Wed, 12 November 2008
From BUSINESS TRIP | 11.13.08 | 9/8c TV-PG
BOUND - Michael (Golden Globe winner Steve Carell) is ecstatic when
David Wallace (Andy Buckley) decides to send him on a business trip to
Canada. Andy (Ed Helms) and Oscar (Oscar Nunez) become unlikely friends
when Michael decides to bring them along on the trip. Meanwhile, Jim
(John Krasinski) is counting down the days until Pam (Jenna Fischer)
gets back from art school. Rainn Wilson, B.J. Novak, Leslie David
Baker, Brian Baumgartner, Kate Flannery, Mindy Kaling, Angela Kinsey,
Phyllis Smith and Creed Bratton also star.
----------------------- Andy and Oscar, huh? An unlikely pairing, especially given their obvious animosity during the whole "Finer Things Club" fiasco. Will our favorite gay accountant stop worrying and learn to love the Nard-dog? Only time will tell. As always, leave your comments below and Join Kevin and me in the TWSS chat room after the show.
-- posted at: 11:16pm EST
This episode stunk. It was way too predictable, and although Michael has his moments, he\'s too brooding. BTW - What\'s with the lack of screen time for Dwight? I\'d like to see more Dwight! The show\'s only redeeming quality right now is Kelly and Ryan, which I LOVE, and the refreshing stability of Stanley. JOHN KRASINSKI: GET OFF MY TV SCREEN!!! And I swear, if they kill Toby off, I\'m quitting!
I\'ve always hated Ryan\'s character but sometimes I wonder if it isn\'t just good acting. He acts so well, that I hate the character. But all the annoying clips over the years are almost worth it to see Ryan\'s deer-in-the-headlights looks whenever he finally realizes who and what he\'s with.
Liked this episode - seeing Andy and Oscar in a social setting. Being the \"wingman\" for Oscar - drunk dialing - getting Michael set up with the concierge -- the whole nine-nards. Funny stuff. The writing had nuances that really rang true. Michael would be a person who would have delayed anger over Holly being sent away, and wouldn\'t realize how much he missed her until he experienced how empty and lonely he felt after his one-night stand. Angela is the classic blame-shifter. She probably was with Dwight when Andy called - but shifts the focus to Andy being drunk and needing to punish him by withholding sex. And Andy and Oscar\'s budding friendship. Delightful! But could there be something brewing here? A future romance? You could make an argument for Andy coming to terms with his sexuality. And PBJ - very touching she\'s back. But is she running back to Jim, or running away from something in New York? Ryan now finds himself back in a relationship with Kelly - oops. Darryl\'s little jaunt to the car was hilarious! Ryan might look for a job outside of the office - and Scranton - to rid himself of her-just like he did last time. Can\'t wait to see what will happen next week!
I enjoyed this eppy. The Andy and Oscar at the bar when he brought back the 2 drinks back and handed it to Oscar saying that Oscar struck out made me laugh out loud. I hope that it comes out about Angela and Dwight. I am just not digging that story plot. I like the loveable goofball Andy and really think they are making Dwight out to be a horiible character. I loved Dwights character before but now I feel dirt when I see him. Please stop the maddness and get this plot line over and done with. It si being drawn out to looooong! I am also very happy that Pam decided to come home where she belongs. I liked how what she said about not coming back because of him. I have to admit I did get \"dusty\".
Did everyone see the next episode preview?? I love that Toby is coming back! I enjoyed his character especially in his scenes with Pam. I really hope we get another fight scene and more snarky exchanges between Toby and Michael. I also hope that this isn\'t a cheap attempt from the writers to have him mention how \"close\" Dwight and Angela seem, RIDICULOUS!!! Stop trying to shove this contrived relationship down our throats! Love the website but who I\'m really dying to know about is Phyllis, what info can you give us on our favorite character?
I have watched this episode 3 times and there are 3 things that have made me laugh out loud each time. 1)Michael getting hit with the drink cart while wearing the sleeping mask on the airplane; 2)Oscar\'s drunken giggling; and 3)Dwight asking if there are 2 suns when pointing out that Pam\'s drawing has shadows in two directions.
For the record, for the, the worst episodes of THE OFFICE were The Pilot (basically a carbon copy of the UK pilot),Basketball, Hot Girl (season 1 is the only seasonal DVD I don\'t have. I like to think the show truly started with season 2), Ben Franklin and Job Fair. Aside from everyone ditching work, that ep was the most unfunny, plot overload episode ever.
