Thu, 20 May 2010
From Wikipedia:
The press learns that Sabre printers catch on fire and Jo, suspecting that someone within the company leaked the information, sets out to discover who the whistle-blower is.
-------- As always, post your comments below! Also, join Kevin and me in the TWSS chatroom during and after the airing of tonight's episode (I'll be there for the Eastern/Central showings; Kevin's got the Pacific). Scroll down and hit the big green CHAT button on the right.
-- posted at: 8:10pm EST
Why on EARTH was the goodbye scene with the IT guy necessary? Couldn\'t that time have been put to better use SOMEHOW? Honestly, this episode sucked. I don\'t even have the emotion invested in it to write up a detailed list of all the things that sucked. To me, the fact that I never laughed or even cracked a smile means it pretty much sucked. There were no big payoffs, and I simply don\'t care about these \"cliffhangers\" -- well, maybe I care about the Holly plotline, but at this point, even that feels forced.
If this had been a regular episode during the season fine, but it stunk as a finale. Only funny part was flenderson stuck under the vending machine and the look on his face, awesome. It did redeem itself at the very end with one little word, Holly. Now I can just forget this season and dream of next years possibilities and may it be the final season.
I can\'t wait to hear what Matt and Kevin think about this episode! I love the podcast, which is sometimes funnier than the show itself. For me, \"Whistleblower\" was acceptable as part of the regular season, but nothing like a season finale, which should be more sweeping and emotionally satisfying. The show did provide a few good laughs, like Dwight\'s refusal to waste his own time, Michael\'s mind going \"a mile an hour,\" and David Wallace\'s talking head about Suck It, but not enough for a finale. Why was a major new character, the I.T. guy, introduced at the last minute? I did think his monologue was funny, with his digs at Ryan, Kelly, Darryl, and Andy, but it felt like a literary violation that the writers should have learned to avoid in high school. I was immediately thinking about Jane Austen\'s _Northanger_Abbey_, when she broke the fourth wall and promised not to introduce a new character at the eleventh hour. Why were we asked to suspend disbelief to such an unnecessary extent? The notion that a company would so blatantly pursue a whistleblower is outrageous. The plot would have been equally served if the threat against the whistleblower was simple social ostracism from his colleagues. I\'m like Matt; I have warmer feelings toward Michael since season 2, and much warmer than I ever felt toward David Brent from the British version. However, even with good wishes for Michael, I\'m not as enthusiastic about the Michael-Holly relationship as many seem to be. It would be nice to see Michael achieve some self awareness before getting such a reward. Besides, I would rather get a warm fuzzy feeling from some Jim-Pam romantic moments. They have both suffered and gotten past their tragic flaws, with Pam becoming more assertive and Jim accepting some adult responsibility, and they deserve their happy denouement. Based on the cliffhangers we\'ve had in the past few episodes, I predict that next season will have Angela pregnant with Dwight\'s child, Holly moving back to Scranton but with a boyfriend, Andy and Erin getting together, and a resolution to the Scranton Strangler references. I want to see some more funny pranks, but not too many against Dwight. I want to see Jim and Pam overcome something. I want to see David Wallace and Suck It. I want to hear Michael mess up more words and sayings. And of course, I want more TWSS podcasts! Thanks, guys. You\'re the best, and I hope you\'ll continue with the podcasts.
I thought the most interesting thing was how it connects to the season\'s first shot (Michael, Dwight and Andy.) We began the season seeing three idiots goofing around on the roof. We ended the season seeing them each embark on personal growth. Holly has always served as the arc that would carry Michael to the end of the series (or Carell\'s run.) Dwight and Andy both stepped up, while Jim & Pam are basically done in terms of offering anything new for however long the show lasts.
Wow MuckMallard :) Although there were things that i didn\'t like about this episode (compared to the other finales it was kind of a dud) there were alot of great little moments. I think that people need to stop looking at the big picture things in the episode and just focus on the little comedy bits that make the office great.
I don\'t understand the haters on this one. I thought it did exactly what a season finale should, and there were parts that were really, really funny. How bout Jim sticking up for Andy and then Andy throwing him right under the bus. \"Really?\" The IT guy lighting up Andy then giving everyone the bird was hilarious. Michael/Jo slogged a bit, but Carrel saves it at the end. This was a solid episode with cliffhangers galore.
