Dwight returns to Tallahassee and competes with Todd Packer (David Koechner) to impress the president of Sabre's special projects, Nellie Bertram (Catherine Tate). Meanwhile, in Scranton, Andy dodges requests by the staff for raises

Director and writer: TBA


Urgh. The return of Nellie, a character that I HATED when she was introduced during last season's "Search Committee." Thankfully the show went with Robert California as the office manager, but like a bad dream they just can't let go of Catherine Tate and the extremely annoying character of Nellie.  Perhaps we'll see a "new" Nellie who might not be so bad. We'll see...

 - TWSS Kevin

Category:general -- posted at: 12:07pm EST

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That's What She Said is a weekly podcast dedicated to NBC's Emmy Award winning show The Office. Every episode of TWSS includes TV episode clips and commentary, news, reports on upcoming media appearances of the cast, a selection of podsafe music, and much more. If you have a news item, piece of gossip, comment, constructive compliment, or are interested in promotional cooperation, please contact us:

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Kevin Crossman, co-host

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