Sat, 19 July 2008
-- posted at: 12:18am EST
Hi Guys! This is my first time posting, but I\'m a long time listener. I just wanted to weigh in on what you said in the last podcast about the webisodes. I think they serve a purpose in showcasing some of the b-cast, and tieing us over to the season premiere, but I have to agree that the fact the \"fab four\" are never involved, tends to be disappointing. It kind of feels like when you were a kid in school, and you\'re on summer break, and you come into the building to pick up an old sweatshirt or to take an art class, and the entire building, usually filled with the hustle of student life, is an empty husk. All the cool teachers and students are gone. There is only a skeleton staff left. The school you knew, filled with people you either liked or hated, is like a haunted house with only the chubby guidance counselor and the summer intern walking the halls. The webisodes feel like that. There\'s a quiet in the air. Jim, Pam, Michael and Dwight are the cool kids who are on vacation, while the very nice quiet people you don\'t really dwell on or know very well are toiling away until school begins again. Its nice to see them (meaning Oscar and Kevin), but still, the lack of the cool kids is kind of a bummer. Speaking of interns, I had also hoped we would have seen a Pam replacement working the phones while she is off in NYC getting her art on. However, I sense that Daniels and Lieberstein may not have wanted to give away the possibility that maybe Pam didn\'t go to NYC. It still leaves open some mystery on that storyline.
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