Wed, 29 August 2007
Not sure what I think about this promo clip... it's about 3 minutes long, and features all of our favorite "Officians" dishing on what they did over the Summer. The problem? This little clip actually covers a lot of material I assumed would be dealt with in the ACTUAL episodes. And Ryan's posture? Come on, man... you've only been gone four months (at most). What's with the big act? Well? What'd you guys think?
-- posted at: 9:43pm EDT
i agree that the \'spoiler\' element wasn\'t cool. I was shocked that they would let such details out-- they\'re usually pretty good about spoilers if im not mistaken... but i also think that it was great to get a sweet sweet taste of things to come. :)
I actually saw this link first off of that sent me to youtube. All it said was it was a \"promo.\" I wish I had had more warning about what is in it because it already tied up some of the lingering questions from the end of season 3. It was really a spoiler promo. It also wasn\'t even clear if these were clips from the first episode, or things they expect you to know before the first episode stars.. Also.... the way they said \"another installment\" makes it sounds like there will be more.... Anyway, I still thought it was enjoyable..... but if I could have I would have waited to see it as part of an episode.....
I don\\\'t think it is exactly a spoiler in that I think the new episodes will, as they did last season, pretty much jump over the summer, and focus on what\\\'s now happening in the fall. For example, I don\\\'t think we would have gotten Phyllis\\\'s wedding gift anecdote, which was hilarious, and I\\\'m betting that the detail of Jim leaving Karen stranded in NY might have been part of The Job left on the cutting room floor. Intentionally, perhaps...with the JAM ending we got, surely the writers would not have wanted it marred at all by the ultimate JimBastard moment. At the time, I had kind of suspected there must have been an ugly breakup scene omitted from our view, but have been in denial. What are we to think of this?
I really enjoyed the promo, I\'m sure they\'ve said just enough without giving too much away for the start of the new season. It\'s all kind of \"duh\" that Karen would of been dumped in New York and that we know for sure that Jim and Pam have gone on at least a few dates. And Ryans appearance was hillarious, he\'s so young and impressionable that it makes sense that he\'s going to be \"selling out\" his look in just a few months. Crazier things have happened. P.S. Creeds line about finding out that he has grandkids AND kids was perfect!
Hmmmm...this leaves me to believe that we don\\\'t get to see the beginning of JAM, which disappoints me. Everyone\\\'s snippet was funny, though, and of course the premiers can\\\'t come soon enough! I find it funny that Andy would spend the summer tubing after his floating Sumo incident. Or was the tubing done IN the suit? There\\\'s an image. Ha!
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