Thu, 11 February 2010
From Wikipedia: Manager and Salesman | 2.11.10 The office is eager to welcome Sabre CEO Jo Bennett to Scranton, and are dazzled by her Southern ways. When Jo finds out there are two branch managers, she says either Michael or Jim must go back to being a salesman. Meanwhile, Andy's Valentine's Day plan backfires. -----------
OK, so here we go with a potential interesting plot twist-- could we end up with Michael being a salesman working onder Jim's leadership? It seems like a natural direction to explore at this point, since we've pretty much tapped out the "Jim as Michael's long suffering underling" angle. I can see this taking us through the end of the season, with Michael perhaps taking the reigns back in the season finale. As for Kathy Bates-- "Meh" about sums it up. Didn't like her small part last week, and expect to find her "southern belle" act tonight just as grating. But again, perhaps they'll surprise me? Hopefully the Michael/Jim stuff will take up the bulk of the episode.
For those of you wondering what's going on with the TWSS episode for last week's SABRE, please be patient-- it will be out sometime soon. Since we have a month long gap until our next episode of THE OFFICE, I figured we could space the TWSS eps out a little bit. The show for Sabre will be up sometime next week, and the show for this week's ep should be out a week or so later.
As always, join me in the TWSS Chatroom tonight during and after the episode. I don't think Kevin is going to be able to make it into the West Coast chat tonight, but the room is always open for anyone who'd like to talk about the episode in real time with other TWSS listeners.
-- posted at: 4:36pm EST
I don\'t think Andy mixed-up the Valentines. To my understanding, he just bought a whole bunch at random and gave them out at random. He didn\'t write that message in the one Kelly got. That\'s the pre-printed message that came with the card. He never bothered to read it as the only one that mattered to him was the one he gave Erin.
Why no love for Kathy Bates? Seriously, the woman is one of the best actors out there, and, despite her level of fame, she was highly believable in this role. For anyone who can\'t get over Bates as an ankle-mangling mad woman, you haven\'t seen About Schmidt, in which we are treated to Bates fully nude. Try to get that image out of your head! And yet, at the end of the day, I, for one, was ready to get out there and sell printers. It seems natural the longer NBC keeps this little comedy going, we\'re going to get more and more \"faces\" in bit roles. Considering the plethora of potentially distracting actors (jack black), The Office could do much worse than Bates.
All in all a good episode. I liked Kathy Bates character. She is quirky enough to let the office maintain it\'s old flair. Laugh out loud to see Michael in Jim\'s chair. I loved Ryan and Dwight. Ryan is such a tool. Jim putting Dwight\'s tie in his coffee was great. Let\'s hope we get a couple of good season 2 practical jokes. I think the best line was when Michael thought \"Curves\" was a gentlemen\'s club. Do you think Kevin is going to go check it out now?
Very anticlimactic. I was really hoping to an episode or two with Michael as a salesman again before he got sick of it. Instead we get about five minutes of a new dynamic before everything goes back to the status quo? The Dwight/Ryan alliance dissolves before they do much of anything? Really disappointing. The jokes are still hilarious and I laughed out loud a number of times, but the writers really have been floundering this season for an overall story arc.
Really liked this one. While I was laughing at the dog bits I wondered, \"What the heck did they put in Andy\'s pants to make them go so crazy?\" and then I laughed even more. I know that dog trainers at Westminster eat liver and onions to make their breath interesting for dogs, so the mind boggles... I thought the co-manager issue was cleverly resolved, but I was surprised that Dwight didn\'t wind up with the manager\'s job, after the \"not standing up\" bit in the beginning. I thought that was the perfect set up for it... I don\'t have a problem with Kathy Bates being famous, it\'s just what she\'s famous FOR that gets under my skin. Every time she narrows her eyes at Michael I keep expecting her to pull out a mallet and a piece of wood... I know Erin is supposed to be a bit naive, but not knowing who Snoopy and Woodstock are? Did she grow up in a bomb shelter or something? My seven year old knows Snoopy and Woodstock are, for chrissakes. I know that she and Andy keep making googly eyes at each other, but as he\'s a Cornell alum and therefore at least supposed to be pretty bright, I can\'t help but think that relationship will get tedious pretty quickly. Anyway I still think Andy and Oscar make a better couple,especially since Oscar and Matt didn\'t seem to go anywhere. I guess maybe the rest of Oscar\'s repertoire couldn\'t live up to his pate... But I do like Erin as a character. It took a while. The bit with her and Michael and the keyboard was touching...
