Thu, 23 October 2008
CRIME AID | 10.23.2008 | 9/8c TV-PG
STARS - Michael (Golden Globe winner Steve Carell) helps Pam (Jenna
Fischer) get a part time job at corporate so she can afford to go to
art school. Michael and Holly (guest star Amy Ryan) get an early start
at the office on their date night. After the office gets robbed,
Michael decides to hold an auction to raise money for all the items
lost. Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski, B.J. Novak, Ed Helms, Leslie David
Baker, Brian Baumgartner, Kate Flannery, Mindy Kaling, Angela Kinsey,
Oscar Nunez, Creed Bratton and Craig Robinson also star.
---------------------- As always, leave your comments below and join Kevin & me in the TWSS chat room during and after the episode. EDIT: Frigging NBC! I'm watching My Name Is Earl, and they played a promo for the OFFICE giving away a MAJOR spoiler... at least it was a spoiler to me. Bastards. EDIT 2: Go HERE to see Andy and Angela's wedding announcement, and HERE to download a PDF copy of Michael's C.R.I.M.E. A.I.D. flyer.
-- posted at: 5:49pm EST
Poor, poor Jim. He\'s being tricked into becoming Roy! I severely hope he continues to make the choice in letting Pam have a life outside of him. Sure, they still need to strike the right balance or else things will indeed go in the crapper, but there is time to right that ship. As for Michael and Holly, I\'m calling it here: she\'s getting transferred by corporate due to her inappropriate relationship while in the capacity of human resources coordinator. I don\'t think Holly and Michael will break up, but I foresee a reversal in the long distance relationships on the show. Pam comes home, Holly leaves. This opens the door for more Holly appearances whenever Amy Ryan is available to make the visit. Albany branch, perhaps?
this is a little off topic, but I was just watching the Rocketeer (1991)with my daughter and I happened to see MELORA HARDIN playing the \"south seas club singer\" (per IMDB) about halfway through the movie. . . and I thought she was tasty on the office . . . . . . and she sings a lot better in the movie . . .
Speaking of the deleted scenes, is anyone else having trouble hearing them? I\'ve got the volume, both on the website and on my computer, cranked up to the max, but I can barely make out what Michael and Jim are saying. Of course, the commercial they play BEFORE the deleted scene, THAT I can hear just fine...
I liked Holly. She is better than sour puss Pam ever was. She will prob play out as the weirdo of the group...and a sleaze. I liked her scenes with Michael and her Yoda impression. Funny! Why in all Jim\'s wisdom though, would he not know that Pam is cheating on him already in the big city? Isn\'t he smarter than that? I mean, it\'s totally obvious!
I think the shows over the past couple seasons have been up and down a little, but I think this was a classic Office episode. The bit with turning the microphone \"down\" was great. Michael thinking Huey Lewis was Bruce - Classic Michael. The office relationships are all great stories and in full force: Jim & Pam, Michael & Holly, Dwight & Angela. I also like the re-introduction of Roy. I don\'t know if he will be on in the future, but when ever he is on the screen, for me, there is a tension of \"what is going to happen next\" that I love.
>Matt and Kevin... if i don\'t hear an outtake of some huey >singing on this next \'cast, i\'m taking my ball and going home. Well, you know that Huey Lewis did the theme song for Back to the Future, so maybe this could tide those fans of Matt\'s famous Marty McFly impression over for a while. It\'s the power of love!
FINALLY got to see the episode. Andy, I totally agree with you about David Wallace. Michael did choose Dunder Mifflin over Jan in the whole sewing thing so maybe he felt a little bit in Michael\'s debt when he heard about the auction. (And Bess, I agree with you that he is hot and therefore always welcome onscreen.) I also agree with Kelly that it\'s time for Pam to come back! Hooray for Jim for turning around and not letting Roy\'s obvious jealousy leak into his mind -- for too long anyway. I was thinking, and it\'s possible that Roy did know about the engagement. Jim offered up the information on his own and the way it was played on Roy\'s part led me to believe that he did know but wanted to hear it from Jim. In my opinion, he showed up at the bar in order to sabotage the relationship by casting doubt. It sounds very soap opera, but it\'s not really. It happens all the time between \'rivals\' in real life. Overall, I liked the episode a lot and the first deleted scene was awesome. I hope Pam wins and they watch Cranford after all. Though Battlestar Gallactica wouldn\'t be bad either . . .
