Episode # 71 -- "Cafe Disco" (5/7/09) Episode # 71 of THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID finds both Matt and Kevin getting funkay. Just daa-ance. What to do when you've just sold your company and still have a lease on an empty office space? Why, turn it into a cafe disco of course. Michael discovers, to borrow a quote from Homer Simpson, that FUNK is the cause of (and solution to) all of the office's problems-- but will his employees see the method to his madness? Meanwhile, JAM plans to elope, Kandy gets served, Dwyllis rears its ugly head, Erin gets busy, and Stanley has a nice refreshing nap. Who can ask for anything more? What's that? A plot you say? BAH! We don't need no stinking plots! Incidental music provided by the Podshow Podsafe Music Network. Email us at TWSSpodcast @ gmail.com, or leave a comment on our blog page at TWSSpodcast. com. iTunes reviews are always appreciated! Help spread the word! Also, PLEASE help support the show by signing up for a FREE 14-day trial of Netflix. Instantly watch every episode of the office from the comfort of your laptop, desktop, or xbox360-connected TV. Go to http://www.netflix.com/twss to start your free trial today. Also, check out http://www.audible.com/shesaid for a free audiobook download.
Direct download: TWSS71.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:12pm EST

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That's What She Said is a weekly podcast dedicated to NBC's Emmy Award winning show The Office. Every episode of TWSS includes TV episode clips and commentary, news, reports on upcoming media appearances of the cast, a selection of podsafe music, and much more. If you have a news item, piece of gossip, comment, constructive compliment, or are interested in promotional cooperation, please contact us:

Matt Sommer, host
Kevin Crossman, co-host

The Host: Matt Sommer

The Co-Host: Kevin Crossman

The Conference Room: TWSS Chatroom

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