Tue, 9 December 2008
Hey guys. Appreciate the podcast, but I\'m wondering why its posted or rather it doesn\'t download on iTunes till like Tues the following week? That\'s way too long, I could care less past like saturday. I hope it comes out sooner sometime. Also, the audio is very odd. I don\'t know if you agree. Thanks.
I\'m late in posting but I\'ve been out of town until Tuesday and therefore just finished the podcast. I haven\'t read all of the (lengthy!) posts above because I need to sleep, but I wanted to weigh in on the Pam issue. I don\'t think she \'sold out\' by using her feminine whiles on Michael. He\'s consistently calling her the \'hottest in the office\' and she knows that\'s what he thinks of her, so she was just playing it up to get what she wants. Oscar and Jim do the same thing -- Jim at least knows that Michael\'s dream is to be considered Jim\'s best friend so having him come to lunch is, as you said Matt, his \"best day ever.\" I watched the episode in the Carribean with a bunch of other random Office fans I met (yeah, we totally had an office party in our hotel room. It was awesome.) and we all laughed out loud a lot.
Scott, in addition to what Matt said, another reason we record on Sundays is to be able to watch the episode at least 2-3 times and be able to reflect on it to be able to record the show and analysis. Also, it is no small feat for Matt to edit down the sound clips and all that has to happen before we record.
Much love to you also Mr Crossman (and I guess you too Matt), the podcast continues to be fantastic... ... as to the length of my post, I think I am going to just respond to whatever you guys bring up during your show opening because, (as usual) by the time I got through the podcast, I had a bunch more things to comment on but they have already flew out of my head. btw, if anyone out there has both a netflicks account and an xbox360, I suggest you look into the instant streaming that netflicks offers. the first 4 seasons of the office are on there, so it makes it easy to go to whatever episode you want whenever you want. the rest of the content is pretty much straight from the starz network, so its probably not worth it to join if you dont already have the xbox or the netflicks, but if you do, its pretty cool. ... also, i dont know if we already talked about this before, but i had another Melora Hardin sighting in a terrible movie from years past: LAMBADA!!!!!!!!!
After watching the show twice and now listening to your podcast, I want to go record with my prediction for the series finale which will be based on a line in this episode. I predict that the series finale will involve everyone in the office dying of exposure to either radon or asbetos, \"the silent killers.\" Why else would that line come up? It\'s too good to just be a throw-away line. I know it\'s sick and twisted, but hey, I\'m a HUGE Seinfeld fan so my sense of humor is skewed a bit by the killing of Susan Ross. Who knew that cheap envelopes could be so funny? Now it\'s time for radon and asbestos to take the spotlight! So when the Office is wiped out in season 9, just remember that you heard it here first.
Regarding the \"sexing up\" of Pam: I thought it was notable that her outfit featured no cleavage whatsoever and did include scarves that kind of covered up \"the girls.\" If the \"sexing up\" had included unbuttoning the top part of a blouse, or a switch to a push-up bra, I guess I would see that it would be viewed as more sexist. Thanks for the perspective, Arancia.
Matt, as a woman I had no problem with Pam sexing herself up to influence Michael. None of my female friends who watched did. The 3 women of The Office Alliance podcast thought it was funny as hell and had no problem. It was for comedic effect. Pam was having a lot of fun that day. As you seemed to suspect, you ARE being too PC about it. Pam doesn\'t have to go back to being a mouse. That\'s kind of insulting to women, but I do appreciate you point of view.
After this Ep - I think this season is on the up. Loved Michael being clueless. Even Oscar knows company policy better than him. Happened to be re watching the Client episode from Season 2 when Michael bags the County Account and hits it off with Jan in the euphoria of winning the account. It struck me as strange to watch michael misunderstand \\\'surplus\\\'when he got the account in that episode explaining so cogently how the big chains will undercut them run them out of business and then jack the prices up again. But still it was funny. The JIm and Pam thing was ok. I think the thing I hate the most in a TV show is sameness and repetition. In the Office context I hate it when it follows sitcom conventions. So I liked assertive Pam (which makes sense as she has travelled and achieved things in NY and would feel more self assured) but the thing where she threatens Jim and then he does it back - whilst believable - is boring TV. On the other hand - in a Toby story - Michael challenges Toby in a funny way and then the writers usually dont add a sitom moment comeback at the end of the episode. As for new sexy pam - it kinds makes sense for her to use her new found powers after NY. As a guy - I liked Pam alot more after I saw a certain scene in Blades of Glory.
