Fri, 14 October 2011
Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) throws a garden party at Schrute Farms to impress Robert California (James Spader), with his parents and brother in attendance. Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) works to make it a classy event. Writer: Justin Spitzer. Director: David Rogers ----
-- posted at: 12:09am EST
In regards to Jim's book he wrote for Dwight, Jim has pulled many pranks on Dwight that involved a ton of work. A few that come to mind, a desk gift wrapped but it is just gift wrap...Moving his desk into the bathroom. And what about all those snowmen last year that Dwight made to freak out Jim? We are always asked to suspend belief when it comes to their pranks. This was a good prank. It seems the writers are working extra hard to make this group seem cohesive without Michael. They did a pretty good job last week. Michael will always be missed but, last week it was not as obvious. I laughed out loud at all the stupid stuff Dwight did and to me that is a good episode. I also love that Andy's brother called Jim "tuna".
The one thing I find diffrent about Andy being manager then Michael is I find myself getting sick of to much Andy already. I never realy got tired of Michael being in a A or B plot line every week but I don't think I can take that much Andy. It's not that I don't like Andy as manager but I would like an episode with Andy having nothing to do with any of plot lines. Besides that I enjoyed the Jim and Dwight plot line with some parts I found kind of stupid like the who's the best salesman in the office. I have mixed feelings on the seesaw based on that throw away line from Dwight from I believe Manager and Salesman. And I geuss I enjoyed the Mose plot, as stupid as it may be. Overall I give the episode a B.
First Office episode ever where the cold open was my favorite part. Sophomoric, sure, but funny. As for the rest of the episode, casting "golden throat" Josh Groban as Walter was the perfect way to showcase Andy's inferiority. However, that angle wasn't played up very well; it could have been both a lot funnier and a lot more painful. When Steve Carell was at the helm, he started out as the unbearable, jackass boss from hell. Slowly and painfully over the seasons he became a human being worthy of people's affections. Now there is no true antagonist character to give the show the punch that it had with Carell. Andy's character is too sweet and people already like him, even if they don't have a lot of respect for him. This episode wasn't bad, but even the awkward moments with Andy's nasty parents didn't come near the brilliantly funny/cringeworthy heights of seasons past.
Hey, can i just ask what the best episode this season has been? "Garden Party!" I say that because i feel as if my liking it so much was undeserved. It was a bit un-Officey, but it made me laugh. The gags were often ridiculous. The hawk swooping up Erin's hat? Anything Mose did? Well it made me laugh, as silly as it was. So i give it a pass. And a medium A- grade. Gabe's wishy washiness really made me hate him, glad Andy at least did the cut-off to knock him down a few pegs. Can't believe what jerks Andy's family were, I really feel sympathy for the guy. I'll take a stab and say Kevin enjoyed it, but Matt was luke-warm on it.
Can any one explain to me the logic behind Jim's prank with that book? The thing looked like it had over 100 pages. Are we to believe he wrote that, got a copy printed, put it out on the internet and somehow got Dwight to buy it all in time for the garden party? And while I'm on the subject, hasn't Jim's character become just a smug jerk whose only point on the show is to make fun of people, some of whom (like Andy) don't even deserve it?
One of the things which made Michael Scott such a fascinating character is that much of his backstory and upbringing remained a mystery...yeah we were served little pieces here and there, but never got the whole enchilada like we did in this episode did with Andy. It was just too much...I wish they would have focused more on him trying to impress Robert California. Biggest laugh, Moze "parking" Toby's car...
I loved Jim's book on garden party hosting! Classic prank. Especially enjoyed the end bit. Still creeped out about Angela's pregnancy, it seems like her character is just hiding a pillow under her shirt and trying to run with the idea. Can we get the old Pam back? Liked the episode overall though! A large improvement over last season even if Michael Scott is no longer with us :(