It\'s truly amazing to see so many posters here that have seemingly never posted in this forum before. I wonder why that is? But we can act calmly & rationally if we choose to be and not knock someone for having a different opinion. Different ≠ wrong, better/worse. Different = different. Just my 2¢
posted by: Anna to the Infinite Power on 2008-10-24 16:11:00
I am not totally sold on this being the funniest season ever, but I like the surprises that keep popping up (that\'s what she said): the JAM proposal, Roy, Hank, Bob Vance and Wallace coming back, Dwight bidding on Phylis\'s hug, etc. And of course, a little Huey Lewis and the News never hurts either.
Meredith was drinking in the background again at the auction. I don\'t know why I always notice that, but it\'s becoming a \'where\'s Waldo\' in every episode. I loved Creed saying he was \"all inclusive\" as an aution item. I love him because he is downright disturbing!
What a great episode! I was so happy with Jim\'s decision to turn around last night. As someone who has dated \"that guy\", I think it\'s great that he realized he trusts Pam and loves her enough to give her space in NY. BUT it\'s time for Pam to come back to Scranton already!
Matt, My point about the conflict of interest is that I don\'t think a \"love contract\" would be enough to settle things. It doesn\'t matter if they sign the right waivers, because the relationship between the H.R. rep and the regional manager interferes with the H.R. rep\'s job in a way that can\'t be solved with a waiver of rights. Maybe you\'re right that Wallace will give Michael an ultimatum, but my guess is that the pressure is going to come down directly on Holly to transfer out or resign, rather than on Michael to make the decision.
Got a lot of belly laughs out of this one, and some feel good moments too. And two major disappointments. One is that there is still no Ryan confrontation. In a time when people are enraged over corporate misconduct that\'s left us holding the bag, it would be a great, cathartic moment for someone to lose it with Ryan -- Jan, David Wallace, anyone! Second-not getting to actually see a date between Michael and Holly...just the sounds of them fumbling behind closed doors. That being said, this episode was satisfying overall. Some laugh-out-loud moments: Dwight telling Angela \"You can say goodbye to this!\" (pointing to his crotch.) Michael\'s list of Springsteen songs - including \"Short People\" MIchael\'s hilarious auctioneering -bidding up Holly\'s yoga lesson higher and higher, even though no one was bidding. Darryl\'s clever way of getting out of the night - auctioning off a night of drinking with he and the warehouse crew, starting immediately -and jumping on Jim\'s bid of five dollars. Creed\'s auction item-himself, all inclusive. Michael telling people they have to stop storming off the stage- after Kevin fails to get a single bid for doing taxes. (Even that\'s what he does for the company!) Hah! Feel good moments - Jim turning around. Michael and Holly\'s sweet way of joking around with each other. Dwight realizing that Phyliss was helping him, so he bid up her hug. Bob Vance winning the hug at $1000.00. And I see that Michael has again begun saying \'That\'s what she said!\"-after he says, it squeaks when you bang it (about the toy hammer). The drought is over! And as far as characters being killed off? Um, no thanks. I can see that on Dexter, CSI and any soap opera -- or edgy animated comedy like South Park. Can we have a mayhem free zone in situation comedy?
This episode had me yawning. It wasn\'t awful, but it felt a little forced. I think the only times I laughed were the squeaky gavel, Creed taking on the identity of Creed who stole from him, and Dwight still being mean to Phyllis when she was trying to help him. I did like the semi-redemption of Dwight, after the past few episodes of him being a creepy jerk. And I\'m not talking about him bidding on Phyllis\'s hug, I mean him trying to win Angela back because he loves her, not just shagging her secretly. Oh and David Wallace is hot so I definitely enjoyed seeing him :)
TWSS MATT, I love\'re adorable and smart and if you were gay, I\'d call you my pocket gay. Anyways, the verdict is still out on both this season and Holly. Thus far, it\'s a pretty tame season, no major backstabbing or juicy storylines, but it always gets better after the Christmas break. I\'m hoping there\'s more to Phyllis than tears and a higher percentage of body fat, because thus far, her strategy as party planner queen is just odd. Not a fan of Jim and I find his \"accent\" is making fewer and fewer appearances during his cocky talking head interviews. Can\'t stand Creed, he\'s entertaining, but he\'s just not a good guy. I can\'t root for someone who is downright disturbing. Hoping that Andy, Darryl, and Kevin make it to season 7 and that we get to see more of them.