I haven\'t listened to the podcast yet due to lack of time, but wanted to visit the page to get the feel of the room, so to speak. This episode had some of the funniest moments, and I understand why people loved it. But, I\'m one of those people who don\'t find conflict like this funny. I\'m the kind of person who hates it when Lucy and Ethel fight on \"I Love Lucy\". Conflict works for me on zany shows like Seinfeld or 30 Rock. I didn\'t find Jim and Pam\'s conflict a big deal, but I didn\'t like how they each implemented their tactics. Pam being a sex pot and telling Michael to shake that ass was not only silly, but yes..waaay out of character (why do people get pissed when this is said about her?), and Jim going over the top kissing ass was disappointing. My funeral, I guess. I think I\'m still trying to find something in this show that we\'ve lost a long time ago. Humanity. Realism. I\'m not finding it. Place me in the minority, and I know people will disagree vehemently, but I can\'t shake this...I don\'t like the new Pam.
Been reading about BJ Novak leaving the show! oh my god NOOOOO i LOVE BJ!!!! i love all his storylines and his character.... i\'m so sad that he\'s leaving... but i have one really stupid thing to say: I KNEW IT. i knew BJ was not the main guy behind the show, that guy named Greg Daniels would NEVER willingly get rid of BJ if it weren\'t a situation like this!!!! Damn you to hell, Quentin Tarantino!!!!! anyway i hope he gets written out well, and i have faith in the writers, and i know i sound stupid because everything that\'s been going on with The Office would tell me not to still have faith, but they started the show, so i still have faith.
Guys, I\'ve only listened to the 1st 12 minutes of the podcast so far, but I listen to it in the car and I forget what I wanted to comment about before I finish the whole episode. ... I love Pam just as much this season as I have ever loved her. Her character has developed over the course of the show to the point where she is no longer afraid to say how she feels.I can appreciate how someone would get upset over a nasty microwave (Phylis won\'t even cook popcorn in a microwave that smells like popcorn), and I can understand how she would be willing to fight for new office chair (where she probably spends 90% of her time at the office). Just because shes voicing her opinion doesn\'t make her mean. I would suggest that all the moments that you have pointed out as \"mean Pam\" moments are a direct result of someone coming at her first. She puts Ryan in his place about the microwave after his slimey attempt to get her to clean it. She goes after Oscar about the chairs after he tries to backdoor the office with the copier idea. When she starts \"fluffing\" michael, its a direct reaction to Oscar and Jim taking Michael to lunch (which we dod not see on camera---we only saw Pam\'s buttering up of Michael). The only first strike Pam makes is when she is surprised that Jim won\'t side with her on the copier chair argument (which leads me to my next point). As far as the Pam and Jim \"fight\" goes, anyone who has been in a relationship for longer than 6 months can attest to the disagreements and battles that are fought over the little, stupid things (ala, chairs vs copiers). I like seeing the silly battles between these two that crop up (its in the same vein as Pam letting Jim struggle with the Bday situation in \"Survivor Man\"). Matt, you complained how she and jim are always at odds this season, but I disagree. They havn\'t fought with each other, they have just been fighting the anxieties of being apart and other external forces: 1.Jim gets worked up by Roy about Pam being out on the town by herself and he almost drives to New York. 2.Jim buys a house for Pam (which he knows she will love), but he gets all worked up because of what the other folks in the office say (she eventually loves it). 3.Pam gets upset about failing art school and being away from Jim (Jim supports her even though he is terribly depressed about it). 4.Jim\'s brothers make Pam insecure about art school and Jim comes to her defense. I\'m happy with this episode because it is different from the template that has been used repeatedly this season (and that you guys have been complaining about). needless to say, I thought this was one of the better episodes of the season (although I had a scary week last week when I was aligned with Matt about enjoying \"Frame Toby\".
First post, woo hoo. Kevin- I completely agree with you on both Dwight and Pam. While Dwight\'s heart is in the right place, his \"by any means necessary\" philosophy has once again screwed himself out of love with Angela. This in my mind makes Dwight one of the few truly tragic characters in comedy today. And I am loving Pam\'s new assertiveness and strength. Her transformation from a doormat to a strong woman is equal to Michael\'s transformation from idiot to man. Thanks for pointing it out right off the top. And Matt, go on over to Officetally.com to see about 2 1/2 minutes of \"Moroccan Christmas\". While the plotline may sound cartoonish, the few minutes of material show that we may have another classic Christmas episode. GO PHYLLIS GO!!
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