I kind of feel this episode is a good reflection of the entire season. They were kind of giving us what we wanted with Holly, but were god awful clumsy in the execution. In this season we saw: The Jim and Pam Wedding Jim and Pam Baby Jim as the Big man on Campus (For a quater of a second) Dwight and Anglina Revived (For a second) Andy not being screwed over romanticly Anglina suffering, alittle. Segnents of the Office fandom have been demanding one or all of these things and we got it in this season and it\'s strangely disappointing. One of the few positives I can tack on to this season is it cleared a bit of air so season 7 can be better.
Agree 100% with Ink Asylums\' comments. Entire 6th season was a series of interesting setups / plotlines that ended up getting resolved in the cheapest way possible. Makes me wonder if this is the result of writing some of these episodes on a deadline... Regardless, I\'m EXTREMELY excited for 7th season and have high expectations! Every great show has a slumping season or two
I thought this episode was one of the funniest I\'ve seen. The comedic timing was great. There were so many funny moments. From Ryan\'s \"woof,\" to Kevin running to his computer and back. From Darryl\'s story about his leak, to Toby unexpectedly hating Jo-- \"write your own damn novel.\" The scenes with Jo and Michael on the plane slowed the comedy down a little, but they were still funny in their own right. Such as Michael snickering at Jo wanting to be a Barbie (for obvious reasons). The writers definitely stayed true to each of the characters in this episode. Dwight busting into the room telling Jo he wouldn\'t waste his own time... classic! Last, but not least, I especially loved the scene with that guy, you know, the I.T. guy, oh yeah, Nick. It was so awkward and funny that everyone would forget his name and prefer the other I.T. guy because they thought he was a terrorist (Oscar nodded too. LOL). His delivery of spilling everyone\'s secrets was too funny. I\'d rather not complain. So I have to say this was a Hil-a-rious episode!
Is everyone on crack? This was the worst season ending show I have ever seen. Lets start with the basic concept of it was not funny. Not even a little. making funny faces while delivering boring lines does not overcome the fact that this was a poorly written and poorly executed show. Kathy Bates came off like a buffoon during the whole episode. Acting like some nazi war hunter. The plot teasers were clumsily introuduced and by the time they arrived I could care less. Pam\'s pregnancy during company picnic seems almost clever compared to this disaster. I love this show and its been a very uneven and more importantly unfunny year. My son\'s shows of Yo Gabba Gabba are more entertaining than this. Get new writers!
Sorry that you guys didn\'t get the strangler payoff, but you had me going for the whole episode. Is Jo going to strangle Michael? Is Toby going to strangle Jo? Is Dwight strangling Nick? Is Nick going to strangle Jim? Is David Wallace going to strangle the puppy? Isn\'t Gabe going to strangle anyone? Anyways, this episode seemed to serve no purpose but to build things up for the next, and hopefully last, season. The best parts were the talking heads of the B characters (Ryan, Toby, David Wallace). Those really saved the episode for me.
Why didn\'t they just tell Jo it was IT guy? He was leaving anyway. Was it me, or was that whole Michael/Jo bonding thing a bit disingenuous? The entire scene I expected her to be leading him on in order to find out who the whistleblower was, but then she ends up being sincere? I wish the vending machine had fallen on Flenderson.
A very anticlimactic ending to a stumbling season. The first half introduced some interesting plotlines which quickly became unsatisfying and were promptly abandoned. The second half was more solid, adding some background changes while allowing for a number of solid episodes. All of that is capped off with a really odd finale. Is Andy\'s job in danger? Will the rest of the office hate him? Will Jim, Pam, Darryl, and Kelly go along with it or will their conscience force them to stand up for him? Can Dwight really afford the office park? Did he finish \"paying off\" Angela? Did she get what she was hoping for? Will Holly actually be back? What about her fiance? There was very little final about this finale.
I\'m sad that this episode and Mafia are two of my favorite episodes of the season simply because they both managed to be nothing worse than dull. The good news is most of the storylines that I\'ve hated have run their course (especially the co-managers and Pam\'s mom storylines) and something like the old status quo has been resumed.
Entire episode was one big cliffhanger. Which is why I expect the seventh (and hopefully last) season to be one giant finale. Something that will tie up all of the plot points, with the minimal amount of casualties. (Minimum casualties - just one. Toby. Wait, maybe he was crushed under the weight of the vending machine.)
Good Episode of the Office tonight, wished there could have been more funny moments than were. This wasn\'t the best episode ever but it was a good plot driven one. Keep up the good work on the podcast. I look forward to the next episode(s)of the podcast. Thats all for now. Christina Courtney