, were they there? The scene with Andy and Darryl might be an indicator of what's to come...imagine a scenario where Andy becomes manager, but Darryl is secretly running things behind the scenes (a puppet presidency if you will). They're certainly setting up the fact that Andy's future is not in sales; and I could see Darryl wanting to make all the decisions without the baggage of being "the boss". Anyhow, remember where you heard it first...