The show has two good things on it at the moment. It has Michael being a awesome again, which is awesome. Dwight is riding the line between being a good bad guy and a bad good guy, which is the most interesting thing on the show right now. But those are the best things about the show at the moment, for me. I completely agree with killing off a few characters. I was kind of excited when I thought Toby was going to die. Toby\'s character is annoying and serves no purpose anymore. Same with Andy, his purpose on the show is somewhat convoluted right now and I wouldn\'t mind him getting the axe (though he is hot...). And I think there needs to be a major retooling of the character of Oscar. He\'s a whiny little boy now and is nothing like the guy we met in the first season. There is no hope for Philis; she was lost to me in the first season. Here\'s an idea, kill off Holly and bring back Jan as Regional Manager again! We only need one blond on the show, and she is the more awesome of the two.
Let me be clear.... When I say kill off characters, I literally mean death, not just letting them go. Curb Your Enthusiasm and Arrested Development would have no problem with murder and dismemberment mixed in with their comedy. This isn\'t Cosby time anymore, folks. Comedy has changed in the 21st century, and horror can be quite funny! Imagine the watercooler effect if Andy fell into the bailer.
Matt, You\'ve been pushing Michael and Holly to get together ever since the end of last season. Didn\'t you realize that it would mean the end of Holly? Holly is the sole H.R. rep at the branch. There\'s no way she can be dating Michael and keep her job. The No. 1 most important role for an H.R. rep is to mediate between management and employees. This is an insurmountable conflict of interest.
Hehehe.. You bang it and it squeaks... The Wallace situation seemed way contrived, I totally agree with Cindy. B.J. Novak is currently stealing paychecks from NBC. The Roy return stunned me. But Jim hopping in his car only to turn around and declare, \"We\'re not that couple,\" is such a waste of a C plotline it\'s not even funny. Man oh man, these writers have been reading this blog, they\'ve decided the happy couple shall remain happy, no matter how mind-numbingly boring it gets. Why was Dwight willing to spend $700.01 on a hug from Phyllis? Because he realized she wasn\'t being selfish? Whatever. Hank and Daryl were the best parts of this dissatisfying episode.
I stand corrected, the best part of this episode is the first deleted scene in which Michael plays the role of Sbarro Corleone. The deleted scene also includes an actually realistic Jam moment, of course, it completely blows the baby shower jam premise right out of the water...
I absolutely LOVED this episode. I thought the whole idea of an auction in an office warehouse was totally realistic. I just wished more community members would have come, twas a perfect oppurtunity for the other building mates to come and show their support. The \"thats what she said\" with the gavel had me rolling on the floor laughing forever. I especially loved the end when dwight took the hug bid up to 1000$. Was this as a thank you to phyills? Or a slap in the face to bob vance vance refrigeration?
I don\'t know you guys; i loved this episode and I had a bunch of LOL moments: \"you\'re making an knife with a knife??, the $5 beer auction, the microphone gag, the sparkly confetti filled \"save-the-date\" any awkward sex conversation between michael and holly, etc.) I guess I (like K Crossman) am not above the cheap \"golden shower\" laugh . . . I thought this episode was well put together, and I think some of you are being a little nit-picky. Cindy mentioned the unlikelyhood of david wallace coming to the office. Putting him in the episode was an obvious device to get him to witness the Michael/Holly romance, but I wouldn\'t say it is inconsistent with his character. The branch was just ransacked by burglars (not robbers for any of you legal savvy folks) and many of his employees lost valuable property. I find it believable that he would make a visit to the branch to show support. The writers have never written him as anything but a stand up nice guy. and who\'s to say that roy should know about the engagement. he obviously hangs out with daryll and the dock guys still (isn\'t that why he showed up at the bar), but they just announced the engagement last episode. Sure kelly is a giant, nosy gossip, but its been made pretty clear that darryl isnt with her for the conversation. . . or maybe roy was just playing dumb, and he was trying to make jim feel insecure. I really enjoyed this episode from top to bottom. i thought the pace was good, i got plenty of laughs mixed in with some fantastic awkward moments. Of course there was so much crammed into this thing that there was no room for Pam again, so I was disappointed by that. It was kind of lame that \"Mike gets Pam a job at corporate\" was a plot point in the synopsis, but it took all of 30 seconds in the cold open and was gone. But somethings got to give when there is so much going on. I\'ll bet that once the Holly is given the boot, the show will refocus on PB&j a little bit. and like Angel last week: troy???WTF?!?!?! you havent really watched the show, you think its real (or some sort of real, i couldn\'t decipher what you meant), and yet you still have time to write about it on a website. I don\'t get it.