I loved the cold open, and all the Michael/Jim back and forth, I would like to have seen a bit more of that, although the \"Joe Camal\" talking head was the highlight of the episode. I hated the Andy/Erin stuff, mainly because It\'s not understandable that Andy would mix up the valentines, unless we remember the Erin\'s \"real\" name is also Kelly, but honestly how many viewers remember that? While I think Kathy Bates is doing a fine job... if they wanted a grey haired overweight southern woman, why didn\'t they just get Paula Deen?
I felt that this episode was a little anti-climactic. I was a little upset that they wrapped up the Jim-as-manager plotline a little too quickly, as I was hoping to see at least one good Dwight/Ryan diabolical plot. I wonder, though, if through Jim\'s negotiations, he still retains the #2 role? Who will be designated head of the office when Michael is out...physically that is...mentally, we all know that he has never been that capable of a manager.
Actually a fairly good episode. I like Kathy Bates character (we need somebody who will put Michael in his place) and we got to see \\\"Michael the jerk\\\" again (my favorite Michael. Conversely, the Dwight/Ryan stuff didn\\\'t go anywhere and they tossed out the \\\"Jim as boss/Michael as saleseman\\\" storyline way too soon. They could have kept that going for awhile.
Matt, are you sitting down? I loved it. It wasn\'t perfect, but I laughed out loud for the first time in seasons. Wasn\'t thrilled that Kathy Bates was portraying the head honcho because I thought she was a bit too famous, but what the hell. That lady has spunk. Really like the Erin/Andy thing and watching Jim return back into old Jim as he took off the jacket, loosened the tie and rolled up his sleeves while he took his place as Salesman was like slipping into a pair of well worn slippers. Of course all this was contrived, and everything fell into place in neat little slightly unrealistic pieces, but I\'ll take what I saw tonight. It was decent.
Overall I enjoyed this episode. Surprisingly, Kathy Bates wasn\'t as big a distraction as feared. Maybe it\'s because she\'s a much better actor than Jack Black or Jessica Alba but the way shes written also feels more organic. She can be a bit extreme because her character\'s background is so different from Scranton. The A-Plot was funny but a little predictable as me and my roomates could guess that Jim was either going to get a big promotion, Sabre would discover their cushy sales position or michael just wouldn\'t like sales as much as he thought. I\'m all for the ANDRIN story but the writers have dragged it out long enough. Last week was understandable as the aftermath of 12 Drummers Drumming could be a little awkward but c\'mon just get to it. I enjoyed the way Michael\'s stupidity was displayed. His balancing act between manager and sales man is always fun to watch. Random thought: Did Jim get Pam anything for valentines day? I know it\'s on a sunday this year but it would\'ve been nice to see others get into the spirit a la season 2. Funny enough episode.
Good episode for sure! Big highlight? Definitely Ryan\'s scarf Michael owned the best lines \"forgot the question\" (during the negotiation with Jim and Jo) \"Manuel who?\" yeah -- this Jim and Michael co-manager plot tied up pretty fast. I thought they\'d keep Michael under Jim for five or six episodes. This seemingly ends the Dwight-Ryan diabolical plot. I\'m thinking the writers have done one of two things here: either they decided to cut this story line short (there were some fans and that article about fans not liking season six Jim-as-manager as much) Or, this is just more set-up for some more season-long tensions.