Paul, an assistant Sunday editor for the Boston Globe, sent in these links for a "tour of Scranton" piece that they did with Mindy Kaling back during the convention.

Says Paul:

"At the recent Office Convention, we got Mindy Kaling to show us Scranton -- the only thing is she'd never been there before. It's so funny. Here are the links. Both the story and slide show (which is partly narrated by Mindy) are so fun. We get all her first takes on the Radisson, Steamstown Mall, Poor Richard's ("a bitchin' bar''), Cooper's, and a bunch of other places (Alfredo's Pizza Cafe, University of Scranton etc etc). We also get the lowdown on the local urban legend of where the "real' Dunder Mifflin is.

Here's the LINK to the story, and to the AUDIO SLIDE SHOW (the stuff at Poor Richard's is the best, and you'll never listen to John Mellencamp the same way again)"

Thanks for the links, Paul! The weird thing is, I was IN the food court of the Steamtown Mall when Mindy walked in-- I looked over and did a double-take as she was suddenly a few feet from me, posing next to the Scranton sign.

Category:general -- posted at: 2:37pm EST

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