Thu, 23 April 2009
From BROKE | 04.23.09 | 9/8c PT | TV-PG L Michael's new company struggles to make early morning deliveries while the office tries to get their expense reports in on time after Angela enforces Dunder Mifflin's policy. ---------- Is this end of Charles Miner's run as the "new boss." Idris Elba was signed for six episodes and guess what... this is show #6. Do Michael and Pam return to Dunder Mifflin? And what role will David Wallace play in all of this. Tune in tonight to find out. As always, leave your comments below, and join Matt and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the episode airs.
-- posted at: 12:04pm EDT
I really loved this episode! I actually got choked up when Michael put Wallace in his place and they panned to Pam\'s face! The look of admiration that she had for MS, brought tears to my eyes! I also loved when Phyllis told Wallace that if he had returned MS\'s calls, we might not have had these problems and Wallace agreeing with her. It really bothered me when Wallace wouldn\'t take Michael\'s calls-even going so far as to blind transfer him back through to Charles. I think that the Regional Manager of the highest performing branch during a recession is worthy of a phone call to the CFO. I cheered when Michael quit! This episode was a HUGE payoff for me!
EWWW...milk and sugar only? Your donuts make me go nuts?! Wow once again the writers have done it. Michael has out dumb-ed himself. Oh and the simple solution for the van issue?... Paint over it! But then again everyone loves a cheap joke. This episode was ok, not groundbreakingly funny but some good jokes. I love the fact that David and Jim, and Charles and Dwight were dressed alike. But as I said in the chatroom, I\'m starting to doubt that Matt ever went to Mexico....hmmmm
about the too many salesmen just after the merger there were that many salesmen as well. so its not a huge stretch but i loved the episode, being korean myself, i was laughing myself silly about the korean bus thing. and i love when Michael is in his element and just knows how to get what he wants his perfect sales pitch im really interested to see where the michael/dwight relationship goes from here and how well Pam does in sales
Did Ryan think each of them would get $60,000 or did he just think he would get it all? If they had taken the $60,000 (and gotten their jobs back when Charles left for some other reason), it would have been interesting to see how Michael would have split the money.
I think a lot, actually. With Pam moving up in status, the entire power structure will shift. Dwight now has to put up with Pam as competition, Fancy New Beesly may end up outselling Jim this bringing some real conflict between them and everyone else will look at her in a new way that may disrupt the status quo. So I don\'t see it as same old, same old. I see it as another step in the slow evolution of THE OFFICE.
I\'ve enjoyed this season a good amount but I have to say that up until this latest MSPC arc most of the episodes have left a bad taste in my mouth. The show just doesn\'t feel the same anymore. Every episode seemed to either be funny but with a ridiculous plot or so full of drama that the comedy was left behind. For instance, the Christmas episode this year was pretty funny at some parts but I came away from it with a bad taste in my mouth because when I had sat down to watch it I was looking forward to a classic Christmas episode and instead got this random intervention story that came out of nowhere (and was quickly forgotten). The same goes for the Halloween episode. Other episodes have had good plots but were just not all that funny and instead quite depressing. Anyhow... What my point is, is that once this MSPC arc came around I started falling in love with this show again. The three episodes before this one were classics in my mind. It was like watching season 2 for the first time. They had great plots, tons of laughs, and they didn\'t leave a bad taste in my mouth! :) Then this latest episode aired... and well the bad taste is back in my mouth. This isn\'t to say that I didn\'t enjoy it. It was full of suspense and I thought Jim and Michael were great but it wasn\'t really funny. And to make matters worse it brought us back to square one. I mean I knew this would come but I thought some real change would come from it all and I thought that the MSPC would last till the end of the season. It just makes me sad because half the greatness of the last couple episodes came from the fact that we really didn\'t know what was gonna happen to our characters and so it was really exciting. Now we\'re back to the same old stuff and the excitement will be gone. Just look at next week\'s episode title: Casual Fridays... sounds quite boring compared to what we\'ve been getting from MSPC
I really liked this episode. As usual, I love seeing Michael succeed, as opposed to him looking pathetic, which I\'m glad to say we haven\'t seen in awhile. As other people have said the negotiation was a bit... interesting, but it was nice to see Michael standing up for himself and his employees. I was very happy to see Charles Miner leave and the ending scene with Michael kicking him out was awesome. I thought there were some funny things, but the Korean lady was not really funny even the first time. Overall good episode, kind of expected, but I liked it.
@kate Korean churches in the US have those vans to pick up people for the services, but it\'s generally for old folks who don\'t feel like driving anymore. So it was pretty hilarious to me at least. Oh, and the letters on the side of the van do say Hallelujah Church of Scranton, as Pam says.
