From Wikipedia:


Michael gets excited when he's invited by David Wallace to be honored on stage at the Dunder Mifflin shareholder meeting in New York, and he brings Andy, Dwight and Oscar along for the ride. Meanwhile, Jim has a hard time getting Ryan to do work.


With the big bankruptcy bomb dropped last week, I'm curious as to what David Wallace thinks Michael can do for the failing Dunder Mifflin.  We enjoyed the Andy and Oscar action last season on BUSINESS TRIP, so hopefully we'll see some nice bonding moments this time as well.  As we mentioned in the last podcast, Ryan really put the screws to Jim in season four, so it would be interesting to see if Jim turns that around on him here.  He never really DID get his revenge, but Ryan has become such a different character since then that I'm not sure if it would still be a relevant thing to do.  I guess we shall see tonight.

I'm probably NOT going to be able to make it into the chatroom tonight, but don't let that stop you from talking to all the other TWSS listeners.  Kevin should be around during and after the Pacific time showing, though, if you Eastern/Central folks want to wait around.  As always, please leave your episode comments below.

Category:general -- posted at: 9:50am EST

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