Kevin: I\'m not holding Employee Transfer as my example of a great episode; it was very uneven and the subplots didn\'t work well together. HOWEVER: I think it was both Steve Carell and Amy Ryan\'s best dramatic performance this season, and the two of them together were absolutely amazing. So no, the episode wasn\'t amazing overall, but the breakup scenes were very moving. I think it\'s great how many listeners to TWSS have adopted the expression \"it got a little dusty\" in regards to the best scenes. What a wonderful show, to balance comedy and drama so well. My favorite example of a \"great\" episode that balances both is \"Beach Games\" from season 3. I threw up my hands in disappointment with the episode half-way through, since it seemed to be straight comedy with throw away jokes. And then Pam walks across the coals and confronts Jim. It was amazing, and set up one of the greatest season finale episodes of any show in history (in my opinion), The Job. @ Teacher Mattm, the 5 worst episodes of The Office in my opinion are the first 5 of Season 1. Survivorman was pretty weak overall, but Dwight\'s antics were pretty funny and I Loved how they were experimenting with new filming concepts, like Michael Scott\'s Confession Cam. Some people hate the \"security camera\" and \"car camera\" shots, but I\'m a professional documentary filmmaker, and I appreciate when the show doesn\'t deny its documentary roots. I wonder if the characters have ever asked \"why are we being filmed? is this for television, movie, research, what?\"
Now that\\\'s the reaction I expected Michael Scott to have! And to have it unleashed like that on David Wallace, made me feel sorry for both of those characters, especially when I thought both of them were really nice guys. I didn\'t think that engagement thing would be a way for him to act for someone who was that important to him. Combining Oscar with Andy made for a great new dynamic, and even seeing Phyllis and Stanley with their own clique, I would love to see more of those interactions. Meredith and Kevin as another tandem? The Andy and Oscar pairing just made me think of other interesting possibilities to hope for. I agree that this doesn\'t seem to be a \"funny\" episode, but I think that\'s why I like this show so much. It stepped up another level. Maybe Dramady?
Hey Matt and Kevin! Love the podcast and have been listening since the beginning! I had to comment on the recent continuity issues. These majors oversights have been bugging me just as much as you but I just found a stream of continuity that The Office writers carried through tremendously. Going back to Employee Transfer and Michael\'s Road Trip Mix for the ride to Nashua, it matches up to Michael\'s Road Trip Mix that was published on Itunes on the Celebrity Playlists way back in August of 2005. Life is a Highway is the number 1 song on the mix! I feel a little redemption is owed to the writers for that one although I don\'t know how many people would catch it. Again, love the podcast, keep the great work!
\"The whole 9-Nards\" Friday Frankie liked it more than Thursday Frankie...WMFL Still a Drama filled episode though i.m.o.p. Continuity error the beginning Michael had Blue luggage and later is was black briefcase with a black overnight case.Bright spots were that Pam came back...well at least Pam Came Back the \"Wrong Way\"!
Matt/Kevin: it seems like most weeks one additional cut scene is dropped on us after your episode for that week has already come out. Have you considered including cut scenes that didn\'t make it into your previous podcast, even if it was from the previous week\'s episode? anyway, i loved this week\'s episode for the drama. honestly, (and here I\'m specifically talking to Kevin Crossman) I don\'t care if they never have another joke or funny bit of the show again. I watch it for the character development, writing, and acting. If it turned full-on drama, I\'d keep watching. I think Office fans are divided like that-- those who care more about the drama, and those who think belly-laughs are the main reason to tune in. If I wanted only jokes, I\'d watch Family Guy. The Office is a masterful show, and we\'re lucky to have it. My predictions: This week they set up Andy learning very soon about the Angela/Dwight affair (which will undoubtedly release all that anger he\'s been keeping inside, hopefully not leading to another Roy/Jim style attack). I love how they reminded us that Michael Scott is an introspective and INTELLIGENT man, even if he is a bumbler. I wish he had confronted David Wallace directly and in person. He needs to deal with this Holly situation more directly by threatening to quit or by making the company restore Holly to Scranton before it\'s too late and she\'s settled in to her new job. Pam is set up to return, which is good. My wish is that Michael quits management to visit Holly for a while, and Jim takes over Michael\'s job. Michael can then go back to doing what he is best at-- sales. Ryan is sort of set up to leave, if his relationship with Kelly goes south, which his final awkward expression this week suggested. If Ryan leaves for a half-season to shoot the Tarantino movie, he can come back as a more mature character in the next season. love the show; i listen every week. keep up the awesome work. you guys are heroes. Kevin, learn to LOVE THE DRAMA!
