Thu, 16 April 2009
Heavy Competition ![]() The bizarre bond between Dwight and Michael faces a great challenge when Dwight begins to regard bigwig Charles (Idris Elba) as his newest hero. Meanwhile, Andy comes to Jim's emotional rescue. -------- Matt is sipping margaritas in Mexico but Kevin will be in the TWSS chatroom during the show during the West Coast airing. Just click the green "Join the TWSS Chat" button.
-- posted at: 10:24am EST
I just don\'t understand it, earlier this season complaints from the podcast were that things were too cartoonish. Fast forward and somehow this insane plotline of Michael quitting, starting his own company (in this economic environment), getting office space in a janitor\'s closet in the same building as Dunder mifflin (after begging Billy on the phone, the guy he\'s repeatedly offended because of his wheelchair/handicap) works?!?! Right now, this season is the worst of the five upon first viewing and is coming dangerously close to jump the shark territory for me. I say on first viewing because I wasn\'t a fan of some of Seasons 3&4 but upon rewatching on DVD, I appreciated them more. I hope I eventually feel the same way with this season, but I don\'t know.
I loved this episode. I had feared that this season was going to be the last as I was not that impressed with the quality (prince fam paper, lecture circuit etc) although, sorry guys, I loved Stress Relief. The season didn\'t seem to be going anywhere and was too much about ongoing storylines rather than stand-alone comedy like earlier seasons, it was almost starting to feel like a soap opera. But it seems to be climbing to a really great climax & the last few episodes have gotten better & better. Having gone back to watch season 3 again it followed a similar path. Some things this season have bothered me though, like the Dwight, Andy & Angela story - how could it just end like that? The animosity would be so bad that the 3 could never work together again, I know they tried to cover it in the last ep with D & A being friendly but it seems such a loose end. I\'m in Australia & the show never aired after disasterous season 1 ratings so I have to download each week on itunes which means I get to watch each episode a few times & usually find them funnier each time. My whole family loves the show and every time someone makes a comment there\'s usually a \"That\'s what she said\" straight after. My oldest son is hoping for a Dwight bobble-head for his 16th birthday next month - hope NBC ships to Australia. Keep up the great work on the podcast.
Holy mother of god! I think the writers are just coming up with excuses to have Rain Wilson take his clothes off. I\'ll have nightmares for weeks! This episode was ok, but not all that many groundbreaking jokes. But Jim\'s prank on Andy...I almost cried. It was hilarious and reminded me of season 3. And the way Jim talked to Any at the end. It was so sweet. But I also have talked about it in many chat rooms and well, they all thought it was just mean. I don\'t agree. Andy needs to get over Angela. She broke his heart, but they were never meant to be. Oh, and from the looks of it Andy needs to go back to anger management.
Just finished watching (FINALLY! Busy season at work can end now. Please?) and I agree with most of you on here -- this is a fantastic story line. Garu, I think when Dwight made his comment about how nobody cared about the dress code before he could have easily added in his head, \"Except me.\" (Thus, his memo) However, the thing that confuses me is his insistance that Jim wear long sleeves. Maybe it was just to annoy Jim. Speaking of Jim. I love, love, LOVED that Jim\'s prank on Andy turned around like that. Brilliant. O.k. very tired. Will stop tying before I write something totally stupid. Hope you had a good trip, Matt!
I know I\'m in the extreme minority here, but I just didn\'t like this one. For one, Jim\'s prank was mean, not funny. It had the feel of getting someone back for a personal offense, rather than playing a practical joke. You don\'t see much about Andy\'s heartbreak, but every once in a while (like the episode where he asks Stanley\'s client out), you see how much the Angela situation hurt him. Of COURSE he\'s expressing those opinions about Jim and Pam...he\'s projecting, and he wants a partner in misery. Jim was just being a jerk, and I thought it was somewhat out of character. Also, I feel like the whole MSPC plotline is a little too contrived...even for The Office. Really, bringing Ryan back (who is a total tool and has made really ridiculous character changes since the first two seasons) and putting the company in the Scranton Office Park is just too much. Besides, we know they\'re going to have to merge the companies in some way, so it\'s not exactly suspenseful. I\'ve been a huge fan since the beginning and I still love the show. But this season has been really up and down for me.