Love how Jim negated Dwight\'s news of MSPC being broke. Great to see Dwight implode in front of Charles (without knowing it) with all his crazy comments. Dwight going out of his way to undermine Michael, Pam and Ryan makes it easier for us to dislike him again. His look of determination in moments like almost looks evil. But Dwight\'s \"Been there, done that\" was priceless.
This was almost the perfect episode for me. I agree with many of the other posts that the actual terms of the negotiation were a bit over the top, but overall, this episode had so many great moments. Jim was fantastic and it was a welcome change from seeing him bullied by Charles. And watching Charles act like a dope was great. Dwight was typical Dwight. Ryan wasn\'t completely ridiculous and it was a nice surprise finding out he didn\'t actually go to Thailand. Pam was so cute during the entire episode. And Michael was perfect. This is the Michael I love seeing. He messes up classic sayings, but in the end, he comes through. I loved the realization that they needed jobs more than a quick buck, and his standing up to David Wallace made me gasp. Speaking of David Wallace - just another thing that made this episode practically perfect. I know we\'ve been complaining about continuity issues, but there were so many little things in this episode to appreciate. I loved Dwight\'s \"Quiet You\" remark and Michael\'s mumbling in the conference room reminded me of the Negotiations episode. The only thing I wasn\'t laughing out loud about was the van situation. It just seemed totally random with the various Korean women and I would have preferred seeing the MSPC work something out with maybe Vance Refrigeration. And is it crazy, but as excited as I am to have everyone back at Dunder Mifflin, I will miss the MSPC. I almost wish we could explore this dynamic a bit longer. Oh well... Great job overall to the cast, writers and rest of the crew. Fantastic stuff!
This was the strongest episode of the season, in my opinion. It was structured well and featured subtle character decisions. I really liked when Jim got up and jumped on Dwight to stop him from sabotaging the deal. Michael\'s respect for Pam (when he corrected David, saying she IS a salesperson) was especially moving. Michael didn\'t blink an eye before defending her. Now-- obviously, the details of the deal itself were ridiculous, but it was SET UP that David Wallace had already realized his mistake in allowing a valuable asset like Michael Scott leave the company. Wallace admitted so much to Phyllis earlier in the episode. Now, everything that was good about this episode could EASILY be undone next week if the truth about MSPC\'s clients leaks before the board approves Michael\'s new deal. That would be sad because it would damage the dramatic arc of this episode. P.S. \"Broke\" also featured a couple real howlers. I really love board-room scenes featuring David Wallace and Michael. My favorite line: \"I don\'t care if Ryan murdered his whole family. He\'s like a son to me!\" I\'ll have to remember this classic next time I confront my enemies: \"Well well well... how the turntables.... ....\" -CK
Loved the episode, though I do agree that a paper company in Scranton hardly seems to need quite so many sales people. But Michaels \"I\'ll see your situation and raise you a situation\" scenario was just fantastic to me. His line: \"I don\'t need to outwait Dunder Mifflin, I just need to outwait you\" was one of my favorite lines ever from Michael and I actually cheered out loud!
One shot of Darrel chuckling as they are loading up the \"delivery van\" would have been fun. Sad to see MSPC go, but glad that Michael and Jim both manned up. As much as I like David Wallace it was fun to see Michael hold his feet to the fire. Yay for Pam! So will she be Michael\'s new #2. She stuck by him when no one else did.
Wow tonight\'s episode was one of the funniest this season, so many hilarious moments. Was this just cause I was in a good mood? I dunno, but the Korean church bus, the school bus with an owl in it, Kelly and Kevin saying \"hello\" to Wallace, Mose in socks beet scandal, the Sebring -- not made anymore -- I was laughing out loud a lot tonight. Though I know there\'s more story to be developed, I was surprised that the Michael Scott Paper Company plot ended so soon -- I was thinking it would be the last episode of the season, or even a cliffhanger at the end of the season. But fair enough - nothings lost by joining them up - still a lot to happen between Michael and Miner.
Best yet this season! Loved it! Michael all confident till the elevator doors close, PB & J back in the same office, Dwight & the bees, and Wallace\'s face when he knows he\'s stuck with Michael! And Charles got a bit of his own meds at the very end, good all around.
Ok...good episode. Liked how they handled Jim and made Dwight to be the freakish fantasy laden nerd he is thus embarrassing Charles. Loved how Jim puckered and did that kissy face when he realized his hard ass boss was a brown nose kiss ass to Wallace. It\'s great the MSPC team is back in the saddle at DM again, but there is a lot of unrealistic stuff regarding those negotiations. But it\'s just a TV show, and whatever...everybody liked it elsewhere so who am I to put a damper on things with reality?
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