E! Online has posted some minor spoilers for season four.  I'll start with the items that AREN'T really spoiler-y at all (quoting from the article):

  1. Jenna [Fischer] is doing fine, though still recovering from her May injury, and will most definitely be sitting behind the reception desk at Dunder-Mifflin come September, but the producers may have to go easy on her the first few episodes. Says Daniels, “Luckily, Pam sits a lot on the show.?
  2. The hourlong episodes (announced earlier this year) will be the first four of the season, probably because Scrubs won’t be on yet.
Ok, I'm going to put the really somewhat spoiler-y stuff below, colored in WHITE.  If you want to read them, click & hold your left mouse button, dragging your cursor over the "blank" area.  Got that?

1. Rashida Jones, aka Karen Filippelli, will be back this fall. Greg Daniels and company were able to work out a deal where she’ll show up for at
least an episode or two when The Office returns this fall.

2. We’ve seen the last of David Denman, aka Roy, for the time being, since he’s been fired and is no longer dating Pam. However, he’s not dead and, according to Greg, could return at any time.

3. We will see more of Ryan this season! There will be great stuff between Michael and Ryan now that Ryan’s the boss. But sadly for Kelly, things between her and Ryan are not going well.

4. Jan really is moving into Michael’s condo, and when I asked if she’ll be wearing stretch pants, Greg Daniels was kind enough to confirm.

Well, there you go.  Not all that surprising, based on the finale, although that's going to be a lot of pressure to come out of the gates with *five* hour-long episodes in a row to kick off the season.

If you want to discuss spoilers, please do so in the comments section.  BUT -- DO NOT INTRODUCE ANY SPOILERS THAT HAVEN'T ALREADY BEEN MENTIONED ON THE BLOG, OK?

Category:general -- posted at: 10:58pm EST

NBC held a panel for their Thursday night comedies at the TV Critic's Conference this past Monday (July 16th), and representin' for The Office were producer Greg Daniels & John Krasinski.

Gael Fashingbauer Cooper of MSNBC's TEST PATTERN described what went down:

Executive producer Greg Daniels and star John Krasinski (Jim Halpert) were on the panel, and had a little fun with that show's big online presence and tech-savvy audience. When Daniels noted that online spoilers were a big problem, Krasinski humorously butted in with "That's my bad, by the way. I needed a little extra cash, (I'm online) dishing the secrets."

The Jim-Pam romance of course was discussed. One critic noted that last year's promos for the show tended to hype the "Jam" lovin' even if it meant ignoring the show's humor, and Daniels agreed. He noted that the Jim-Pam romance actually has "more impact when it's not carrying the weight" (of being the show's main thread) and claimed that "(the romance) has always been the B-plot," to which Krasinski pulled mock outrage and pretended to storm out.

The panel was also asked how they would handle NBC's newly announced "green week" in November, which might seem a tough fit for comedies. Krasinski was quick to joke "Well, we're screwed. We're a PAPER company."

To see what's in store for the OTHER three shows on Thursday night, click the link above.

Category:general -- posted at: 10:31pm EST

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