I'm not going to get into my thoughts on the finale until we do the podcast, but I've seen this crop up in various blog postings and forums and thought it was worth asking:

Has THE OFFICE jumped the shark with the JAM plotline in the finale?

According to Wikipedia, "jumping the shark" is "a colloquialism coined by Jon Hein and used by TV critics and fans to denote the point in a TV show or movie series' history where the plot veers off into absurd story lines or out-of-the-ordinary characterizations. This usually corresponds to the point where a show with falling ratings apparently becomes more desperate to draw viewers in. In the process of undergoing these changes, the TV or movie series loses its original appeal. Shows that have "jumped the shark" are typically deemed to have passed their peak."


One of the "signs" of JTS, according to the site is:

Birth, when a new baby is added to a show's cast (and often unnaturally aged to a preschooler the season following the birth), sometimes to accommodate an actress's real-life pregnancy but usually for the same reasons a New kid in town might otherwise be brought in. (Ex: Malcolm in the Middle and the introduction of Jamie)

Of course, another one of the JTS "signs" is also:

They did it, in which two main characters have sex, particularly if their sexual tension was deemed part of the show's appeal. (Ex: Who's The Boss? or I Dream of Jeannie)


But I think many people agree that the writers managed to keep the show afloat despite having JAM officially hook up.  CAN they do it again with this pregnancy plot?  Do you actually look forward to a Mini-Halpert on the show? How do you think this will play out? Will they dare pull a "miscarriage" plot of some sort?

Give us your opinions below and we'll definitely reference them in  TWSS #72!

Category:general -- posted at: 12:09pm EST

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