Tue, 29 September 2009
Hey Matt! You seem bothered that The Office may be repeating some themes they have already visited in previous seasons! All I have to say is, sometimes a little repetition is a good thing! This was another awesome pod cast! Keep up the amazing work! This was another awesome pod cast! Keep up the amazing work! This was another awesome pod cast! Keep up the amazing work! This was another awesome pod cast! Keep up the amazing work! =)
Stanly not getting fired smashing Michael\'s car made more sense to me than all the other situations where staff were not fired. Kelly falsifying customer comments on Jim was workplace fraud. Michael got involved in Stanley\'s personal life which is out-of-bounds. Michael knew he had to take it for the totally inappropriate thing he had done. Stanley\'s behavior was nothing to brag about but it was in his personal life and had nothing to do with the workplace. Michael made it personal by telling Stanley\'s co-workers. Stanley responded in a personal way.
Hey Guys Great you guys are back for more recent episodes. In regards to whether or not we\'re tired of weddings on the show, I have to say no and here\'s why. With Phyllis, she was a side character whose love life we weren\'t interested in. And with Andy/Angela, we always knew it was never going to happen. It was waiting for the inevitable train wreck. But with Jim and Pam, we\'ve had an emotional investment in them over the course of the run of the series. There are people who watch the show for them and them alone. So if the show were to skip over their wedding, the wrath of the fans would be unparalleled.
great podcast as always ya\'ll! Gotta say thumbs down on the cold open of Michael asking Oscar for \"advice\" - seemed too obvious and pretty tacky to me. So there\'s one more vote on a topic ya\'ll disagreed on. Other than that I think the first two were real solid episodes!
Hi guys! Welcome back...defintely loved hearing your thoughts about the episodes. It was even more interesting to hear the two of you disagree on different aspects of the show. It brings a greater sense of objectivity towards the show On the topic of Pam\'s bitchiness...did you think her attitude was bitchy, or the fact that she was inviting co-workers that she did not really want at her wedding? I\'m more inclined to defend the latter. As someone who is in the process of planning a wedding, choosing who to invite and who not to invite is often an ugly semi-political process. Like Jim & Pam, my fiancee and I met at work, and there are some people from that job we would love to see at our wedding, whereas we are more indifferent towards others, and some, we just have no inclination towards inviting. Nevertheless, given the usual hierarchy there is at an office, this also means that we would be ruffling a few feathers here and there, and some feelings might be hurt. Bah...wedding planning is the biggest advertisement for eloping!
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