Hey Matt I think I\'ll have to see this episode a few more times for it to sink in and to form a real opinion once again. Right now, I\'m very middle-of-the-road in terms of this episode. Very heavy on overall plot, but not that many laughs. Michael\'s call to Pam and his back and forth argument in the conference room were the only times I really smiled and laughed. Dwight\'s plotline was interesting in seeing Phyllis and Dwight interact (I loved how Angela introduced him to monotheism. Did he worship Roman or Greek gods before Angela?), and I wish we could have seen a bit more of Roy in a \"what has he been doing\' kind of way. It seemed a bit strange after the visceral gut level reactions I had with \"Baby Shower\" to see an episode so muted. It felt more like a half hour drama than a comedy.
As someone who has survived a 5-year long distance romance, the PB&J scenes really hit home for me. My fiancee and I have had moments like last week where days go by where we don\'t seem to connect quite well, yet a single phone call can make all the difference. And I\'ve definitely had my share of moments like tonight, where my pondering mind goes to areas I wouldn\'t like to admit, yet cooler rational minds finally prevail. Fortunately, we survived the long-distance portion and are happily engaged and living together. If we can make it, I\'m definitely hopeful PB&J can make it. I just hope they don\'t take nearly as long as we did. I want to see a happy PB&J.
Oh man... where to start! I, like you Matt, was really holding out for the Michael/Holly moment, but I have to say the much anticipated kiss was disappointingly lackluster. The first scene with the keys & microphones seemed very forced to me and reminded me of the Michael/Jan bathroom scene @ the David Wallace party. I was very uncomfortable, although the last scene when they kissed in the warehouse was cute. Speaking of David Wallace... do you really think he would have stepped down from on-high to participate in the stupid auction? I seriously doubt it. And do you think he will do anything about the Michael/Holly kiss? Are we heading for another love contract or have they since revised the policy on interoffice relationships as a result of Jan/Michael\'s former relationship? Rambling a little... but perhaps Jan won her lawsuit which would explain the $1,200 stroller? Then there\'s Ryan... he\'s had a number of opportunities for interaction with not only Jan, but now David Wallace, and other than the little uncomfortable shot of Ryan when David walked in, they robbed us of any kind of confrontation. I want to see something happen with that. Now onto the Jim/Roy confrontation. Let\'s rewind back to The Negotiation episode. Didn\'t Darryl say he was going to send a picture of Michael\'s woman suit to Roy? Wouldn\'t you assume they still hang out? Is Darryl still with Kelly? I mean... wouldn\'t you assume that Kelly would go running to Darryl with the new gossip about Jim & Pam\'s engagement? I\'m pretty sure in real life Darryl would have been right on the horn with Roy. So, how did Phyllis know about Dwight & Angela\'s liasions? Did I miss something there? Regardless, I\'m glad Dwight is ready to do something about Angela\'s engagement to Andy. I\'m disappointed that Angela didn\'t do anything prior to the 6:14 PM deadline, but I think there\'s still a chance. And finally... let me just say, I\'m disappointed that Jim turned around. Not that I think he needed to go check on Pam, but I really feel like we\'re missing out on something by not seeing them together. Keep up the good work guys! Love the show!
After last weeks \"God Awful\" and after reviewing it a 2nd time it was not total waste, so I did not have hope for this week and was pleasantly surprised with a fairly enjoyable episode. Liked Michael getting more comfortable with Holly...Soo much here...Pam and Jim, Roy returns, Dwight vs Andy for Angela and getting Mother Gooses advice. David Wallace will can Holly within 3 episodes. Very satisfied overall Creed had a good line about being self aware and dissappear.
I\'m feeling it tonight, believe me, and I\'m freaking Canadian! I structure my evening around the wonderful Office and 30 Rock; I sit, literally for hours, curled up on my sofa with my Macbook, fiddling with fansites such as this one, envisioning scenario after scenario that will put me in a position to actually meet some of the people on the show. It\'s bordering on obsession. For a while there I wanted nothing more than to be put in a drug-induced coma until Thursdays. But then... the wheels started falling off the Dwight and Angela romance! Watching smears and lies of Ryan got me in a funk. But now that Dwangela they are secretly hooking up... sort of makes me feel...alive! GREAT SHOW TONIGHT!!!!!!
I wasn\'t a big fan before, and this season I just cannot get into it. This entire show idea was taken from a British documentary and there you had real normal people in an office situation, and the boss was working for his dream of a music career. I cannot get into a show about alcoholics, perverts, weirdos, and negative stereotypical christian women, albeit funny in some cases, coming on TV to become famous. I mean....really? Will I be sad if Amy Ryan leaves the show to go back to The Wire? NO.
Troy... um... the show is a comedy, *not* a documentary (a \"mockumentary\" if you will). If you don\'t like the show that\'s fine. But let\'s not say that crazy characters can never be funny on TV. Jerry Seinfeld has a hundred million ways to prove that theory wrong.
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