Hmm, Cannibal. It\'s not that I don\'t love drama but when a TV show bills itself as a comedy, I guess I must be crazy to think that it means the show should be funny. And I\'ve liked plenty of \"dramatic\" moments over the years. But, no, I don\'t not care if the show is funny or not. Sue me. Besides, I\'m not sure where all the critique is coming from. I\'ve liked or even loved most of the episodes this season. And if you\'re holding Employee Transfer as your example of a great episode this season, well, that\'s just sad.
I\'ve seen it a couple of times now thanks to my Windows Media Center and USB Pinnacle cable connection (Thank you Microsoft, I\'m a PC too!!) and am enjoying it more each time. Matt, good catch with Reno 911, I thought she actually was Canadian! Talented folks on that show. I enjoyed the Andy/Oscar thing very much \"WMFL- wing man for life\"! I hope they do more with that. How did Ryan make it back to the annex if Pam is coming back? Wouldn\'t the temp gig be over? Maybe Michael\'s man crush made him call the temp agency to convince them to keep him around. I don\'t know where the show is going, and I would agree with Matt and Kevin that the writing has declined a bit so far this season. Question: What is the all time worst episode of the Office? I would put a vote in for Survivorman from last season. Awful story and just not funny. Anybody else have a vote? Anyway, am loving the podcasts as usual. Keep up the great work! Favorite comment reading this thread is from Gandalf: I don\'t condone adultery, if that is indeed what is taking place.... Classic!!
I was ready to give up on the show when Pam said she was going to be gone another 12 weeks ... ... But then the writers went and did what they did and totally redeemed themselves. I love it when Andy was talking about getting to know Oscar better ...\"and he is DELIGHTFUL!\"
For the several episodes this season, I really haven\'t been feeling it, and this episode only strengthened my convictions. Although I did appreciate a few funny bits like the Andy/Oscar interaction, it seemed like there was barely a single scene that wasn\'t put in purely to advance the plot. They actually tried to cram FOUR plotlines into one episode: Ryan/Kelly, Jim/Pam, Oscar/Andy, and Michael/David Wallace. With those, it left no time for the goings-on in the office itself that I have come to love about the show. It is called \"The Office\"; we ought to see the sort of hilarious office situations that we saw last week in Customer Survey, instead of a weekly update on the myriad relationships that are increasingly taking up time in the show. However, several people have pointed out bits that were funny to them this episode that I hadn\'t even noticed; perhaps I was just too tired last night to laugh as much as usual. In any case, I think I\'ll be able to put up with this episode, for one reason: the writers clearly went out of their way to advance certain plotlines in this episode, which means that they hopefully have something hilarious planned for the near future.
To start, I\'ve never been an Angela fan... the weight gain, the haircut, etc. I don\'t hate the woman; I just don\'t find her particularly talented or worthy of so much attention. When she and Andy got engaged, I had a feeling it wouldn\'t last. I mean, the odds were stacked against them - look at their professions -- sales vs. accounting. They were 2 adults who made the decision to marry, though, despite that. And they had a good run, I guess, for about 4 months. But I also seem to remember during that time reading interviews with her where he said she didn\'t know if he necessarily believed in the whole \"happily ever after thing.\" Maybe he kind of shared that attitude as well, who knows. No one knows what really went on between the 2 of them - or even her and Dwight. Only those personally involved really know. I don\'t condone adultery, if that is indeed what is taking place. ... If they are all happy and healthy, more power to them.
Did Pam come back for the right reasons? Yes - she came back because she realized what I had suspected for awhile, that she\'s really not that great of an artist. She realized that her \'motel art\' couldn\'t compete with the 10 years or more younger whiz kids in New York who have grown up with Quark, etc. She did do the animation for \"Local Ad,\" but it took her all night (I don\'t know how long animation should take actually, but I think the point was to show that she struggles with the tech side of things.) Oh, and maybe she came back a little because of Jim - whatever (okay, it was got a little dusty...) Great episode!
