From Wikipedia:

Manager and Salesman | 2.11.10

The office is eager to welcome Sabre CEO Jo Bennett to Scranton, and are dazzled by her Southern ways. When Jo finds out there are two branch managers, she says either Michael or Jim must go back to being a salesman. Meanwhile, Andy's Valentine's Day plan backfires.



OK, so here we go with a potential interesting plot twist-- could we end up with Michael being a salesman working onder Jim's leadership?  It seems like a natural direction to explore at this point, since we've pretty much tapped out the "Jim as Michael's long suffering underling" angle.  I can see this taking us through the end of the season, with Michael perhaps taking the reigns back in the season finale.  As for Kathy Bates-- "Meh" about sums it up.  Didn't like her small part last week, and expect to find her "southern belle" act tonight just as grating.  But again, perhaps they'll surprise me?  Hopefully the Michael/Jim stuff will take up the bulk of the episode.


For those of you wondering what's going on with the TWSS episode for last week's SABRE, please be patient-- it will be out sometime soon.  Since we have a month long gap until our next episode of THE OFFICE, I figured we could space the TWSS eps out a little bit.  The show for Sabre will be up sometime next week, and the show for this week's ep should be out a week or so later.


As always, join me in the TWSS Chatroom tonight during and after the episode.  I don't think Kevin is going to be able to make it into the West Coast chat tonight, but the room is always open for anyone who'd like to talk about the episode in real time with other TWSS listeners.




Category:general -- posted at: 4:36pm EST

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