Sun, 16 March 2008
I just came to say what other people have already said - I\'ve always seen Jim\'s lecturing Kelly as Jim projecting his own problems onto her, and that\'s probably a big part of the reason he\'s so distant from her this episode, trying to accept that it\'s never going to happen (though I also think part of it is his lingering disappointment in her over the internship thing from B&G). Also, for the record - I\'m in my early 20s and appreciated the Airplane reference! Some things are timeless.
i love listening to you guys! i had to go back and watch every episode i missed, and i am glad i did for the retros! as for jim being so stern with kelly, i think it\'s because they are in the same boat (at that point). pam just doesn\'t like him; she isn\'t going for him, and he just has to get over it. that\'s the solution he thinks. he and kelly both are without their preferred company on valentines day.
Thanks for the new podcast! I just listened to it yesterday and it semi-satisfied my Office hunger. I wanted to come in here and comment on the Jim/Kelly conversation but Andy said what I wanted to say. It sounded to me like Jim was telling Kelly something he had been telling himself in order to get over Pam. That scene always really stuck out for me. I can\'t wait for the next podcast! Thanks for doing them because I really do enjoy listening to them.
Matt ~ thanks for another entertaining podcast - worth the wait. :) I hope you\'re feeling all better by now. I just wanted to comment a bit on the Last Comic Standing auditions that were held here in Mpls with Kate and Brian. I was in attendance and had a great evening! I definitely think the \"celebrity judges\" will be featured a bit in the eventual broadcast. They were introduced at the beginning of the show and then made final comments at the end. The entire show was being filmed and included some retakes when the host botched their names...lame. You may even see me in some shots, so you\'ll have to tune in. ;) Hope all is well. Happy Easter!
Hey I finally finished listening to the episode. I heard that you said you weren\'t sure if they were going to address the time skip, but they are. In the the first episode back, Dinner Party, will not adress the time skip because it was written before the strike, but the next episode, Parking, will start addressing the time skip.
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