Thu, 17 November 2011
Andy decides to motivate and inspire everyone by taking them on a field trip to Gettysburg. Some people in the office stay behind and Robert California asks them to come up with Dunder Mifflin/Sabre's next big idea. Guest star: Lindsey Broad. Writer: TBA, Director: TBA ----- Another field trip for our Office friends. Will it be as satisfying as it was in Doomsday?
-- posted at: 12:58pm EST
a heartwarming episode that i watched twice. again, the friendship between andy and daryl is really growing on me. I dont mind seeing andy fighting his insecurities. i think its sort of cute and goofy. im glad that robert california isn't as annoying and creepy in this episode. it would have been more funny if kevin had been able to out-stupid him. but then again, at the end of the day, i dont mind seeing california gone.
This was an episode that showed several sparks of potential that were never quite realized. How long is Andy going to remain in a state of identity confusion? He (and the writers) still seems to be struggling to find a managerial role and style outside the Michael Scott school. The Robert/Kevin plotline had great potential but ultimately fell flat. Somehow I find it hard to believe that a whole group would confuse Gabe for an Abraham Lincoln act. I'm getting rather tired of Oscar's constant righteousness, though his interaction with Dwight was possibly the one aspect of the episode that actually had a somewhat satisfying resolution. Finally, what happened to all the likable characters in this show? In the beginning, you could always count on Jim, Pam, and possibly even Ryan to speak for the audience. We know that Ryan became a douche long ago. This episode's cold open pushed Jim and Pam's unlikability factor up a few notches.
I didn't love the episode to the point of laughing out loud, but I didn't hate it. I can't put my finger on it but I felt like something was missing. The Kevin-California plot was an unexpected combination. It was clever set up to make Kevin's cookie observations seem so insightful. Dwight's discovery about Schrute Farms was not bad either. Whenever his know-it-all frame of mind is shaken, it makes for a nice reward. Besides what was in the episode, I am still left confused about what was not there. This Andy and Erin plot line dragged on and on and we haven't heard anything about it since the through the window conversation they had. When I saw the Halloween episode I read the situation to mean that Andy was paranoid about looking bad in front of California and decided to pretend to be in a relationship so that he did not look unprofessional. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense that we still are not seeing any magical girlfriend.
Mostly amusing episode Loved the awkward hot pink hats, there should have been a group photo with everyone in their hats for Biggest nitpick? I live on the east coast. If we are to believe this trip to Gettysburg was current day (November), it just doesn't work to try to pass off some filming location in California as Pennsylvania. Seeing Phyllis with her sleeveless top, appearing to be getting sunburned was just so unbelievable. I googled "yesterday's weather in Gettysburg PA" and saw that the high temp was around 43 F and cloudy all. This would have been a fine outing for them if set in September or early October or perhaps late spring. Not believable as November in PA, at all. Have not been to Gettysburg, so I'm not sure how accurate the site was. Of course, any old grass field with a fence could pass for the battlefields.
A pleasant, forgettable episode, in what has been a season of pleasant, forgettable episodes. And if there's some kind of arc going on, I'm missing it. Aside from "The List", it seems like you could run these episodes in any order and it would make just as much sense. Unless the theme to the first half of the season is "Robert California is quirky, and the staff doesn't know how to respond to him. But they like Andy. Really, they do."
This episode was probably about as middle of the road for me as possible. I enjoyed about 50% of it, and the rest i was sort of like, "well maybe that'll move a plot along somehow." Or "wow, really?" What i'm referring to there is the beginning of the Battle of Schrute Farms. I just thought that was so ridiculous, however the payoff was funny enough at least. The Oscar bickering didn't do anything for me though. Kevin and Robert plot was interesting, though i think Robert must not take many trips over by accounting if he though Kevin was being metaphorical. Andy was unrealistic and unfunny for the most part. He did his part, in that he sounded like a boring history tour guide that i don't want to listen to. Slightly less ridiculous than the Dwight plot was Gabe's, but at least Gabe's was funny the entire plot. I very much enjoyed how he's been taken as Lincoln so much, he knows the whole part very well.