This blew the entire rest of the season out of the water, I know Ryan Koh wrote this, I\'m curious if this was his first episode because I don\'t ever recall hearing of him before. Any how, I\'ve got no complaints, well i\'ve got one, well it\'s more of an observation, I know most everyone hated Charles riding Jim, but I was somewhat a fan of it, and it seemed al little odd that he didn\'t say anything to Jim about messing with Andy, it seems as though they just dropped this dynamic without reason, but like I said I\'m not really upset by it. Dwight had some classic lines here too, \"Spinmove!\" and \"oh look everone we\'re making observations now, you have bad skin!\". I also loved it when he changed shirts, just to get in the zone. The Michael vs. Dwight dynamic is great, I hope they continue it. I also loved Pam and Ryan telling Michael what the phone conversations were about via the legal pad. I think it\'s good that we finally get to see why Michael was so successful at Dunder Mifflin, he\'s got great people skills when it comes to being a salesmen, if only I\'d could transfer to his personal life.
Yeah, I agree with you Matt, I am a big fan of this episode. The cold open was great (though I don\'t even want to think about how long it took them to shoot it.), loved seeing the return of the pranking Jim rather than pathetic lame-o Jim. The Dwight and Michael plot I thought was genius, again, nice to see salesman Michael rather than pathetic Michael. Also I liked the pay off with the code, and I thought the end scene with the cheese puffs was nice.
Can anyone tell me why Dwight stopped to change his shirt when he was racing to interrupt Michael\'s meeting towards the end? Was it because he can\'t run in long sleeves? Also, I thought it was weird that Dwight was commenting that previously no one cared about how people dressed at work when he was the one who put out the memo very recently about the dress code! Otherwise, a awesome, perfect episode! Matt, did you watch it in Spanish in Mexico??
\"Heavy Competition\"--This episode is yet another example of the Season Five\'s heavy reliance on character-driven, as opposed to situation-driven comedy. Don\'t get me wrong--I love the characters--but I more love the show\'s portrayals of office life everyone can relate to. The show has slipped from being a really funny show, to a really good show
Welcome back to the USA Matt! How was the lemon-ya-day? I\'ve been quiet for a while. I\'m not a ranter and I haven\'t had much good to say for a while. I\'m happy to say that The Michael Scott Paper Co. has been the best thing to happen to this show in a long time. The last 4 eps have had me laughing consistently. I can\'t remember a good run like that since season 2. 2 minor quibbles: Rainn takes his clothes off again? Still not funny, please stop. Could have done without the balloon of pee thing too. The crazy is working for MSPC and I like it.
I really enjoyed this episode I think that if you look back at Prince Family Paper you can defiantly see the roots of Dwight\'s betrayal to Michael. And the Jim/Andy plot line was a really good way for Jim to call out some of the fans who think that Pam\'s recent job change was going to have a bad effect on their relationship. And the payoff with the code on the back of cards.
They have hit a home run with this episode!!! I love the 2 separate story lines, Michael shows why he is the great salesman and if \"The Michael Scott Paper Co.\" keeps taking the big fish clients away from Dunder Mifflin, we will see Wallis BEG to have him back..... It also seems that Charles is taking his time trying to fill Michael\'s job... I can\'t wait for next week!
This episode was FANTASTIC! Starting with a simple, yet brilliant cold open. I like that it was traditional season 2 funny; not overdone, ridiculous comedy like it has been recently. Physical comedy in this episode in general was great, especially with Jim. And I like that we\'re back to classic Jim who messes with his coworkers, rather than the Jim we\'ve been seeing these past few episodes who is honestly just an asshole. I couldn\'t believe what a traitor Dwight was, and I\'m glad Michael triumphed! Go MSPC! And two thumbs up for Ryan Koh, I can\'t wait for more from him!
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