Fri, 8 May 2009
by Kevin Crossman
As mentioned in this week's podcast, NBC announced their fall schedule earlier this week. Well, sort of... NBC announced the shows on their Fall Schedule, including The Office of course. Interest in Parks and Recreation from The Office creative team Greg Daniels and Michael Schur has been mixed, but NBC went ahead and renewed the show starring Amy Poehler. NBC also announced that SNL Weekend Update would be returning to Thursday nights at least on an occasional basis. NBC didn't renew My Name is Earl, but didn't exactly cancel it either, leaving the show in limbo. But NBC didn't provide an actual schedule. So, we don't know if The Office is keeping it's Thursday 9 pm timeslot, or what shows will air before and after. It is certainly possible that The Office could be moved to the 8 pm slot likely vacated by My Name is Earl. NBC is expected to announce the full schedule and timeslots later this month. Speaking of Parks and Recreation, we've received some notes about whether we will cover this show or review any episodes. With the summer hiatus coming soon, it does provide an opportunity to go back and talk about this show. So, would you like us to review Parks and Recreation, or would you like more Retro episodes from Season 2? Leave a comment and let us know!
-- posted at: 12:16pm EST