Thu, 7 October 2010
From Wikipedia: ANDY'S PLAY | 10.7.10 Andy invites the entire office to his community theater production of Sweeney Todd in hopes that Erin will attend. Michael tries to put his jealousy aside and enjoy the performance while Jim and Pam struggle with their incompetent babysitter. ---------- As always, leave your comments below. Be sure to join Kevin and me in the TWSS Chatroom during and after the show (just hit that green "Chat Now" button on the right sidebar).
-- posted at: 3:12pm EST
The Office may be more like The Dating Game now than a slice-of-life comedy about corporate life, but it is working this season (so far), so I dont care. Michael is growing up! He showed both self-awareness (I have no filter) and self-control, stopping himself from an easy thats what she said, and trying oh so hard to put Andys big night ahead of his own pathological need for the spotlight. He wasnt 100% successful, but it was a treat to see him making an effort to be a grownup. The Andy and Erin plotline may be pointless after all the JAM years, but I loved Andy in this episode. He was a good mix of hope and melancholy, which I found very sweet and appealing. I wish that Erin would brain up a bit, though. Ditzy is one thing, but her IQ seems to be hovering dangerously close to the single digits. Gripes: Whats with the blatant iPad product placement? And whats with Jim and Pam and alcohol in the car with the baby? It is so wrong -- Irish Cream and Orange Juice should never be in the same sentence. Bleech!
This is the first Office episode in a long time that I watched and then immediately watched again. (Thank you DVR!) And this was one of those perfect Michael episodes which makes me very sad for next season. ps. Matt, if you hated it I will still enjoy the podcast, but I really hope you loved it. :)
Great episode. Andy speaking with a cockney accent two weeks in a row is a winner for me. I guess Angela is trying to blue ball Dwight into submission. Why were Jim and Pam sitting in their car with open container and a baby? I guess they were gettin' there buzz on. A petulant Michael is comedy gold. It was nice to see Darrel explaining theater to Michael. Creed's review was spot on. (Paragraph)I thought Ryan, with his anti-psychiatrist/establishment rants, would be more of a Luddite and not own an iPad. WTF, TWSS?
Best and fave ep of the season so far. As a drama nerd and a SWEENEY TODD fan, this was so true and so funny. Could not stop laughing when Andy's cell phone went off. All the sub-plots worked in that understated, slice of life way, and Angela surprisingly cleans up nicely. While I always watch all the eps over and over again, this one I feel will be one I come back to even moreso than others. I can see this one becoming one of the all time favorite eps of the entire series for me.