Sat, 22 August 2009
It's true we often have full episodes of The Office where BJ Novak has little or no screentime as Ryan Howard, but fans of the show did miss our favorite temp/salesman/VP/receptionist/bowling clerk/salesman/temp during an extended absence this season. Ryan's absence was explained as a "trip to Thailand" but TWSS listeners knew this was Novak so could film Inglourious Basterds for writer-director Quentin Tarantino. Basterds opens this weekend and fans hoping to see their Office hero with lots of screentime will feel a strange sense of deja-vu. Novak is there... but does he say anything? Hardly. It's almost like an episode of The Office where Novak is there in the scene but we're all paying attention to the name actors or leads. Complicating matters is that the crew of "Inglourious Basterds" soldiers of which Novak is a member appear on screen in only a couple of the six chapters of the movie. Nonetheless, do no be afraid of the film's two and a half hour running time, because if you stick through to the end not only will you enjoy an exceptional movie you will, finally..., get to see Novak on the big screen in a big way at the film's conclusion. Novak goes toe to toe with Brad Pitt (effective and hilarious throughout the movie) and German TV star (and future Oscar winner) Christoph Waltz who plays a Nazi Colonel. If you're a fan of BJ Novak, Quentin Tarantino, killing of Nazis, French Cinema, or entertaining dialogue then Inglourious Basterds is a must see.
-- posted at: 3:31pm EST
im confused some people online are saying bjs mean and arrogant in real life like his ryan on the office and im sad as him having a great time watching him in the office and in the very fabolus(dont know who to spell that)inglorious basterds movie. but should I just not pay any attention to them and just enjoy him? email me for answers.
Well.... round about every blog posts online don\'t have much originality as I found on yours.. Just keep updating much useful information ukmethodologydissertation
I saw the movie the other day and LOVED it. I didn\'t realize going in that Tarantino was going to play with history as much as he did, but he did it with his usual style and imagination. I respectfully disagree with Rob above; I thought the movie flew, and it felt like the shortest 2.5 hour movie i\'ve seen. Maybe he was bored by some of the terrible previews we were subjected to . . .
I agree 100% on the previews, as far as the movie itself. The movie for a while, had little to do with the basterds, while the non-basterd part of the movie was good, it wasn\'t why I went to see it. I personally wanted something more like Kill Bill Vol. 1 but with Nazi\'s and BJ Novak. BTW I judge the movie was being too long based on when my butt falls alseep, or how often I have to shift in my chair. During \"The Last Castle\" I didn\'t shift once.
I didn\'t think I\'d see this film because I thought it would be one of those gory revenge Tarantino fests. But I saw it anyway - and it was one of those gory revenge Tarantino fests - and I LOVED it. LOVED. I can see some people getting bored with it. It\'s pretty talkative and it\'s in a few different languages, but I thought it was absorbing, riveting, violent and hilarious.
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