Quite possibly my favorite episode so far this season. The expressions on Andy\'s face when he realized he had actually called Angela made me laugh harder than any scene has so far this season! It was oddly refreshing to see Oscar drunk and giggling. He and Andy make a surprisingly \"delightful\" duo! And it was a relief to see Pam come back--when she was thinking about staying an extra 3 months, I was like \"oh, here we go again, what are the writers thinking?!\" but fortunately the writers redeemed themselves :)
I really enjoyed the episode. A bunch of laughs for me...easily the funniest thing for me was Darryl strutting out of the warehouse--no way a talking head could have been that funny. I liked Michael\'s plot...he was initially so excited to go on an international business trip...probably his first time out of the country. But as the episode progresses, that excitement degrades into sadness. Michael really showed that he \'has a pair\' (to quote Angela) when he spoke with Wallace. PB&J was sort of predictable, but they played it out all right, I thought. I liked Jim\'s \"How do you already know?\", which leads to the did they know? Dwight at the end was funny, similar to when Pam was leaving. Classic Dwight. Andy/Oscar were pretty funny as well. The drunk dial was funny, and then realizing it wasn\'t a dream was especially hilarious. I guess I\'m glad Andy has a friend.
Ok, one of my favorite episodes this season so far. I liked it upon first viewing, which I can\'t say for some of the other ones so far. I think the Ryan/Kelly thing is annoying & a waste. It seems lazy. There is no suspense in their relationship, nothing is at stake. She was \"with\" Darrell, but we haven\'t seen anything about that pretty much all season long. Are we just going to have everyone hooked up with someone else in the office? What\'s next, Creed & Meredith? It detracts from the only real good office relationships that anyone\'s interested, namely Jim/Pam & Dwight/Angela. I think I enjoy the previous episode after watching the current one...meaning I like last week\'s & the week before\'s episode better after watching this one, & I imagine I\'ll like this week\'s episode better after watching next week\'s. It seems like they are missing parts in one that get made up in another.
I like that the Jim/Pam suspense builds quickly & then fades quickly. It is phony & lame to think they wouldn\'t end up together. First, they\'ve gone through too much to do that realistically, & we all understand that this is the main draw to the show, & the writers wouldn\'t dare. Besides, it is better than some sort of Ross/Rachel on again/off again gag. Jim & Pam are not Sam & Diane...we LIKE them together, not fighting. Just show them enjoying each other, but give us a little suspense, just to let us appreciate the sweet & romantic moments.
I laughed, I cried and I felt very awkward through most of the episode. It was great. Loved the budding Andy/Oscar relationship and of course when Pam came back! It was great seeing Dwight\'s welcome to Pam, a nice call back to how he said goodbye and it was also nice, albeit heartbreaking to see Michael dealing with the Holly situation. I was worried that the writers were going to leave us with the cold open from last week and never mention Holly again. And Andy Bernard was great! WFL. Loved it!
I\'m with Frankie C on this one. This seemed to be a more drama heavy episode than normal with Pam and Jim\'s tearful call and Michael pouring his soul out to David about Holly. While there\'s nothing wrong with that, it could have used a few more moments like Darryl walking to his truck in triumph, Dwight\'s voice over the drunk and dial, Dwight asking Pam to make five copies and the trapped look on Ryan\'s face. Maybe in a black comedy twist, Ryan will kill himself so that B.J. can go off for Quentin\'s new movie and Rayn will be gone once and for all.
Dear Brent Forrester, Write more episodes of The Office. Seriously. Get started now. I\'ll wait. You back? Good. Because now I can tell you about how much I enjoyed this episode and how it completely washed the taste of \"Employee Tansfer\" out of my mouth! Here we had character growth, bonding between co-workers and tension between others, life changing decisions, and Michael showing that he does indeed have testosterone in his veins, while acknowledging that he is still hurting. And hey, now we get to play the \"Did Pam comeback for the right reason?\" game, which is much more fun than the \"Will Pam stay in New York?\" game. Anywho, much fun to be had, and Andy is my wing-man!
I\\\'m shocked that Michael didn\\\'t tease Oscar about the naked Golden Boy that is in Winnipeg I totally knew that Michael was going to bring a \\\"French translator\\\". It\\\'s a shame Andy didn\\\'t get to really use his skillz.
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