Thu, 2 December 2010
From Wikipedia: CHINA | 12.2.10 When Michael reads an article about China growing as a global power, he decides they must be stopped before they take over the United States. Pam threatens to move Dunder Mifflin to a new building after everyone in the office complains about Dwight's building standards. ------ As always, join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the broadcast, and leave your comments below. Best comments get read on the next podcast!
-- posted at: 7:01pm EDT
I'm a bit disappointed in Pam's inability to do her job instead of figuring out how to scam Dwight into doing the right thing. Pam should have been smart enough to research building codes or available office space, but she didn't even try. I did, however enjoy the kind gesture by Dwight at the end. It was funny that Michael outsmartted Oscar on China, but I'm glad that Oscar proved his intelligence at the coffee meeting. The boss is so clueless and I like for him to be reminded sometime.
This may stand as the worst episode yet. When one plot point involves Dwight setting up a homemade loom for pulling apart two-ply toilet paper, we have left behind any semblance of real life in an office and skipped off to the world of bad tv sitcom. I continue to enjoy your podcast much more than the actual tv show.
People on Office Tally are saying this was a good episode despite the description being a bit weird. Actually, (no, my name isn't Oscar...) I'd argue that this episode WAS good, BECAUSE it was a little weird. I mean, how random was it when Michael grilled his foot? So random, but completely awesome! I think this show is at it's best when the characters are: 1) In the office 2) a little out-there 3) having a heart (Dwight and Pam were great) Michael somehow triumphing is usually great, too! Hopefully they can keep up great episodes like this!
Best episode ever! And by "ever" I mean "ever since I gave up hope of ever loving an entire new The Office episode again". The timing with the direction and editing was outstanding, I thought. Are Angela's clothes getting tighter or am I still slightly love-stunned by that nurse's outfit?