1) In strike news -- Things are NOT looking good.  The latest round of negotiations have broken down, and both sides are pretty much back where they started from (i.e. the studios say the WGA is being ridiculous, the WGA says the opposite, and the head of the "below the line" workers union slams the WGA).  Read more HERE, and go HERE for the WGA side of the story.

Apparently, according to the WGA and other Hollywood insiders, the studios never had any intention of making a deal and have, in fact, hired a high priced PR attack firm (known in political circles as "the masters of disaster") that has "a reputation for hardball tactics in damage control and inflicting damage on opponents." Supposedly these guys cost $100,000 a month.  Asks the WGA: why hire a PR firm if you actually plan on making a deal?  Good question.

2) According to UK gossip site Showbiz Spy, Ricky Gervais is ready and willing to do a cameo on the US version of THE OFFICE.

3) The Hollywood Reporter also gave some juicy details about Judd Apatow's next film project, YEAR ONE (a comedy set in biblical times).  The cast includes Jack Black, Michael Cera, Christopher "McLovin" Mintz-Plasse, Oliver Platt, and David Cross, with Harold Ramis slated to direct.

The connection to THE OFFICE?  The script was penned by Office writers (and Vance Refrigeration employees) Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky.  Filming is set to begin in January.

4) Jenna Fischer is looking to go "indy" -- while talking to MTV, Jenna said: “I’m developing a film. I guess this is what actors do, right? You go and you get a writing partner and you produce your own film, so that’s what I’m doing ... I have a writer who’s working with me, and we’re writing a little indie comedy — a real ensemble comedy.?

Funny thing was, this story originally misquoted Fisher, saying that she was going to be "naked" and the film would feature lots of "boobies."  Turns out she was referring to the cleavage-filled "Walk Hard" (where she remains fully clothed) and NOT this new project.

5) Oh yeah... the next episode of TWSS will be up next week.  We were going to record this weekend, but I've got  a lot to work to do and since Kevin will be attending a special screening of "Walk Hard," I figured we might as well wait for his review. 

Look for the retro episode of season one's "Health Care" on WEDNESDAY next week.

Category:general -- posted at: 1:04pm EST

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